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Created December 1, 2016 16:38
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- (NSArray*)adjustLayoutForOverlappingCells:(NSArray*)attributes inSection:(NSUInteger)section
const CGFloat kOverlapOffset = 4.;
// sort layout attributes by frame y-position
NSArray *adjustedAttributes = [attributes sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *att1, MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *att2) {
if (att1.frame.origin.y > att2.frame.origin.y) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
else if (att1.frame.origin.y < att2.frame.origin.y) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedSame;
if (self.coveringType == TimedEventCoveringTypeClassic) {
// for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < adjustedAttributes.count; i++) {
// MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attribs1 = [adjustedAttributes objectAtIndex:i];
// NSMutableArray *layoutGroup = [NSMutableArray array];
// [layoutGroup addObject:attribs1];
// NSMutableArray *coveredLayoutAttributes = [NSMutableArray array];
// // iterate previous frames (i.e with highest or equal y-pos)
// for (NSInteger j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
// MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attribs2 = [adjustedAttributes objectAtIndex:j];
// if (CGRectIntersectsRect(attribs1.frame, attribs2.frame)) {
// CGFloat visibleHeight = fabs(attribs1.frame.origin.y - attribs2.frame.origin.y);
// if (visibleHeight > self.minimumVisibleHeight) {
// [coveredLayoutAttributes addObject:attribs2];
// attribs2.visibleHeight = visibleHeight;
// attribs1.zIndex = attribs2.zIndex + 1;
// }
// else {
// [layoutGroup addObject:attribs2];
// }
// }
// }
// // now, distribute elements in layout group
// CGFloat groupOffset = 0;
// if (coveredLayoutAttributes.count > 0) {
// BOOL lookForEmptySlot = YES;
// NSUInteger slotNumber = 0;
// CGFloat offset = 0;
// while (lookForEmptySlot) {
// offset = slotNumber * kOverlapOffset;
// lookForEmptySlot = NO;
// for (MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attribs in coveredLayoutAttributes) {
// if (attribs.frame.origin.x - section * self.dayColumnSize.width == offset) {
// lookForEmptySlot = YES;
// break;
// }
// }
// slotNumber += 1;
// }
// groupOffset += offset;
// }
// CGFloat totalWidth = (self.dayColumnSize.width - 1.) - groupOffset;
// CGFloat colWidth = totalWidth / layoutGroup.count;
// CGFloat x = section * self.dayColumnSize.width + groupOffset;
// for (MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes* attribs in [layoutGroup reverseObjectEnumerator]) {
// attribs.frame = MGCAlignedRectMake(x, attribs.frame.origin.y, colWidth, attribs.frame.size.height);
// x += colWidth;
// }
// }
// return adjustedAttributes;
} else if (self.coveringType == TimedEventCoveringTypeComplex) {
// Create clusters - groups of rectangles which don't have common parts with other groups
NSMutableArray *uninspectedAttributes = [adjustedAttributes mutableCopy];
NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *> *clusters = [NSMutableArray new];
while (uninspectedAttributes.count > 0) {
MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attrib = [uninspectedAttributes firstObject];
NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *destinationCluster;
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *cluster in clusters) {
for (MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *clusteredAttrib in cluster) {
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(clusteredAttrib.frame, attrib.frame)) {
destinationCluster = cluster;
if (destinationCluster) {
[destinationCluster addObject:attrib];
} else {
NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *cluster = [NSMutableArray new];
[cluster addObject:attrib];
[clusters addObject:cluster];
[uninspectedAttributes removeObject:attrib];
// Distribute rectangles evenly in clusters
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *cluster in clusters) {
[self expandCellsToMaxWidthInCluster:cluster];
// Gather all the attributes and return them
NSMutableArray *attributes = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *cluster in clusters) {
[attributes addObjectsFromArray:cluster];
return attributes;
return @[];
- (void)expandCellsToMaxWidthInCluster:(NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *)cluster
const NSUInteger padding = 2.f;
// Expand the attributes to maximum possible width
NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *> *columns = [NSMutableArray new];
[columns addObject:[NSMutableArray new]];
for (MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attribs in cluster) {
BOOL isPlaced = NO;
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *column in columns) {
if (column.count == 0) {
[column addObject:attribs];
isPlaced = YES;
} else if (!CGRectIntersectsRect(attribs.frame, [column lastObject].frame)) {
[column addObject:attribs];
isPlaced = YES;
if (!isPlaced) {
NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *column = [NSMutableArray new];
[column addObject:attribs];
[columns addObject:column];
// Calculate left and right position for all the attributes, get the maxRowCount by looking in all columns
NSInteger maxRowCount = 0;
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *column in columns) {
maxRowCount = fmax(maxRowCount, column.count);
CGFloat totalWidth = self.dayColumnSize.width - 2.f;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < maxRowCount; i++) {
// Set the x position of the rect
NSInteger j = 0;
for (NSMutableArray<MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *> *column in columns) {
CGFloat colWidth = totalWidth / columns.count;
if (column.count >= i + 1) {
MGCEventCellLayoutAttributes *attribs = [column objectAtIndex:i];
attribs.frame = MGCAlignedRectMake(attribs.frame.origin.x + j * colWidth,
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