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Created October 11, 2010 20:15
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# A module which is an instance of the Script class encapsulates in its scope
# the top-level methods, top-level constants, and instance variables defined in
# a ruby script file (and its subfiles) loaded by a ruby program. This allows
# use of script files to define objects that can be loaded into a program in
# much the same way that objects can be loaded from YAML or Marshal files.
# See intro.txt[link:files/intro_txt.html] for an overview.
class Script < Module
# The file with which the Script was instantiated.
attr_reader :__main_file
# The directory in which main_file is located, and relative to which
# #load searches for files before falling back to Kernel#load.
attr_reader :__dir
# A hash that maps <tt>filename=>true</tt> for each file that has been
# required locally by the script. This has the same semantics as <tt>$"</tt>,
# alias <tt>$LOADED_FEATURES</tt>, except that it is local to this script.
attr_reader :__loaded_features
class << self
alias load new
# Creates new Script, and loads _main_file_ in the scope of the Script. If a
# block is given, the script is passed to it before loading from the file, and
# constants can be defined as inputs to the script.
def initialize(main_file) # :yields: self
extend ScriptModuleMethods
@__main_file = File.expand_path(main_file)
@__dir = File.dirname(@__main_file)
@__loaded_features = {}
yield self if block_given?
# Loads _file_ into this Script. Searches relative to the local dir, that is,
# the dir of the file given in the original call to
# <tt>Script.load(file)</tt>, loads the file, if found, into this Script's
# scope, and returns true. If the file is not found, falls back to
# <tt>Kernel.load</tt>, which searches on <tt>$LOAD_PATH</tt>, loads the file,
# if found, into global scope, and returns true. Otherwise, raises
# <tt>LoadError</tt>.
# The _wrap_ argument is passed to <tt>Kernel.load</tt> in the fallback case,
# when the file is not found locally.
# Typically called from within the main file to load additional sub files, or
# from those sub files.
def load(file, wrap = false)
load_in_module(File.join(@__dir, file))
rescue MissingFile
# Analogous to <tt>Kernel#require</tt>. First tries the local dir, then falls
# back to <tt>Kernel#require</tt>. Will load a given _feature_ only once.
# Note that extensions (*.so, *.dll) can be required in the global scope, as
# usual, but not in the local scope. (This is not much of a limitation in
# practice--you wouldn't want to load an extension more than once.) This
# implementation falls back to <tt>Kernel#require</tt> when the argument is an
# extension or is not found locally.
def require(feature)
unless @__loaded_features[feature]
@__loaded_features[feature] = true
file = File.join(@__dir, feature)
file += ".rb" unless /\.rb$/ =~ file
rescue MissingFile
@__loaded_features[feature] = false
# Raised by #load_in_module, caught by #load and #require.
class MissingFile < LoadError; end
# Loads _file_ in this module's context. Note that <tt>\_\_FILE\_\_</tt> and
# <tt>\_\_LINE\_\_</tt> work correctly in _file_.
# Called by #load and #require; not normally called directly.
def load_in_module(__file__)
module_eval("@__script_scope ||= binding\n" +,
File.expand_path(__file__), 0)
# start numbering at 0 because of the extra line.
# The extra line does nothing in sub-script files.
rescue Errno::ENOENT
if /#{__file__}$/ =~ $!.message # No extra locals in this scope.
raise MissingFile, $!.message
def to_s # :nodoc:
"#<#{self.class}:#{File.join(__dir, File.basename(__main_file))}>"
module ScriptModuleMethods
# This is so that <tt>def meth...</tt> behaves like in Ruby's top-level
# context. The implementation simply calls
# <tt>Module#module_function(name)</tt>.
def method_added(name) # :nodoc:
attr_reader :__script_scope
# Gets list of local vars in the script. Does not see local vars in files
# loaded or required by that script.
def __local_variables
eval("local_variables", __script_scope)
# Gets value of local var in the script. Does not see local vars in files
# loaded or required by that script.
def __local_variable_get(name)
eval(name.to_s, __script_scope)
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