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Composable applications with reasonably priced monads : in java !
public abstract class Coproduct<f, g, A> implements __3<Coproduct.µ, f, g, A> {
private final Either<__<f, A>, __<g, A>> run;
protected Coproduct(Either<__<f, A>, __<g, A>> run) { = run;}
public final Either<__<f, A>, __<g, A>> run() { return run; }
public static <f, g, A> Coproduct<f, g, A> leftc(__<f, A> x) { return new Coproduct<f, g, A>(Left(x)) {}; }
public static <f, g, A> Coproduct<f, g, A> rightc(__<g, A> x) { return new Coproduct<f, g, A>(Right(x)) {}; }
public static <g> CoproductLeft<g> left() { return new CoproductLeft<>(); }
public static <f> CoproductRight<f> right() { return new CoproductRight<>(); }
public static final class CoproductLeft<g> {
private CoproductLeft() {}
public <f, A> Coproduct<f, g, A> of(__<f, A> fa) { return new Coproduct<f, g, A>(Left(fa)) {}; }
public static final class CoproductRight<f> {
private CoproductRight() {}
public <g, A> Coproduct<f, g, A> of(__<g, A> ga) { return new Coproduct<f, g, A>(Right(ga)) {}; }
public static <f, g, A> Coproduct<f, g, A> coerce(__<__<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, g>, A> c) {
return (Coproduct<f, g, A>) c;
public static final class µ { private µ(){} }
public interface Inject<f, g> extends NF<f, g> {
default <A> __<g, A> f(__<f, A> fa) { return inj(fa); }
<A> __<g, A> inj(__<f, A> fa);
<A> Maybe<__<f, A>> prj(__<g, A> ga);
static <f> Inject<f, f> reflexiveInstance() { return new Inject<f, f>() {
public <A> __<f, A> inj(__<f, A> fa) { return fa; }
public <A> Maybe<__<f, A>> prj(__<f, A> ga) { return Just(ga); }
static <f, g> Inject<f, __<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, g>> leftInstance() { return new Inject<f, __<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, g>>() {
public <A> Coproduct<f, g, A> inj(__<f, A> fa) { return Coproduct.leftc(fa); }
public <A> Maybe<__<f, A>> prj(__<__<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, g>, A> ga) {
return Coproduct.coerce(ga).run().fold(Maybes::Just, __ -> Maybes.Nothing());
static <f, g, h> Inject<f, __<__<Coproduct.µ, h>, g>> rightInstance(Inject<f, g> I) {
return new Inject<f, __<__<Coproduct.µ, h>, g>>() {
public <A> Coproduct<h, g, A> inj(__<f, A> fa) { return Coproduct.rightc(I.inj(fa)); }
public <A> Maybe<__<f, A>> prj(__<__<__<Coproduct.µ, h>, g>, A> ga) {
return Coproduct.coerce(ga).run().fold(__ -> Maybes.Nothing(), I::prj);
static <f, g, A> Free<g, A> lift(Inject<f, g> I, __<f, A> fa) { return Free.liftF(I.inj(fa)); }
static <f, g, A> Free<f, A> inject(Inject<g, f> I, __<g, Free<f, A>> ga) { return Free.roll(I.inj(ga)); }
static <f, g, A> Maybe<__<g, Free<f, A>>> match_(Functor<f> F, Inject<g, f> I, Free<f, A> fa) {
return fa.resume(F).fold(I::prj, __ -> Maybes.Nothing());
/** Natural transformation */
public interface NF<f, g> {
<A> __<g, A> f(__<f, A> fa);
default <e> NF<__<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, e>, g> or(NF<e, g> f) { return new NF<__<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, e>, g>() {
public <A> __<g, A> f(__<__<__<Coproduct.µ, f>, e>, A> c) {
return Eithers.<__<f, A>, __<e, A>>cases()
interface InR<f, g1, g2> {
<A, G2A extends __<g2, A>> __<g1, G2A> f(Coerce<g2, A, G2A> C, __<f, A> fa);
public final class TestFree {
private TestFree() {}
// ################################ LANGUAGES ############
// ## ResultSetOp (Doobie)
@Data(value = @Derive(make = {constructors, patternMatching}), flavour = Flavour.FJ)
static abstract class ResultSetOp<A> implements __<ResultSetOp.µ, A> {
ResultSetOp() {}
interface Cases<R, A> {
R Next(F<Boolean, A> __);
R GetInt(Integer i, F<Integer, A> __);
R GetString(Integer i, F<String, A> __);
R Close(F<Unit, A> __);
abstract <R> R match(Cases<R, A> cases);
static <A> ResultSetOp<A> coerce(__<ResultSetOp.µ, A> r) { return (ResultSetOp<A>) r; }
public static final class µ { private µ() {} }
// Smart constructors
interface ResultSetOpCs<f> {
Inject<ResultSetOp.µ, f> I();
default Free<f, Boolean> next() { return Inject.lift(I(), Next()); }
default Free<f, Integer> getInt(Integer i) { return Inject.lift(I(), GetInt(i)); }
default Free<f, String> getString(Integer i) { return Inject.lift(I(), GetString(i)); }
default Free<f, Unit> close() { return Inject.lift(I(), Close()); }
// ## Interact
@Data(value = @Derive(make = {constructors, patternMatching}), flavour = Flavour.FJ)
static abstract class Interact<A> implements __<Interact.µ, A> {
Interact() {}
interface Cases<R, A> {
R Ask(String prompt, F<String, A> __);
R Tell(String msg, F<Unit, A> __);
abstract <R> R match(Cases<R, A> cases);
static <A> Interact<A> coerce(__<Interact.µ, A> i) { return (Interact<A>) i;}
static final class µ { private µ() {} }
// smart constructors
interface InteractCs<f> {
Inject<Interact.µ, f> I();
default Free<f, String> ask(String prompt) { return Inject.lift(I(), Ask(prompt)); }
default Free<f, Unit> tell(String msg) { return Inject.lift(I(), Tell(msg)); }
// ################################ PROGRAM ############
static <f> Free<f, Unit> prg(InteractCs<f> I, ResultSetOpCs<f> R) {
return Do.$(Free.instances(), Free::coerce
, () -> I.ask("String or Int ?")
, __ -> I.ask("Row number ?").map(Integer::valueOf)
, (r, i) -> r.equals("string")
? R.getString(i).map(Eithers::<String, Integer>Left)
: R.getInt(i).map(Eithers::<String, Integer>Right)
, __ -> Eithers.<String, Integer>cases()
.Right(ri -> I.tell("Int found : " + ri))
.Left(ls -> I.tell("String found : " + ls))
, __ -> unit());
// ################################ INTERPRETERS ############
static final NF<Interact.µ, IO.µ> console = TestFree::consoleImpl;
private static <A> IO<A> consoleImpl(__<Interact.µ, A> fa) {
final IO<Console> cs = System::console;
return Interacts.<A>cases()
.Ask((prompt, __) -> cs.bind(c -> () -> __.f(c.readLine(prompt))))
.Tell((msg, __) -> cs.bind(c -> () -> { c.printf(msg + "\n"); return unit(); }).map(__))
static final NF<ResultSetOp.µ, IO.µ> fakeDB = TestFree::fakeDBImpl;
private static <A> IO<A> fakeDBImpl(__<ResultSetOp.µ, A> fa) {
return ResultSetOps.<A>cases().<IO<A>>
Next(__ -> () -> __.f(true))
.GetInt((i, __) -> () -> __.f(33))
.GetString((i, __) -> () -> __.f("toto"))
.Close(__ -> () -> __.f(unit()))
// ################################ APPLICATION ############
static final Free<__<__<Coproduct.µ, ResultSetOp.µ>, Interact.µ>, Unit> app =
prg(() -> Inject.rightInstance(Inject.reflexiveInstance()), Inject::leftInstance);
static IO<Unit> runApp() {
return IO.coerce(app.foldMap(IO.instances(), fakeDB.or(console)));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
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