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Last active January 22, 2024 07:29
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Save gnuton/ec2c3c2097f7aeaea8bb7d1256e4b212 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script which downloads all mixamo animations for one character.
// Mixamo Animation downloadeer
// Author: Antonio Aloisio <>
// Contributions: kriNon
// The following script make use of mixamo2 API to download all anims for a single character that you choose.
// The animations are saved with descriptive long names instead of the short ones used by default by mixamo UI.
// This script has been written by and the author is not responsible of its usage
// How to use this script
// 1. Browse
// 2. Log in
// 3. Open JS console (F12 on chrome)
// 4. Download an animation and get the character ID from the Network tab
// 5. Then past the character id in the "character" variable at beginning of this script
// 6. Copy and paste the full script in the javascript console
// 7. The script will open a new blank page.. you will start to see animations downloading
// 8. keep the blank page opened and keep on pressing "Allow multiple downlaods"
// NOTE. This doesn't really work for me, but it was supposed too
// Chrome will ask you all the time to allow multiple downloads
// You can disable this as follow:
// chrome://settings/ > Advanced > Content > Automatic downloads > uncheck "Do not allow any site to download multiple file automatically"
// const character = 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'
const character = 'ef7eb018-7cf3-4ae1-99ac-bab1c2c5d419'
const bearer = localStorage.access_token
var oldAnimId = ""
const getAnimationList = (page) => {
console.log('getAnimationList page=', page);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const listUrl = `${page}&limit=96&order=&type=Motion%2CMotionPack&query=`;
return fetch(listUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download animation list'))
// retrieves json.details.gms_hash
const getProduct = (animId, character) => {
console.log('getProduct animId=', animId, ' character=', character);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const productUrl = `${animId}?similar=0&character_id=${character}`;
return fetch(productUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download product details'))
const downloadAnimation = (animId, character, product_name) => {
console.log('downloadAnimation animId=', animId, ' character=', character, ' prod name=', product_name);
// skip packs
if (product_name.indexOf(',') > -1) {
console.log('Skipping pack ', product_name);
return Promise.resolve('Skip pack!');
} else {
return getProduct(animId, character)
.then((json) => json.details.gms_hash)
.then((gms_hash) => {
const pvals = => param[1]).join(',')
const _gms_hash = Object.assign({}, gms_hash, { params: pvals }) // Anim is baked with default param values
return exportAnimation(character, [_gms_hash], product_name)
.then((json) => monitorAnimation(character,animId))
.catch(() => Promise.reject("Unable to download animation " + animId))
const downloadAnimLoop = (o) => {
if (!o.anims.length) {
return downloadAnimsInPage(o.currentPage + 1, o.totPages, o.character); // no anims left, get a new page
const head = o.anims[0];
const tail = o.anims.slice(1);
o.anims = tail;
return downloadAnimation(, o.character,
.then(() => downloadAnimLoop(o)) //loop
.catch(() => {
console.log("Recovering from animation failed to downlaod");
return downloadAnimLoop(o) // keep on looping
var downloadAnimsInPage = (page, totPages, character) => {
console.log('downloadAnimsInPage page=', page, ' totPages', totPages, ' character=', character);
if (page >= totPages) {
console.log('All pages have been downloaded');
return Promise.resolve('All pages have been downlaoded');
return getAnimationList(page)
.then((json) => (
anims: json.results,
totPages: json.pagination.num_pages,
.then((o) => downloadAnimLoop(o))
.catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to download all animations error ", e))
const start = () => {
if (!character) {
console.error("Please add a valid character ID at the beginnig of the script");
downloadAnimsInPage(1, 100, character);
const exportAnimation = (character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name) => {
console.log('Exporting Anim´:' + character_id + " to file:" + product_name)
const exportUrl = ''
const exportBody = {
gms_hash: gmsHashArray, //[{ "model-id": 103120902, "mirror": false, "trim": [0, 100], "overdrive": 0, "params": "0,0,0", "arm-space": 0, "inplace": false }],
preferences: { format: "fbx7", skin: "false", fps: "30", reducekf: "0" }, // To download collada use format: "dae_mixamo"
type: "Motion"
const exportInit = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
body: JSON.stringify(exportBody)
return fetch(exportUrl, exportInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 429:{
console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return exportAnimation(character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name);
} break;
res.json().then((json) => json)
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date =;
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate =;
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
const monitorAnimation = (characterId,animId) => {
if (true)
const monitorUrl = `${characterId}/monitor`;
const monitorInit = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
return fetch(monitorUrl, monitorInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 404: {
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor got 404 error: ' + res.error + ' message=' + res.message);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
} break
case 429:{
console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
} break;
case 202:
case 200: {
return res.json()
} break
throw new Error('Response not handled', res);
}).then((msg) => {
switch (msg.status) {
case 'completed':
if (oldAnimId != msg.job_result)
oldAnimId = msg.job_result
console.log('Downloading: ', msg.job_result);
downloadingTab.location.href = msg.job_result;
return msg.job_result;
case 'processing':
console.log('Animation is processing... looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
break;// loop
case 'failed':
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor status:' + msg.status + ' message:' + msg.message + 'result:' + JSON.stringify(msg.job_result));
throw new Error(errorMsg);
}).catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to monitor job for character " + characterId + e))
// Workaround for downloading files from a promise
// NOTE that chrome will detect you are downloading multiple files in a single TAB. Please allow it!
const downloadingTab ='', '_blank');
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Thank you very much. You're a very clever coder. Your code helps me. with the code that you make work easy and not complicated. Hopefully the code will always update again. And always healthy. Greetings from Indonesia.

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The script throws a 429 error, API has a rate limit. When rate limit is hit, loop downloads same animation until rate time expires.

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gnuton commented Nov 24, 2020 via email

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aliimanario commented Nov 28, 2020 via email

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GOvEy1nw commented Sep 2, 2021

@gnuton please can you update the script to include a delay in downloading the next animation? I've tried using this multiple times & while it's great, the duplicate downloads are causing it to bypass some downloads, leaving around 1000 animations unobtainable via this method. Unfortunately I don't know JS enough to add this in.

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kriNon commented Jan 9, 2022

Yo. I made a few fixes to the original script. Posting it here in case it helps people.
This version prevents the script from downloading multiple copies of a file, and when the API throws a 429 error it will wait 0.5 seconds and try again (until it eventually works).

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For inplace animations add this before line 155:
gmsHashArray[0].inplace = true;

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Hi, actually I changed it to 104 since I saw this is the last page number, and the problem occurs with that number. Another issue I now noticed is that it downloads a lot of duplicates, i.e it sometimes downloads the same animation several times. Thank you for your help!

I think it does that cause there's more than one like "jumping down" for example

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If anybody is using this script try it in Microsoft Edge I did it in windows 11 and it worked just fine I got them all in Chrome it was a little hairy

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