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Created December 25, 2019 15:25
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(define (solve grid)
(let ([result (fill-allowed grid)])
(if (equal? grid result)
(solve result))))
; Finds the allowed digits for each cell in the grid,
; and if there's only one choice, fills it in.
(define (fill-allowed grid)
(for/list ([r (in-range 1 10)])
(for/list ([c (in-range 1 10)])
(allowed-digits grid r c)))))
; If there are any lists with a single member, extract that member.
(define (flatten-singletons xs)
[(empty? xs) '()]
[(and (list? (car xs)) (= 1 (length (car xs))))
(cons (caar xs) (flatten-singletons (cdr xs)))]
[else (cons (car xs) (flatten-singletons (cdr xs)))]))
; Returns a list of digits that are allowed to appear
; in a cell, given the existing digits in the same row,
; column, and square.
(define (allowed-digits grid r c)
(let ([v (get-value grid r c)])
(if (and (number? v) (positive? v)) v
(let ([row (get-row grid r)]
[col (get-column grid c)]
[sq (get-square grid r c)]
[digits '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)])
(set-subtract digits
(flatten (map (curry filter positive?)
(map (curry filter number?)
(list row col sq)))))))))
(define (get-row grid r)
(element-at r grid))
(define (get-column grid c)
(for/list ([i (in-range 1 10)])
(get-value grid i c)))
; Returns a 3x3 square as a flattened list.
(define (get-square grid r c)
(define (positions sq-n)
(map (curry + (* 3 (sub1 sq-n))) '(1 2 3)))
(define (flat-square sq)
(append (first sq) (second sq) (third sq)))
(let ([sq-x (ceiling (/ r 3))]
[sq-y (ceiling (/ c 3))])
(flat-square (for/list ([i (positions sq-x)])
(for/list ([j (positions sq-y)])
(get-value grid i j))))))
; Get the value of a cell given the coordinates.
(define (get-value grid r c)
(element-at c (element-at r grid)))
; I start indexing at 1 here,
; this helps with get-square.
(define (element-at pos xs)
[(empty? xs) '()]
[(= 1 pos) (car xs)]
[else (element-at (sub1 pos) (cdr xs))]))
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