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acnalesso / asset.rb
Last active May 14, 2016 15:16
Create Paperclip thumbnails out of video files using avconv as ffmpeg is deprecated.
# app/model/
# Your model where you've defined has_attached_file
# Do not define :original in your styles
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :position, :picture_cover, :asset
belongs_to(:assetable, :polymorphic => true)
has_attached_file :asset,
:styles => {
rwjblue /
Last active May 13, 2016 18:10
Guide to using drip with JRuby

#Overview drip is an awesome command line tool that can be used to dramatically lower perceived JVM startup time. It does this by preloading an entirely new JVM process\instance and allowing you to simply use the preloaded environment. This has extraordinary results with jruby.

We reduced time to run rake environment from 13 seconds to a mere 3.5 seconds. This is actually at or near MRI 1.9.3p327 (with falcon patch) speeds!

Adding a few addition jruby options will reduce startup time even further (down to 1.69 seconds).

#Install Drip Install drip if you haven't already (see

AdamBrodzinski / compass-retina-sprites.scss
Created August 10, 2012 00:17 — forked from thulstrup/compass-retina-sprites.scss
Using Compass to generate normal and retina sprite maps
@import "compass/utilities/sprites"; // Include compass sprite helpers
@import "compass/css3/background-size"; // Include helper to calc background size
@mixin sprite($name, $hover: false, $active: false) {
@include retina-sprite($name, $sprites, $sprites2x, $hover, $active);
// The general purpose retina sprite mixin.
DAddYE / image_uploader.rb
Created December 30, 2011 22:57
CarrierWave on the fly resizer (work as dragonfly)
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
storage :file
def thumb(size)
begun_at =
size.gsub!(/#/, '!')
uploader =
uploader.version_names = [size]