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Last active December 14, 2016 14:52
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(defn maven-pod* [version]
(pod/make-pod (update-in (boot/get-env)
conj ['org.apache.maven/maven-embedder version :scope "test"])))
(def maven-pod (memoize maven-pod*))
(deftask mvn
"Run Maven commands from Boot"
[A args ARGS str "Maven commands and options"
V version VERSION str "Maven version"
F file FILE str "File name (default is pom.xml)"]
(let [tmp (boot/tmp-dir!)
tmp-path (.getAbsolutePath tmp)
pom-name (or file "pom.xml")]
(fn middleware [next-handler]
(fn handler [fileset]
(boot/empty-dir! tmp)
(let [pom (->> fileset
(boot/by-name [pom-name])
first boot/tmp-file slurp)
pod (maven-pod (or version "3.1.1"))]
(spit (io/file tmp "pom.xml") pom)
(pod/with-eval-in pod
(.doMain (new org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli)
(.split ^String ~args "\\s+")
~tmp-path System/out System/err))
(next-handler (-> fileset
(boot/add-resource tmp)
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