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Created May 18, 2011 03:01
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patched src/org/papervision3d/materials/ based on
package org.papervision3d.materials
import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Vertex3DInstance;
import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger;
import org.papervision3d.core.material.TriangleMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.core.proto.MaterialObject3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.render.command.RenderTriangle;
import org.papervision3d.core.render.draw.ITriangleDrawer;
import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.PrecisionMode;
import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.RenderRecStorage;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
* The BitmapMaterial class creates a texture from a BitmapData object.
* Materials collect data about how objects appear when rendered.
public class BitmapMaterial extends TriangleMaterial implements ITriangleDrawer
protected static const DEFAULT_FOCUS:Number = 200;
protected static var hitRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
protected var renderRecStorage:Array;
protected var focus:Number = 200;
protected var _precise:Boolean;
protected var _precision:int = 8;
protected var _perPixelPrecision:int = 8;
public var minimumRenderSize:Number = 4;
protected var _texture :Object;
* Indicates if mip mapping is forced.
public static var AUTO_MIP_MAPPING :Boolean = false;
* Levels of mip mapping to force.
public static var MIP_MAP_DEPTH :Number = 8;
* Precision mode indicates how triangles are created for precise texture render.
public var precisionMode:int = PrecisionMode.ORIGINAL;
public var uvMatrices:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* @private
protected static var _triMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
protected static var _triMap:Matrix;
* @private
protected static var _localMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
* The BitmapMaterial class creates a texture from a BitmapData object.
* @param asset A BitmapData object.
public function BitmapMaterial( asset:BitmapData=null, precise:Boolean = false)
// texture calls createBitmap. That's where all the init happens. This allows to reinit when changing texture. -C4RL05
// if we have an asset passed in, this means we're the subclass, not the super. Set the texture, let the fun begin.
if( asset ) texture = asset;
this.precise = precise;
protected function createRenderRecStorage():void
this.renderRecStorage = new Array();
for(var a:int = 0; a<=100; a++){
this.renderRecStorage[a] = new RenderRecStorage();
* Resets the mapping coordinates. Use when the texture has been resized.
public function resetMapping():void
for ( var obj:* in uvMatrices ) {
uvMatrices[obj] = null;
//Local storage. Avoid var's in high usage functions.
private var x0:Number;
private var y0:Number;
private var x1:Number;
private var y1:Number;
private var x2:Number;
private var y2:Number;
* drawTriangle
override public function drawTriangle(tri:RenderTriangle, graphics:Graphics, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData, altBitmap:BitmapData = null, altUV:Matrix = null):void
// trace("at drawing triangle???");
_triMap = altUV ? altUV : (uvMatrices[tri] || transformUVRT(tri));
if(!_precise || !_triMap){
if( lineAlpha )
graphics.lineStyle( lineThickness, lineColor, lineAlpha );
if( bitmap )
x0 = tri.v0.x;
y0 = tri.v0.y;
x1 = tri.v1.x;
y1 = tri.v1.y;
x2 = tri.v2.x;
y2 = tri.v2.y;
_triMatrix.a = x1 - x0;
_triMatrix.b = y1 - y0;
_triMatrix.c = x2 - x0;
_triMatrix.d = y2 - y0;
_triMatrix.tx = x0;
_triMatrix.ty = y0;
_localMatrix.a = _triMap.a;
_localMatrix.b = _triMap.b;
_localMatrix.c = _triMap.c;
_localMatrix.d = _triMap.d;
_localMatrix.tx = _triMap.tx;
_localMatrix.ty = _triMap.ty;
graphics.beginBitmapFill( altBitmap ? altBitmap : bitmap, _localMatrix, tiled, smooth);
graphics.moveTo( x0, y0 );
graphics.lineTo( x1, y1 );
graphics.lineTo( x2, y2 );
graphics.lineTo( x0, y0 );
if( bitmap )
if( lineAlpha )
focus =;
tempPreBmp = altBitmap ? altBitmap : bitmap;
tempPreRSD = renderSessionData;
tempPreGrp = graphics;
cullRect = renderSessionData.viewPort.cullingRectangle;
renderRec(_triMap, tri.v0, tri.v1, tri.v2, 0);
* Applies the updated UV texture mapping values to the triangle. This is required to speed up rendering.
public function transformUV(face3D:Triangle3D):Matrix
if( ! face3D.uv )
PaperLogger.error( "MaterialObject3D: transformUV() uv not found!" );
else if( bitmap )
var uv :Array = face3D.uv;
var w :Number = bitmap.width * maxU;
var h :Number = bitmap.height * maxV;
var u0 :Number = w * face3D.uv0.u;
var v0 :Number = h * ( 1 - face3D.uv0.v );
var u1 :Number = w * face3D.uv1.u;
var v1 :Number = h * ( 1 - face3D.uv1.v);
var u2 :Number = w * face3D.uv2.u;
var v2 :Number = h * ( 1 - face3D.uv2.v );
// Fix perpendicular projections
if( (u0 == u1 && v0 == v1) || (u0 == u2 && v0 == v2) )
u0 -= (u0 > 0.05)? 0.05 : -0.05;
v0 -= (v0 > 0.07)? 0.07 : -0.07;
if( u2 == u1 && v2 == v1 )
u2 -= (u2 > 0.05)? 0.04 : -0.04;
v2 -= (v2 > 0.06)? 0.06 : -0.06;
// Precalculate matrix & correct for mip mapping
var at :Number = ( u1 - u0 );
var bt :Number = ( v1 - v0 );
var ct :Number = ( u2 - u0 );
var dt :Number = ( v2 - v0 );
var m :Matrix = new Matrix( at, bt, ct, dt, u0, v0 );
// Need to mirror over X-axis when righthanded
m.scale(-1, 1);
m.translate(w, 0);
var mapping:Matrix = uvMatrices[face3D] = m.clone();
mapping.a = m.a;
mapping.b = m.b;
mapping.c = m.c;
mapping.d = m.d;
mapping.tx = m.tx;
mapping.ty = m.ty;
else PaperLogger.error( "MaterialObject3D: transformUV() material.bitmap not found!" );
return mapping;
* Applies the updated UV texture mapping values to the triangle. This is required to speed up rendering.
public function transformUVRT(tri:RenderTriangle):Matrix
if( bitmap )
//var uv :Array = face3D.uv;
var w :Number = bitmap.width * maxU;
var h :Number = bitmap.height * maxV;
var u0 :Number = w * tri.uv0.u;
var v0 :Number = h * ( 1 - tri.uv0.v );
var u1 :Number = w * tri.uv1.u;
var v1 :Number = h * ( 1 - tri.uv1.v);
var u2 :Number = w * tri.uv2.u;
var v2 :Number = h * ( 1 - tri.uv2.v );
// Fix perpendicular projections
if( (u0 == u1 && v0 == v1) || (u0 == u2 && v0 == v2) )
u0 -= (u0 > 0.05)? 0.05 : -0.05;
v0 -= (v0 > 0.07)? 0.07 : -0.07;
if( u2 == u1 && v2 == v1 )
u2 -= (u2 > 0.05)? 0.04 : -0.04;
v2 -= (v2 > 0.06)? 0.06 : -0.06;
// Precalculate matrix & correct for mip mapping
var at :Number = ( u1 - u0 );
var bt :Number = ( v1 - v0 );
var ct :Number = ( u2 - u0 );
var dt :Number = ( v2 - v0 );
var m :Matrix = new Matrix( at, bt, ct, dt, u0, v0 );
// Need to mirror over X-axis when righthanded
m.scale(-1, 1);
m.translate(w, 0);
var mapping:Matrix = uvMatrices[tri] = m.clone();
mapping.a = m.a;
mapping.b = m.b;
mapping.c = m.c;
mapping.d = m.d;
mapping.tx = m.tx;
mapping.ty = m.ty;
else PaperLogger.error( "MaterialObject3D: transformUV() material.bitmap not found!" );
return mapping;
protected var ax:Number;
protected var ay:Number;
protected var az:Number;
protected var bx:Number;
protected var by:Number;
protected var bz:Number;
protected var cx:Number;
protected var cy:Number;
protected var cz:Number;
protected var faz:Number;
protected var fbz:Number;
protected var fcz:Number;
protected var mabz:Number;
protected var mbcz:Number;
protected var mcaz:Number;
protected var mabx:Number;
protected var maby:Number;
protected var mbcx:Number;
protected var mbcy:Number;
protected var mcax:Number;
protected var mcay:Number;
protected var dabx:Number;
protected var daby:Number;
protected var dbcx:Number;
protected var dbcy:Number;
protected var dcax:Number;
protected var dcay:Number;
protected var dsab:Number;
protected var dsbc:Number;
protected var dsca:Number;
protected var dmax:Number;
protected var cullRect:Rectangle;
protected var tempPreGrp:Graphics;
protected var tempPreBmp:BitmapData;
protected var tempPreRSD:RenderSessionData;
protected var tempTriangleMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
private var a2:Number;
private var b2:Number;
private var c2:Number;
private var d2:Number;
private var dx:Number, dy:Number, d2ab:Number, d2bc:Number, d2ca:Number;
protected function renderRec(emMap:Matrix, v0:Vertex3DInstance, v1:Vertex3DInstance, v2:Vertex3DInstance, index:Number):void
az = v0.z;
bz = v1.z;
cz = v2.z;
//Cull if a vertex behind near.
if((az <= 0) && (bz <= 0) && (cz <= 0))
cx = v2.x;
cy = v2.y;
bx = v1.x;
by = v1.y;
ax = v0.x;
ay = v0.y;
//Cull if outside of viewport.
hitRect.x = (bx < ax ? (bx < cx ? bx : cx) : (ax < cx ? ax : cx ));
hitRect.width = (bx > ax ? (bx > cx ? bx : cx) : (ax > cx ? ax : cx )) + (hitRect.x < 0 ? -hitRect.x : hitRect.x);
hitRect.y = (by < ay ? (by < cy ? by : cy) : (ay < cy ? ay : cy ));
hitRect.height = (by > ay ? (by > cy ? by : cy) : (ay > cy ? ay : cy )) + (hitRect.y < 0 ? -hitRect.y : hitRect.y);
//cull if max iterations is reached, focus is invalid or if tesselation is to small.
if (index >= 100 || (hitRect.width < minimumRenderSize) || (hitRect.height < minimumRenderSize) || (focus == Infinity))
//Draw this triangle.
a2 = v1.x - v0.x;
b2 = v1.y - v0.y;
c2 = v2.x - v0.x;
d2 = v2.y - v0.y;
tempTriangleMatrix.a = emMap.a*a2 + emMap.b*c2;
tempTriangleMatrix.b = emMap.a*b2 + emMap.b*d2;
tempTriangleMatrix.c = emMap.c*a2 + emMap.d*c2;
tempTriangleMatrix.d = emMap.c*b2 + emMap.d*d2;
tempTriangleMatrix.tx = emMap.tx*a2 + emMap.ty*c2 + v0.x;
tempTriangleMatrix.ty = emMap.tx*b2 + emMap.ty*d2 + v0.y;
tempPreGrp.lineStyle( lineThickness, lineColor, lineAlpha );
tempPreGrp.beginBitmapFill(tempPreBmp, tempTriangleMatrix, tiled, smooth);
tempPreGrp.moveTo(v0.x, v0.y);
tempPreGrp.lineTo(v1.x, v1.y);
tempPreGrp.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y);
faz = focus + az;
fbz = focus + bz;
fcz = focus + cz;
mabz = 2 / (faz + fbz);
mbcz = 2 / (fbz + fcz);
mcaz = 2 / (fcz + faz);
mabx = (ax*faz + bx*fbz)*mabz;
maby = (ay*faz + by*fbz)*mabz;
mbcx = (bx*fbz + cx*fcz)*mbcz;
mbcy = (by*fbz + cy*fcz)*mbcz;
mcax = (cx*fcz + ax*faz)*mcaz;
mcay = (cy*fcz + ay*faz)*mcaz;
dabx = ax + bx - mabx;
daby = ay + by - maby;
dbcx = bx + cx - mbcx;
dbcy = by + cy - mbcy;
dcax = cx + ax - mcax;
dcay = cy + ay - mcay;
dsab = (dabx*dabx + daby*daby);
dsbc = (dbcx*dbcx + dbcy*dbcy);
dsca = (dcax*dcax + dcay*dcay);
var nIndex:int = index+1;
var nRss:RenderRecStorage = RenderRecStorage(renderRecStorage[int(index)]);
var renderRecMap:Matrix = nRss.mat;
if ((dsab <= _precision) && (dsca <= _precision) && (dsbc <= _precision)){
//Draw this triangle.
a2 = v1.x - v0.x;
b2 = v1.y - v0.y;
c2 = v2.x - v0.x;
d2 = v2.y - v0.y;
tempTriangleMatrix.a = emMap.a*a2 + emMap.b*c2;
tempTriangleMatrix.b = emMap.a*b2 + emMap.b*d2;
tempTriangleMatrix.c = emMap.c*a2 + emMap.d*c2;
tempTriangleMatrix.d = emMap.c*b2 + emMap.d*d2;
tempTriangleMatrix.tx = emMap.tx*a2 + emMap.ty*c2 + v0.x;
tempTriangleMatrix.ty = emMap.tx*b2 + emMap.ty*d2 + v0.y;
tempPreGrp.lineStyle( lineThickness, lineColor, lineAlpha );
tempPreGrp.beginBitmapFill(tempPreBmp, tempTriangleMatrix, tiled, smooth);
tempPreGrp.moveTo(v0.x, v0.y);
tempPreGrp.lineTo(v1.x, v1.y);
tempPreGrp.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y);
if ((dsab > _precision) && (dsca > _precision) && (dsbc > _precision)){
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a*2;
renderRecMap.b = emMap.b*2;
renderRecMap.c = emMap.c*2;
renderRecMap.d = emMap.d*2;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx*2;
renderRecMap.ty = emMap.ty*2;
nRss.v0.x = mabx * 0.5;
nRss.v0.y = maby * 0.5;
nRss.v0.z = (az+bz) * 0.5;
nRss.v1.x = mbcx * 0.5;
nRss.v1.y = mbcy * 0.5;
nRss.v1.z = (bz+cz) * 0.5;
nRss.v2.x = mcax * 0.5;
nRss.v2.y = mcay * 0.5;
nRss.v2.z = (cz+az) * 0.5;
renderRec(renderRecMap, v0, nRss.v0, nRss.v2, nIndex);
renderRecMap.tx -=1;
renderRec(renderRecMap, nRss.v0, v1, nRss.v1, nIndex);
renderRecMap.ty -=1;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx*2;
renderRec(renderRecMap, nRss.v2, nRss.v1, v2, nIndex);
renderRecMap.a = -emMap.a*2;
renderRecMap.b = -emMap.b*2;
renderRecMap.c = -emMap.c*2;
renderRecMap.d = -emMap.d*2;
renderRecMap.tx = -emMap.tx*2+1;
renderRecMap.ty = -emMap.ty*2+1;
renderRec(renderRecMap, nRss.v1, nRss.v2, nRss.v0, nIndex);
if( precisionMode == PrecisionMode.ORIGINAL )
d2ab = dsab;
d2bc = dsbc;
d2ca = dsca;
dmax = (dsca > dsbc ? (dsca > dsab ? dsca : dsab) : (dsbc > dsab ? dsbc : dsab ));
// Calculate best tessellation edge
dx = v0.x - v1.x;
dy = v0.y - v1.y;
d2ab = dx * dx + dy * dy;
dx = v1.x - v2.x;
dy = v1.y - v2.y;
d2bc = dx * dx + dy * dy;
dx = v2.x - v0.x;
dy = v2.y - v0.y;
d2ca = dx * dx + dy * dy;
dmax = (d2ca > d2bc ? (d2ca > d2ab ? d2ca : d2ab) : (d2bc > d2ab ? d2bc : d2ab )); // dmax = Math.max( d2ab, d2bc, d2ac );
// Break triangle along edge
if (d2ab == dmax)
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a*2;
renderRecMap.b = emMap.b;
renderRecMap.c = emMap.c*2;
renderRecMap.d = emMap.d;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx*2;
renderRecMap.ty = emMap.ty;
nRss.v0.x = mabx * 0.5;
nRss.v0.y = maby * 0.5;
nRss.v0.z = (az+bz) * 0.5;
renderRec(renderRecMap, v0, nRss.v0, v2, nIndex);
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a*2+emMap.b;
renderRecMap.c = 2*emMap.c+emMap.d;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx*2+emMap.ty-1;
renderRec(renderRecMap, nRss.v0, v1, v2, nIndex);
if (d2ca == dmax){
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a;
renderRecMap.b = emMap.b*2;
renderRecMap.c = emMap.c;
renderRecMap.d = emMap.d*2;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx;
renderRecMap.ty = emMap.ty*2;
nRss.v2.x = mcax * 0.5;
nRss.v2.y = mcay * 0.5;
nRss.v2.z = (cz+az) * 0.5;
renderRec(renderRecMap, v0, v1, nRss.v2, nIndex);
renderRecMap.b += emMap.a;
renderRecMap.d += emMap.c;
renderRecMap.ty += emMap.tx-1;
renderRec(renderRecMap, nRss.v2, v1, v2, nIndex);
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a-emMap.b;
renderRecMap.b = emMap.b*2;
renderRecMap.c = emMap.c-emMap.d;
renderRecMap.d = emMap.d*2;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx-emMap.ty;
renderRecMap.ty = emMap.ty*2;
nRss.v1.x = mbcx * 0.5;
nRss.v1.y = mbcy * 0.5;
nRss.v1.z = (bz+cz)*0.5;
renderRec(renderRecMap, v0, v1, nRss.v1, nIndex);
renderRecMap.a = emMap.a*2;
renderRecMap.b = emMap.b-emMap.a;
renderRecMap.c = emMap.c*2;
renderRecMap.d = emMap.d-emMap.c;
renderRecMap.tx = emMap.tx*2;
renderRecMap.ty = emMap.ty-emMap.tx;
renderRec(renderRecMap, v0, nRss.v1, v2, nIndex);
* Returns a string value representing the material properties in the specified BitmapMaterial object.
* @return A string.
public override function toString(): String
return 'Texture:' + this.texture + ' lineColor:' + this.lineColor + ' lineAlpha:' + this.lineAlpha;
// ______________________________________________________________________ CREATE BITMAP
protected function createBitmap( asset:BitmapData ):BitmapData
var bm:BitmapData;
bm = correctBitmap( asset );
this.maxU = this.maxV = 1;
bm = asset;
return bm;
// ______________________________________________________________________ CORRECT BITMAP FOR MIP MAPPING
protected function correctBitmap( bitmap :BitmapData ):BitmapData
var okBitmap :BitmapData;
var levels :Number = 1 << MIP_MAP_DEPTH;
// this is faster than Math.ceil
var bWidth :Number = bitmap.width / levels;
bWidth = bWidth == uint(bWidth) ? bWidth : uint(bWidth)+1;
var bHeight :Number = bitmap.height / levels;
bHeight = bHeight == uint(bHeight) ? bHeight : uint(bHeight)+1;
var width :Number = levels * bWidth;
var height :Number = levels * bHeight;
// Check for BitmapData maximum size
var ok:Boolean = true;
if( width > 2880 )
width = bitmap.width;
ok = false;
if( height > 2880 )
height = bitmap.height;
ok = false;
if( ! ok ) PaperLogger.warning( "Material " + + ": Texture too big for mip mapping. Resizing recommended for better performance and quality." );
// Create new bitmap?
if( bitmap && ( bitmap.width % levels !=0 || bitmap.height % levels != 0 ) )
okBitmap = new BitmapData( width, height, bitmap.transparent, 0x00000000 );
// this is for ISM and offsetting bitmaps that have been resized
widthOffset = bitmap.width;
heightOffset = bitmap.height;
this.maxU = bitmap.width / width;
this.maxV = bitmap.height / height;
okBitmap.draw( bitmap );
extendBitmapEdges( okBitmap, bitmap.width, bitmap.height );
this.maxU = this.maxV = 1;
okBitmap = bitmap;
return okBitmap;
protected function extendBitmapEdges( bmp:BitmapData, originalWidth:Number, originalHeight:Number ):void
var srcRect :Rectangle = new Rectangle();
var dstPoint :Point = new Point();
var i :int;
// Check width
if( bmp.width > originalWidth )
// Extend width
srcRect.x = originalWidth-1;
srcRect.y = 0;
srcRect.width = 1;
srcRect.height = originalHeight;
dstPoint.y = 0;
for( i = originalWidth; i < bmp.width; i++ )
dstPoint.x = i;
bmp.copyPixels( bmp, srcRect, dstPoint );
// Check height
if( bmp.height > originalHeight )
// Extend height
srcRect.x = 0;
srcRect.y = originalHeight-1;
srcRect.width = bmp.width;
srcRect.height = 1;
dstPoint.x = 0;
for( i = originalHeight; i < bmp.height; i++ )
dstPoint.y = i;
bmp.copyPixels( bmp, srcRect, dstPoint );
// ______________________________________________________________________
* resetUVMatrices();
* Resets the precalculated uvmatrices, so they can be recalculated
public function resetUVS():void
for ( var obj:* in uvMatrices ) {
uvMatrices[obj] = null;
* Copies the properties of a material.
* @param material Material to copy from.
override public function copy( material :MaterialObject3D ):void
super.copy( material );
this.maxU = material.maxU;
this.maxV = material.maxV;
* Creates a copy of the material.
* @return A newly created material that contains the same properties.
override public function clone():MaterialObject3D
var cloned:MaterialObject3D = super.clone();
cloned.maxU = this.maxU;
cloned.maxV = this.maxV;
return cloned;
* Sets the material's precise rendering mode. If set to true, material will adaptively render triangles to conquer texture distortion.
public function set precise(boolean:Boolean):void
_precise = boolean;
public function get precise():Boolean
return _precise;
* If the material is rendering with @see precise to true, this sets tesselation per pixel ratio.
public function set precision(precision:int):void
_precision = precision;
public function get precision():int
return _precision;
* If the material is rendering with @see precise to true, this sets tesselation per pixel ratio.
* corrected to set per pixel precision exactly.
public function set pixelPrecision(precision:int):void
_precision = precision*precision*1.4;
_perPixelPrecision = precision;
public function get pixelPrecision():int
return _perPixelPrecision;
* A texture object.
public function get texture():Object
return this._texture;
* @private
public function set texture( asset:Object ):void
if( asset is BitmapData == false )
PaperLogger.error("BitmapMaterial.texture requires a BitmapData object for the texture");
bitmap = createBitmap( BitmapData(asset) );
_texture = asset;
override public function destroy():void
uvMatrices = null;
this.renderRecStorage = null;
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