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Last active January 29, 2024 15:32
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GottschCore mc1.12.2 Changelog
-Add checks for valid height when backfilling decay structures.
-Fixed update URL
-Deprecated ~.gottschcore.loot.*, ~.gottschcore.loot.conditions.*, ~.gottschcore.loot.functions.*
-Added ILootTableMaster, LootTableMaster2, LootTableShell, LootPoolShell.
LootTable management uses the vanilla minecraft classes along with customizable loot table files in ~/config and ~/world/data.
-Added Direction.getNames(), Direction.getHoriztonalName().
-Fixed issue with loading loot tables after loot table backups are performed, causing a crash.
-Add "version" field to loot table .json files
-Add version checker against loot tables to ensure client has latest version.
-Add a "fix" to LootEntryItem, such that is an item cannot be found, substitute a torch. This prevents thrown exception causing the entire file not to be read.
-Add MutableCoords.
-Deprecate Coords.reset..() and MutableCoords.reset..() methods.
-Fix bug:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/someguyssoftware/gottschcore/world/gen/structure/StructureMarkerContext
-Add BlockContext.
-Add BlockInfoContext.
-Remove StructureMarkerContext.
-Update DecayProcessor and related classes to use BlockContext, BlockInfoContext
-Add PostProcessing to decay processing. Required for blocks like Doors that require neighboring blocks to be present.
-Refactoring of some names.
-clean up
-Add some restart requirements for config
-Add option properties to DecayProcessor to fill under structures.
-HUGE fix to DecayProcessor not selecting the correct decay rule. No one noticed ??!
-Added Decay Processing system.
-Added Property Copier system.
-Updated Template System to use decay system.
-Updated Template System to retain state data of marker blocks.
-Fixed WorldInfo.getAirBasePercent() with correct conditional statement.
-Deprecated StructureInfo system.
-Update Coords.add(Direction,n)to include UP/DOWN.
-Added withX, withY() and withZ() to Coords.
-Added get/setConfigFolder() to IConfig.
-Replace getModsFolder() for getConfigFolder() in AbstractResourceManager.
-Added addtional method in AbstractMod for creating logger to take IMod.
This method creates a subfolder of [MODID] as the place to store the mod's log files.
-Added custom base Meta resource files management system.
-Added custom base Template management system.
-Add StructureInfo, IStructureInfoProvider.
-Added CHUNK_RADIUS to WorldInfo().
-Added bounds checking in RandomHelper methods.
-Moved Quantity to proper package. (left deprecated version as is, so older versions of mods still work).
-Update Rarity to implement IRarity.
-Add isLiquid() to Cube class.
-Fixed LootTableMaster to build and examine the correct folder.
-Fixed ModPresent Loot Condition to be gottschcore:mod_present.
-Updates to Intersect class.
-Add intersects() to BBox class.
-Add constructor that takes AxisAlignedBB to BBox class.
-Expose getContext() in LootTableMaster class.
-Add expand() and grow() to BBox class.
-Removed deprecated update link.
-Add modsFolder to IConfig/AbstractConfig.
-Added custom Loot Table management system.
-Add WorldInfo methods - isServerSide, isClientSide, getClosestPlayerCoords.
-Add Coords constructor from Vec3d.
-Added BBox class - wrapper for AxisAlignedBB.
-Fixed bug in getSolidBasePercent(), getAirBasePercent(). (major bug fix!)
-Add toChunkPos().
-Updated to use Forge
-Fix Direction.getRotation() to calculation rotation properly (EAST and WEST weren't right).
(Required for lastest release of Treasure2)
-Updated to use Forge
-Fixed Coords.south().
-Added Coords.add(Direction, int).
-Added Direction.toFacing(Direction).
-Updated Direction.fromFacing(Direction) to include UP and DOWN.
-Added Cube.isTopSolid().
-Added Coords.rotate().
-Added ModLogBlock
-Updated to use Forge
-Added getRotation(), fromFacing() to Direction enum.
-Added RandomWeightedCollection.
-Added Cube.isAir() method.
-Added ModFallingBlock class.
-Exposed WorldInfo.EMPTY_COORDS.
-Fixed all WorldInfo.get[x]SurfaceCoords() methods.
-Updated ItemUtil.addEnchantment() to include more enchantments and shields.
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