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gpakosz/find.c Secret

Created April 12, 2022 15:36
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String search with memchr() and memcmp()
#include <string.h>
static char* find(const char* haystackBegin, const char* haystackEnd, const char* needleBegin, const char* needleEnd)
if (haystackEnd == NULL)
haystackEnd = haystackBegin + strlen(haystackBegin);
if (needleEnd == NULL)
needleEnd = needleBegin + strlen(needleBegin);
size_t haystackLength = haystackEnd - haystackBegin;
size_t needleLength = needleEnd - needleBegin;
if (haystackLength < needleLength)
return NULL;
if (needleBegin == needleEnd)
return (char*)haystackBegin;
if (needleLength == 1)
return memchr(haystackBegin, needleBegin[0], haystackLength);
while ((haystackBegin = (const char*)memchr(haystackBegin, needleBegin[0], haystackLength)) != NULL)
haystackLength = (size_t)(haystackEnd - haystackBegin);
if (haystackLength == 0 || haystackLength < needleLength)
return NULL;
if (haystackBegin[needleLength - 1] == needleBegin[needleLength - 1])
if (needleLength == 2 || memcmp(haystackBegin + 1, needleBegin + 1, needleLength - 2) == 0)
return (char*)haystackBegin;
return NULL;
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fenbf commented Apr 14, 2022

Thanks for the suggestion! I added your code into my benchmark: (there's an example test run output at the bottom)

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