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Created November 25, 2011 15:07
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Save gr2m/1393733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extend `Backbone.Events` with a `debounce` method.
# works exactly like `.bind()`, with the difference that it gets executed with a delay.
# Each time the event gets triggered again, the delay gets reset.
# based on:
# example:
# car = new Backbone.Model
# bind_triggered = debounce_triggered = 0
# car.bind 'change', -> bind_triggered++
# car.debounce 'change', 100, -> debounce_triggered++
# car.set(ctr: i) for i in [1..3]
# => bind_triggered is 3
# => debounce_triggered is 0. After 0.1 seconds, it will be 1
Backbone.Events.debounce = (event, delay, callback) ->
timeout = 0
debounced = ->
timeout = window.setTimeout ( ->
timeout = 0
), delay
@bind event, debounced
Backbone.Model.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce
Backbone.Collection.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce
Backbone.Router.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce
Backbone.View.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce
Backbone.Events.debounce = function(event, delay, callback) {
var debounced, timeout;
timeout = 0;
debounced = function() {
return timeout = window.setTimeout((function() {
return timeout = 0;
}), delay);
return this.bind(event, debounced);
Backbone.Model.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce;
Backbone.Collection.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce;
Backbone.Router.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce;
Backbone.View.prototype.debounce = Backbone.Events.debounce;
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Why not use the _.debounce method underscore offers?

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