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Created December 2, 2017 16:48
fiddle struct
require 'fiddle'
require 'fiddle/import'
# C Struct E.g.
# typedef struct {
# uint8_t b[6];
# } bdaddr_t;
# typedef struct {
# bdaddr_t bdaddr;w
# uint8_t pscan_rep_mode;
# uint8_t pscan_period_mode;
# uint8_t pscan_mode;
# uint8_t dev_class[3];
# uint16_t clock_offset;
# } inquiry_info;
include Fiddle::Importer
bdaddr_t = [
'char b[6]'
Inquiry_info = struct [
*bdaddr_t, # is this right, idk?
'char pscan_rep_mode',
'char pscan_period_mode',
'char pscan_mode',
'char dev_class[3]',
'unsigned short clock_offset',
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