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Created September 12, 2023 15:08
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Enable FrozenCore monkey-patching bytecode
# frozen_string_literal: true
abort 'MJIT needs to be enabled' unless RubyVM::MJIT.enabled?
# make private constants available at top-level
constants = do
RubyVM::MJIT.private_constant _1 rescue next
constants.each { Object.const_set _1, RubyVM::MJIT.const_get(_1) }
# dummy method to append iseq
def dummy = nil
# find the instructions we need
instructions = { =~ /\A(putspecialobject|leave)/ }
# get bytecode object
iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of method(:dummy)
# get pointer for iseq
iseq_ptr = C.rb_iseqw_to_iseq iseq
# build the method
iseq_ptr.body.iseq_encoded[0] = C.rb_vm_insn_encode instructions[0].bin
iseq_ptr.body.iseq_encoded[1] = 1 # FrozenCore enum type
iseq_ptr.body.iseq_encoded[2] = C.rb_vm_insn_encode instructions[1].bin
FC = dummy
p FC.singleton_methods
=> [:"core#set_variable_alias",
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