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Forked from mfikes/tree-seq.clj
Last active April 8, 2018 20:43
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Directly-reducible PoC in Clojure
(defn nth' [coll n]
(transduce (drop n) (completing #(reduced %2)) nil coll))
(defn tree-seq'
[branch? children root]
(eduction (take-while some?) (map first)
(iterate (fn [[node pair]]
(when-some [[[node' & r] cont] (if (branch? node)
(if-some [cs (not-empty (children node))]
[cs pair]
(if (some? r)
[node' [r cont]]
[node' cont])))
[root nil])))
;; Adapted from nth' because we now have an transducer and not a sequence.
(defn nth'' [xf coll n]
(transduce (comp xf (drop n))
(completing #(reduced %2))
;; My transducer implementation of `clojure.core.tree-seq`
(defn tree-seq''
([branch? children]
(fn [rf]
(fn xf
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [result (rf result input)]
(if (reduced? result) result
(if (branch? input)
(loop [r result
cs (children input)]
(if (seq cs)
(let [r' (xf r (first cs))]
(if (reduced? r') r'
(recur r' (rest cs))))
(time (dotimes [x 10000] (nth' (tree-seq seq? identity (repeat 10 (repeat 100 [1 2 (repeat 100 3)]))) 1000)))
;; "Elapsed time: 6161.53902 msecs"
(time (dotimes [x 10000] (nth' (tree-seq' seq? identity (repeat 10 (repeat 100 [1 2 (repeat 100 3)]))) 1000)))
;; "Elapsed time: 2830.583306 msecs"
;; Please test on your CPU, it should be a lot faster.
;; About less than half the time above.
(time (dotimes [x 10000]
(nth'' (tree-seq'' sequential? identity)
(repeat 10 (repeat 100 [1 2 (repeat 100 3)]))
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There might be a local optimization around the seq, first and rest at Line 39 where we iterate on the sequence instead of the vector. To be tested.

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reborg commented Feb 19, 2018

Good job! The speed boost seems related more to the different implementation of tree-seq than transducers, which probably calls for a new name, as your tree-seq'' is not producing a lazy seq. Naming apart, there could be scenarios where your fully realized tree-walk (here's a better name) could be useful. For instance:

(let [coll ["a" [1 2 [:a [] :b] [:c] 4] :d]]
      (mapcat #(tree-seq vector? identity %))
      (filter keyword?)
      (map name))

Is not that far from yours:

(let [coll ["a" [1 2 [:a [] :b] [:c] 4] :d]]
      (tree-seq'' vector? identity)
      (filter keyword?)
      (map name))

but the former has the needlessly lazy (and slower) tree-seq step.

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Thank you for your feedback. I too agree that the name has to be changed. It was named tree-seq'' here only for comparison between implementations.

This code will be re-worked a little bit and may be added to the xform library, let's move the conversation there.

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