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Created December 13, 2018 20:22
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package com.celtra.experimentation
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.{BetaDistribution,NormalDistribution}
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c
object ProbabilityHelpers {
val PRIOR_BETA = 1
val DEFAULTNSIM = 10000
def computeBestVariantBeta(variantMetrics: Map[String, (Long, Long)], seed: Long = 0, NSim: Int = DEFAULTNSIM): Map[String, Double] = {
// Same Random Generator Used by All the Variants
val rng = new Well19937c(seed)
// Assumes Uninformative prior
val variantDraws = variantMetrics.mapValues{ case (successes, failures) =>
val beta = new BetaDistribution(rng, successes + PRIOR_ALPHA, failures + PRIOR_BETA)
tallyBestVariant(variantDraws.toIndexedSeq, NSim)
// Assume Posterior Distribution is 100% determined by Data. (no Prior)
def computeBestVariantNormal(variantMetrics: Map[String, (Double, Double)], seed: Long = 0, NSim: Int = DEFAULTNSIM): Map[String, Double] = {
// Same Random Generator Used by All the Variants
val rng = new Well19937c(seed)
val variantDraws = variantMetrics.mapValues{ case (mean, sd) =>
val normal = new NormalDistribution(rng, mean, sd)
tallyBestVariant(variantDraws.toIndexedSeq, NSim)
private def tallyBestVariant(draws: IndexedSeq[(String, Array[Double])], NSim: Int = DEFAULTNSIM): Map[String, Double] = {
// Getting the Winning Variable Name By Simulation Round
val results = (0 to NSim-1).map(idx => draws.maxBy(_._2(idx))._1)
// For each Variant, compute the probability of being the best { case (variantName, _) =>
val probOfBest = results.filter(_ == variantName).length.toDouble / NSim
variantName -> probOfBest
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