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Grega Kespret gregakespret

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gregakespret / ProbabilityHelpers.scala
Created December 13, 2018 20:22
package com.celtra.experimentation
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.{BetaDistribution,NormalDistribution}
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c
object ProbabilityHelpers {
val PRIOR_BETA = 1
val DEFAULTNSIM = 10000
gregakespret /
Created December 30, 2017 05:30 — forked from idleberg/
“Open in Sublime Text” in macOS context-menu

Open in Sublime Text

  • Open Automator
  • Create a new Service
  • Set “Service receives selected” to files or folders in any application
  • Add a Run Shell Script action
  • Set the script action to /Applications/Sublime\ -n $@
  • Set “Pass input” to as arguments
  • Save as Open in Sublime Text
gregakespret / Celtra Data Engineering
Last active September 26, 2018 05:51
Celtra Data Engineering Challenge

Celtra Data Engineer Challenge

First of all, thank you for taking the time to do this challenge. There are many possible ways to solve this task. Your solution will help us gain insight into how you think, how much you care about technical aspects of software development and deployment, what architectural decisions you make, what standards of quality you adhere to and what tools and technologies you like to use and how you use them. Hopefully, we may be able to learn something from you, as well :)


You are creating a low-latency reporting service that lets you generate adhoc reports. Primary use case for this service is a user-facing dashboard.

  • The service should support drill-downs and roll-ups
    • on dimensions: date, campaignId, campaignName, adId, adName and
  • on metrics: impressions, clicks, interactions, swipes, pinches, touches, uniqueUsers
gregakespret / gist:9483f93f7e473bccee14e45c17e86d50
Created November 22, 2016 16:17
Celtra single-page HTML5 app assignment

Celtra Programming Assignment

First of all, we wish to thank you for taking the time to do this assignment.

There are many possible ways to develop this rather simple application. Your solution will help us gain insight into how you think, what architectural decisions you make, what standards of quality you adhere to and what tools and technologies you like to use and how you use them. Hopefully, we may be able to learn something from you, as well :)

As you will notice, not every detail is clearly defined. You have the freedom to make your own choices where you see fit. But you can also ask questions, of course: feel free to e-mail the one who gave you the task.

Please e-mail your solution to Gregor within one week. After we have reviewed it, we will invite you over for a chat.

gregakespret / gist:e2bfd4eccaf60c1d9c3d
Last active June 27, 2018 10:09
Data Scientist Assignment

Celtra Data Scientist Assignment

First of all, thank you for taking the time to do this assignment.

There are many possible ways to solve this data problem. Your solution will help us gain insight into how you think, what tools and technologies you like to use and how you use them. Hopefully, we may be able to learn something from you, as well :)

As you will notice, not every detail is clearly defined. You have the freedom to make your own choices where you see fit. But you can also ask questions, of course.

Please e-mail your solution to the person that gave it to you within the agreed time.

gregakespret / gist:570998fccd6ca6e24ad4
Created March 15, 2015 19:26
Histogram using TDigest
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import com.tdunning.math.stats.{ArrayDigest, TDigest}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ // needed for java Collection -> scala Seq
object Histogram extends App {
val distribution: TDigest = TDigest.createArrayDigest(35, 1000)
gregakespret / gist:95e74f28551edc8a90c6
Created November 5, 2014 19:27
Polymorphic Deserialization Jackson using custom subtypes with default class fallback
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.{JsonTypeName, JsonSubTypes, JsonTypeInfo, JsonProperty}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper,DeserializationFeature}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "clazz",
gregakespret / gist:813b540faca678413ad4
Created May 21, 2014 21:53 Failed to save output of task
14/05/21 21:44:45 ERROR SparkHadoopWriter: Error committing the output of task: attempt_201405212144_0000_m_000000_3432 Failed to save output of task: attempt_201405212144_0000_m_000000_3432
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter.moveTaskOutputs(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter.moveTaskOutputs(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter.commitTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SparkHadoopWriter.commit(SparkHadoopWriter.scala:110)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$2.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:734)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$2.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:734)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(Result
package org.example
abstract class Person(val name: String)
// cannot be case class, because case classes have all parameters as vals and it wouldn't make sense to lazily instantiate them
class Girl(val name2: String, _boyfriend: => Boy) extends Person(name2) {
lazy val boyfriend = _boyfriend
class Boy(val name2: String, _girlfriend: => Girl) extends Person(name2) {
gregakespret / gist:7874908
Created December 9, 2013 16:14
Resubmision due to a fetch failure
Connected to jdbc:vertica:// (DirectBatchInsert: false)
13/12/09 15:45:36,704 INFO slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler: Slf4jEventHandler started
13/12/09 15:45:36,888 INFO spark.SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
13/12/09 15:45:36,925 INFO storage.DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at /tmp/spark-local-20131209154536-5135
13/12/09 15:45:36,933 INFO storage.MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity 2.2 GB.
13/12/09 15:45:36,969 INFO network.ConnectionManager: Bound socket to port 45383 with id = ConnectionManagerId(ip-10-170-8-11.ec2.internal,45383)
13/12/09 15:45:36,977 INFO storage.BlockManagerMaster: Trying to register BlockManager
13/12/09 15:45:36,988 INFO storage.BlockManagerMasterActor$BlockManagerInfo: Registering block manager ip-10-170-8-11.ec2.internal:45383 with 2.2 GB RAM
13/12/09 15:45:36,989 INFO storage.BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager
13/12/09 15:45:37,078 INFO server.Server: jetty-7.x.y-SNAPSHOT