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package org.example
abstract class Person(val name: String)
// cannot be case class, because case classes have all parameters as vals and it wouldn't make sense to lazily instantiate them
class Girl(val name2: String, _boyfriend: => Boy) extends Person(name2) {
lazy val boyfriend = _boyfriend
class Boy(val name2: String, _girlfriend: => Girl) extends Person(name2) {
lazy val girlfriend = _girlfriend
object Main extends App {
// this will work because it is at object/class level
val alice1: Girl = new Girl("alice", bob1)
val bob1 = new Boy("Bob", alice1)
// this will not work because it is at block/scope level
// def method = {
// val alice: Girl = new Girl("alice", bob) <-- it will fail at this line with "forward reference extends over definition of value alice"
// val bob = new Boy("Bob", alice)
// println(
// }
// this works if we make both of them lazy and they are both instantiated at println line, when the first one is needed
def method = {
lazy val alice: Girl = new Girl("alice", bob)
lazy val bob = new Boy("Bob", alice)
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