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Created September 20, 2020 07:01
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Save gregdavill/341f435d5681986c843972528236a02d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Blender 2.82a KiCad Material fix.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
DEBUG = False
# This should work without a blender at all
import os
import shlex
import math
from math import sin, cos, pi
from itertools import chain
texture_cache = {}
material_cache = {}
EPSILON = 0.0000001 # Very crude.
def imageConvertCompat(path):
if os.sep == '\\':
return path # assume win32 has quicktime, dont convert
if path.lower().endswith('.gif'):
path_to = path[:-3] + 'png'
if exists(path_to):
return path_to
# print('\n'+path+'\n'+path_to+'\n')
os.system('convert "%s" "%s"' % (path, path_to)) # for now just hope we have image magick
if os.path.exists(path_to):
return path_to
return path
# notes
# transform are relative
# order doesn't matter for loc/size/rot
# right handed rotation
# angles are in radians
# rotation first defines axis then amount in radians
# =============================== VRML Spesific
def vrml_split_fields(value):
key 0.0 otherkey 1,2,3 opt1 opt1 0.0
-> [key 0.0], [otherkey 1,2,3], [opt1 opt1 0.0]
def iskey(k):
if k[0] != '"' and k[0].isalpha() and k.upper() not in {'TRUE', 'FALSE'}:
return True
return False
field_list = []
field_context = []
for v in value:
if iskey(v):
if field_context:
field_context_len = len(field_context)
if (field_context_len > 2) and (field_context[-2] in {'DEF', 'USE'}):
elif (not iskey(field_context[-1])) or ((field_context_len == 3 and field_context[1] == 'IS')):
# this IS a key but the previous value was not a key, or it was a defined field.
field_context = [v]
# The last item was not a value, multiple keys are needed in some cases.
# Is empty, just add this on
# Add a value to the list
if field_context:
return field_list
def vrmlFormat(data):
Keep this as a valid vrml file, but format in a way we can predict.
# Strip all comments - # not in strings - warning multiline strings are ignored.
def strip_comment(l):
#l = ' '.join(l.split())
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith('#'):
return ''
i = l.find('#')
if i == -1:
return l
# Most cases accounted for! if we have a comment at the end of the line do this...
#j = l.find('url "')
j = l.find('"')
if j == -1: # simple no strings
return l[:i].strip()
q = False
for i, c in enumerate(l):
if c == '"':
q = not q # invert
elif c == '#':
if q is False:
return l[:i - 1]
return l
data = '\n'.join([strip_comment(l) for l in data.split('\n')]) # remove all whitespace
EXTRACT_STRINGS = True # only needed when strings or filename contains ,[]{} chars :/
# We need this so we can detect URL's
data = '\n'.join([' '.join(l.split()) for l in data.split('\n')]) # remove all whitespace
string_ls = []
#search = 'url "'
search = '"'
ok = True
last_i = 0
while ok:
ok = False
i = data.find(search, last_i)
if i != -1:
start = i + len(search) # first char after end of search
end = data.find('"', start)
if end != -1:
item = data[start:end]
data = data[:start] + data[end:]
ok = True # keep looking
last_i = (end - len(item)) + 1
# print(last_i, item, '|' + data[last_i] + '|')
# done with messy extracting strings part
# Bad, dont take strings into account
data = data.replace('#', '\n#')
data = '\n'.join([ll for l in data.split('\n') for ll in (l.strip(),) if not ll.startswith('#')]) # remove all whitespace
data = data.replace('{', '\n{\n')
data = data.replace('}', '\n}\n')
data = data.replace('[', '\n[\n')
data = data.replace(']', '\n]\n')
data = data.replace(',', ' , ') # make sure comma's separate
# We need to write one property (field) per line only, otherwise we fail later to detect correctly new nodes.
# See T45195 for details.
data = '\n'.join([' '.join(value) for l in data.split('\n') for value in vrml_split_fields(l.split())])
# add strings back in
search = '"' # fill in these empty strings
ok = True
last_i = 0
while ok:
ok = False
i = data.find(search + '"', last_i)
# print(i)
if i != -1:
start = i + len(search) # first char after end of search
item = string_ls.pop(0)
# print(item)
data = data[:start] + item + data[start:]
last_i = start + len(item) + 1
ok = True
# More annoying obscure cases where USE or DEF are placed on a newline
# data = data.replace('\nDEF ', ' DEF ')
# data = data.replace('\nUSE ', ' USE ')
data = '\n'.join([' '.join(l.split()) for l in data.split('\n')]) # remove all whitespace
# Better to parse the file accounting for multiline arrays
data = data.replace(',\n', ' , ') # remove line endings with commas
data = data.replace(']', '\n]\n') # very very annoying - but some comma's are at the end of the list, must run this again.
return [l for l in data.split('\n') if l]
NODE_NORMAL = 1 # {}
NODE_ARRAY = 2 # []
# NODE_PROTO = 4 #
lines = []
def getNodePreText(i, words):
# print(lines[i])
use_node = False
while len(words) < 5:
if i >= len(lines):
elif lines[i].startswith('PROTO'):
return NODE_PROTO, i+1
elif lines[i] == '{':
# words.append(lines[i]) # no need
# print("OK")
return NODE_NORMAL, i + 1
elif lines[i].count('"') % 2 != 0: # odd number of quotes? - part of a string.
# print('ISSTRING')
new_words = lines[i].split()
if 'USE' in new_words:
use_node = True
i += 1
# Check for USE node - no {
# USE #id - should always be on the same line.
if use_node:
# print('LINE', i, words[:words.index('USE')+2])
words[:] = words[:words.index('USE') + 2]
if lines[i] == '{' and lines[i + 1] == '}':
# USE sometimes has {} after it anyway
i += 2
# print("error value!!!", words)
return 0, -1
def is_nodeline(i, words):
if not lines[i][0].isalpha():
return 0, 0
#if lines[i].startswith('field'):
# return 0, 0
# Is this a prototype??
if lines[i].startswith('PROTO'):
words[:] = lines[i].split()
return NODE_NORMAL, i + 1 # TODO - assumes the next line is a '[\n', skip that
if lines[i].startswith('EXTERNPROTO'):
words[:] = lines[i].split()
return NODE_ARRAY, i + 1 # TODO - assumes the next line is a '[\n', skip that
proto_type, new_i = is_protoline(i, words, proto_field_defs)
if new_i != -1:
return proto_type, new_i
# Simple "var [" type
if lines[i + 1] == '[':
if lines[i].count('"') % 2 == 0:
words[:] = lines[i].split()
return NODE_ARRAY, i + 2
node_type, new_i = getNodePreText(i, words)
if not node_type:
print("not node_type", lines[i])
return 0, 0
# Ok, we have a { after some values
# Check the values are not fields
for i, val in enumerate(words):
if i != 0 and words[i - 1] in {'DEF', 'USE'}:
# ignore anything after DEF, it is a ID and can contain any chars.
elif val[0].isalpha() and val not in {'TRUE', 'FALSE'}:
# There is a number in one of the values, therefor we are not a node.
return 0, 0
#if node_type==NODE_REFERENCE:
# print(words, "REF_!!!!!!!")
return node_type, new_i
def is_numline(i):
Does this line start with a number?
# Works but too slow.
l = lines[i]
for w in l.split():
if w==',':
return True
return False
return False
l = lines[i]
line_start = 0
if l.startswith(', '):
line_start += 2
line_end = len(l) - 1
line_end_new = l.find(' ', line_start) # comma's always have a space before them
if line_end_new != -1:
line_end = line_end_new
float(l[line_start:line_end]) # works for a float or int
return True
return False
class vrmlNode(object):
__slots__ = ('id',
def __init__(self, parent, node_type, lineno): = None
self.node_type = node_type
self.parent = parent
self.blendObject = None
self.blendData = None
self.x3dNode = None # for x3d import only
self.parsed = None # We try to reuse objects in a smart way
if parent:
self.lineno = lineno
# This is only set from the root nodes.
# Having a filename also denotes a root node
self.filename = None
self.proto_node = None # proto field definition eg: "field SFColor seatColor .6 .6 .1"
# Store in the root node because each inline file needs its own root node and its own namespace
self.reference = None
if node_type == NODE_REFERENCE:
# For references, only the parent and ID are needed
# the reference its self is assigned on parsing
self.fields = [] # fields have no order, in some cases rool level values are not unique so dont use a dict
self.proto_field_defs = [] # proto field definition eg: "field SFColor seatColor .6 .6 .1"
self.proto_fields = [] # proto field usage "diffuseColor IS seatColor"
self.children = []
self.array_data = [] # use for arrays of data - should only be for NODE_ARRAY types
# Only available from the root node
def getFieldDict(self):
if self.FIELD_NAMESPACE is not None:
return self.parent.getFieldDict()
def getProtoDict(self):
if self.PROTO_NAMESPACE is not None:
return self.parent.getProtoDict()
def getDefDict(self):
if self.DEF_NAMESPACE is not None:
return self.DEF_NAMESPACE
return self.parent.getDefDict()
def getRouteIpoDict(self):
if self.ROUTE_IPO_NAMESPACE is not None:
return self.parent.getRouteIpoDict()
def setRoot(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def isRoot(self):
if self.filename is None:
return False
return True
def getFilename(self):
if self.filename:
return self.filename
elif self.parent:
return self.parent.getFilename()
return None
def getRealNode(self):
if self.reference:
return self.reference
return self
def getSpec(self):
self_real = self.getRealNode()
return[-1] # its possible this node has no spec
return None
def findSpecRecursive(self, spec):
self_real = self.getRealNode()
if spec == self_real.getSpec():
return self
for child in self_real.children:
if child.findSpecRecursive(spec):
return child
return None
def getPrefix(self):
return None
def getSpecialTypeName(self, typename):
self_real = self.getRealNode()
return[list( + 1]
return None
def getDefName(self):
return self.getSpecialTypeName('DEF')
def getProtoName(self):
return self.getSpecialTypeName('PROTO')
def getExternprotoName(self):
return self.getSpecialTypeName('EXTERNPROTO')
def getChildrenBySpec(self, node_spec): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance
self_real = self.getRealNode()
# using getSpec functions allows us to use the spec of USE children that dont have their spec in their ID
if type(node_spec) == str:
return [child for child in self_real.children if child.getSpec() == node_spec]
# Check inside a list of optional types
return [child for child in self_real.children if child.getSpec() in node_spec]
def getChildrenBySpecCondition(self, cond): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance
self_real = self.getRealNode()
# using getSpec functions allows us to use the spec of USE children that dont have their spec in their ID
return [child for child in self_real.children if cond(child.getSpec())]
def getChildBySpec(self, node_spec): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance
# Use in cases where there is only ever 1 child of this type
ls = self.getChildrenBySpec(node_spec)
if ls:
return ls[0]
return None
def getChildBySpecCondition(self, cond): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance
# Use in cases where there is only ever 1 child of this type
ls = self.getChildrenBySpecCondition(cond)
if ls:
return ls[0]
return None
def getChildrenByName(self, node_name): # type could be geometry, children, appearance
self_real = self.getRealNode()
return [child for child in self_real.children if if[0] == node_name]
def getChildByName(self, node_name):
self_real = self.getRealNode()
for child in self_real.children:
if and[0] == node_name: # and[-1]==node_spec:
return child
def getSerialized(self, results, ancestry):
""" Return this node and all its children in a flat list """
ancestry = ancestry[:] # always use a copy
# self_real = self.getRealNode()
results.append((self, tuple(ancestry)))
for child in self.getRealNode().children:
if child not in ancestry:
# We dont want to load proto's, they are only references
# We could enforce this elsewhere
# Only add this in a very special case
# where the parent of this object is not the real parent
# - In this case we have added the proto as a child to a node instancing it.
# This is a bit arbitrary, but its how Proto's are done with this importer.
if child.getProtoName() is None and child.getExternprotoName() is None:
child.getSerialized(results, ancestry)
print('getSerialized() is proto:', child.getProtoName(), child.getExternprotoName(), self.getSpec())
self_spec = self.getSpec()
if child.getProtoName() == self_spec or child.getExternprotoName() == self_spec:
#if DEBUG:
# "FoundProto!"
child.getSerialized(results, ancestry)
return results
def searchNodeTypeID(self, node_spec, results):
self_real = self.getRealNode()
# print(self.lineno,
if and[-1] == node_spec: # use last element, could also be only element
for child in self_real.children:
child.searchNodeTypeID(node_spec, results)
return results
def getFieldName(self, field, ancestry, AS_CHILD=False, SPLIT_COMMAS=False):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
for f in self_real.fields:
# print(f)
if f and f[0] == field:
# print('\tfound field', f)
if len(f) >= 3 and f[1] == 'IS': # eg: 'diffuseColor IS legColor'
field_id = f[2]
# print("\n\n\n\n\n\nFOND IS!!!")
f_proto_lookup = None
f_proto_child_lookup = None
i = len(ancestry)
while i:
i -= 1
node = ancestry[i]
node = node.getRealNode()
# proto settings are stored in "self.proto_node"
if node.proto_node:
# Get the default value from the proto, this can be overwritten by the proto instance
# 'field SFColor legColor .8 .4 .7'
for child in node.proto_node.children:
#if and len( >= 3 and[2]==field_id:
if and ('point' in or 'points' in
f_proto_child_lookup = child
for f_def in node.proto_node.proto_field_defs:
if len(f_def) >= 4:
if f_def[0] == 'field' and f_def[2] == field_id:
f_proto_lookup = f_def[3:]
# Node instance, Will be 1 up from the proto-node in the ancestry list. but NOT its parent.
# This is the setting as defined by the instance, including this setting is optional,
# and will override the default PROTO value
# eg: 'legColor 1 0 0'
for child in node.children:
if and[0] == field_id:
f_proto_child_lookup = child
for f_def in node.fields:
if len(f_def) >= 2:
if f_def[0] == field_id:
print("getFieldName(), found proto", f_def)
f_proto_lookup = f_def[1:]
if f_proto_child_lookup:
print("getFieldName() - AS_CHILD=True, child found")
return f_proto_child_lookup
return f_proto_lookup
return None
# Not using a proto
return f[1:]
# print('\tfield not found', field)
# See if this is a proto name
for child in self_real.children:
if and len( == 1 and[0] == field:
return child
return None
def getFieldAsInt(self, field, default, ancestry):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
f = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry)
if f is None:
return default
if ',' in f:
f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma
if len(f) != 1:
print('\t"%s" wrong length for int conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
return int(f[0])
print('\tvalue "%s" could not be used as an int for field "%s"' % (f[0], field))
return default
def getFieldAsFloat(self, field, default, ancestry):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
f = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry)
if f is None:
return default
if ',' in f:
f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma
if len(f) != 1:
print('\t"%s" wrong length for float conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
return float(f[0])
print('\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a float for field "%s"' % (f[0], field))
return default
def getFieldAsFloatTuple(self, field, default, ancestry):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
f = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry)
if f is None:
return default
# if ',' in f: f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma
if len(f) < 1:
print('"%s" wrong length for float tuple conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
ret = []
for v in f:
if v != ',':
break # quit of first non float, perhaps its a new field name on the same line? - if so we are going to ignore it :/ TODO
# print(ret)
if ret:
return ret
if not ret:
print('\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a float tuple for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
def getFieldAsBool(self, field, default, ancestry):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
f = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry)
if f is None:
return default
if ',' in f:
f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma
if len(f) != 1:
print('\t"%s" wrong length for bool conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
if f[0].upper() == '"TRUE"' or f[0].upper() == 'TRUE':
return True
elif f[0].upper() == '"FALSE"' or f[0].upper() == 'FALSE':
return False
print('\t"%s" could not be used as a bool for field "%s"' % (f[1], field))
return default
def getFieldAsString(self, field, default, ancestry):
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
f = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry)
if f is None:
return default
if len(f) < 1:
print('\t"%s" wrong length for string conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field))
return default
if len(f) > 1:
# String may contain spaces
st = ' '.join(f)
st = f[0]
if self.x3dNode:
return st
if st[0] == '"' and st[-1] == '"':
return st[1:-1]
print('\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a string for field "%s"' % (f[0], field))
return default
def getFieldAsArray(self, field, group, ancestry):
For this parser arrays are children
def array_as_number(array_string):
array_data = []
array_data = [int(val, 0) for val in array_string]
array_data = [float(val) for val in array_string]
print('\tWarning, could not parse array data from field')
return array_data
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
child_array = self_real.getFieldName(field, ancestry, True, SPLIT_COMMAS=True)
#if type(child_array)==list: # happens occasionally
# array_data = child_array
if child_array is None:
# For x3d, should work ok with vrml too
# for x3d arrays are fields, vrml they are nodes, annoying but not too bad.
data_split = self.getFieldName(field, ancestry, SPLIT_COMMAS=True)
if not data_split:
return []
array_data = array_as_number(data_split)
elif type(child_array) == list:
# x3d creates these
array_data = array_as_number(child_array)
# print(child_array)
# Normal vrml
array_data = child_array.array_data
# print('array_data', array_data)
if group == -1 or len(array_data) == 0:
return array_data
# We want a flat list
flat = True
for item in array_data:
if type(item) == list:
flat = False
# make a flat array
if flat:
flat_array = array_data # we are already flat.
flat_array = []
def extend_flat(ls):
for item in ls:
if type(item) == list:
# We requested a flat array
if group == 0:
return flat_array
new_array = []
sub_array = []
for item in flat_array:
if len(sub_array) == group:
sub_array = []
if sub_array:
print('\twarning, array was not aligned to requested grouping', group, 'remaining value', sub_array)
return new_array
def getFieldAsStringArray(self, field, ancestry):
Get a list of strings
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
child_array = None
for child in self_real.children:
if and len( == 1 and[0] == field:
child_array = child
if not child_array:
return []
# each string gets its own list, remove ""'s
new_array = [f[0][1:-1] for f in child_array.fields]
print('\twarning, string array could not be made')
new_array = []
return new_array
def getLevel(self):
# Ignore self_real
level = 0
p = self.parent
while p:
level += 1
p = p.parent
if not p:
return level
def __repr__(self):
level = self.getLevel()
ind = ' ' * level
if self.node_type == NODE_REFERENCE:
brackets = ''
elif self.node_type == NODE_NORMAL:
brackets = '{}'
brackets = '[]'
if brackets:
text = ind + brackets[0] + '\n'
text = ''
text += ind + 'ID: ' + str( + ' ' + str(level) + (' lineno %d\n' % self.lineno)
if self.node_type == NODE_REFERENCE:
text += ind + "(reference node)\n"
return text
if self.proto_node:
text += ind + 'PROTO NODE...\n'
text += str(self.proto_node)
text += ind + 'PROTO NODE_DONE\n'
text += ind + 'FIELDS:' + str(len(self.fields)) + '\n'
for i, item in enumerate(self.fields):
text += ind + 'FIELD:\n'
text += ind + str(item) + '\n'
text += ind + 'PROTO_FIELD_DEFS:' + str(len(self.proto_field_defs)) + '\n'
for i, item in enumerate(self.proto_field_defs):
text += ind + 'PROTO_FIELD:\n'
text += ind + str(item) + '\n'
text += ind + 'ARRAY: ' + str(len(self.array_data)) + ' ' + str(self.array_data) + '\n'
#text += ind + 'ARRAY: ' + str(len(self.array_data)) + '[...] \n'
text += ind + 'CHILDREN: ' + str(len(self.children)) + '\n'
for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
text += ind + ('CHILD%d:\n' % i)
text += str(child)
text += '\n' + ind + brackets[1]
return text
def parse(self, i, IS_PROTO_DATA=False):
new_i = self.__parse(i, IS_PROTO_DATA)
# print(, self.getFilename())
# Check if this node was an inline or externproto
url_ls = []
if self.node_type == NODE_NORMAL and self.getSpec() == 'Inline':
ancestry = [] # Warning! - PROTO's using this wont work at all.
url = self.getFieldAsString('url', None, ancestry)
if url:
url_ls = [(url, None)]
del ancestry
elif self.getExternprotoName():
# externproto
url_ls = []
for f in self.fields:
if type(f) == str:
f = [f]
for ff in f:
for f_split in ff.split('"'):
# print(f_split)
# "someextern.vrml#SomeID"
if '#' in f_split:
f_split, f_split_id = f_split.split('#') # there should only be 1 # anyway
url_ls.append((f_split, f_split_id))
url_ls.append((f_split, None))
# Was either an Inline or an EXTERNPROTO
if url_ls:
# print(url_ls)
for url, extern_key in url_ls:
urls = []
urls.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.getFilename()), url))
urls.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.getFilename()), os.path.basename(url)))
url = [url for url in urls if os.path.exists(url)][0]
url_found = True
url_found = False
if not url_found:
print('\tWarning: Inline URL could not be found:', url)
if url == self.getFilename():
print('\tWarning: cant Inline yourself recursively:', url)
data = gzipOpen(url)
print('\tWarning: cant open the file:', url)
data = None
if data:
# Tricky - inline another VRML
print('\tLoading Inline:"%s"...' % url)
# Watch it! - backup lines
lines_old = lines[:]
lines[:] = vrmlFormat(data)
lines.insert(0, '{')
lines.insert(0, 'root_node____')
ff = open('/tmp/test.txt', 'w')
ff.writelines([l+'\n' for l in lines])
child = vrmlNode(self, NODE_NORMAL, -1)
child.setRoot(url) # initialized dicts
# if self.getExternprotoName():
if self.getExternprotoName():
if not extern_key: # if none is specified - use the name
extern_key = self.getSpec()
if extern_key:
child.parent = None
extern_child = child.findSpecRecursive(extern_key)
if extern_child:
extern_child.parent = self
print("\tEXTERNPROTO ID found!:", extern_key)
print("\tEXTERNPROTO ID not found!:", extern_key)
# Watch it! - restore lines
lines[:] = lines_old
return new_i
def __parse(self, i, IS_PROTO_DATA=False):
print('parsing at', i, end="")
print(i,, self.lineno)
l = lines[i]
if l == '[':
# An anonymous list = None
i += 1
words = []
node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(i, words)
if not node_type: # fail for parsing new node.
print("Failed to parse new node")
raise ValueError
if self.node_type == NODE_REFERENCE:
# Only assign the reference and quit
key = words[words.index('USE') + 1] = (words[0],)
self.reference = self.getDefDict()[key]
return new_i = tuple(words)
# fill in DEF/USE
key = self.getDefName()
if key is not None:
self.getDefDict()[key] = self
key = self.getProtoName()
if not key:
key = self.getExternprotoName()
proto_dict = self.getProtoDict()
if key is not None:
proto_dict[key] = self
# Parse the proto nodes fields
self.proto_node = vrmlNode(self, NODE_ARRAY, new_i)
new_i = self.proto_node.parse(new_i)
# print(self.proto_node)
new_i += 1 # skip past the {
else: # If we're a proto instance, add the proto node as our child.
spec = self.getSpec()
del spec
del proto_dict, key
i = new_i
# print(
ok = True
while ok:
if i >= len(lines):
return len(lines) - 1
l = lines[i]
# print('\tDEBUG:', i, self.node_type, l)
if l == '':
i += 1
if l == '}':
if self.node_type != NODE_NORMAL: # also ends proto nodes, we may want a type for these too.
print('wrong node ending, expected an } ' + str(i) + ' ' + str(self.node_type))
raise ValueError
### print("returning", i)
return i + 1
if l == ']':
if self.node_type != NODE_ARRAY:
print('wrong node ending, expected a ] ' + str(i) + ' ' + str(self.node_type))
raise ValueError
### print("returning", i)
return i + 1
node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(i, [])
if node_type: # check text\n{
child = vrmlNode(self, node_type, i)
i = child.parse(i)
elif l == '[': # some files have these anonymous lists
child = vrmlNode(self, NODE_ARRAY, i)
i = child.parse(i)
elif is_numline(i):
l_split = l.split(',')
values = None
# See if each item is a float?
for num_type in (int, float):
values = [num_type(v) for v in l_split]
values = [[num_type(v) for v in segment.split()] for segment in l_split]
if values is None: # dont parse
values = l_split
# This should not extend over multiple lines however it is possible
# print(self.array_data)
if values:
i += 1
words = l.split()
if len(words) > 2 and words[1] == 'USE':
vrmlNode(self, NODE_REFERENCE, i)
# print("FIELD", i, l)
#words = l.split()
### print('\t\ttag', i)
# this is a tag/
# print(words, i, l)
value = l
# print(i)
# javastrips can exist as values.
quote_count = l.count('"')
if quote_count % 2: # odd number?
# print('MULTILINE')
while 1:
i += 1
l = lines[i]
quote_count = l.count('"')
if quote_count % 2: # odd number?
value += '\n' + l[:l.rfind('"')]
break # assume
value += '\n' + l
# use shlex so we get '"a b" "b v"' --> '"a b"', '"b v"'
value_all = shlex.split(value, posix=False)
for value in vrml_split_fields(value_all):
# Split
if value[0] == 'field':
# field SFFloat creaseAngle 4
i += 1
# This is a prerequisite for DEF/USE-based material caching
def canHaveReferences(self):
return self.node_type == NODE_NORMAL and self.getDefName()
# This is a prerequisite for raw XML-based material caching. For now, only for X3D
def desc(self):
return None
def gzipOpen(path):
import gzip
data = None
data =, 'r').read()
if data is None:
filehandle = open(path, 'rU', encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
data =
import traceback
data = data.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
return data
def vrml_parse(path):
Sets up the root node and returns it so load_web3d() can deal with the blender side of things.
Return root (vrmlNode, '') or (None, 'Error String')
data = gzipOpen(path)
if data is None:
return None, 'Failed to open file: ' + path
# Stripped above
lines[:] = vrmlFormat(data)
lines.insert(0, '{')
lines.insert(0, 'dymmy_node')
# Use for testing our parsed output, so we can check on line numbers.
ff = open('/tmp/test.txt', 'w')
ff.writelines([l+'\n' for l in lines])
# Now evaluate it
node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(0, [])
if not node_type:
return None, 'Error: VRML file has no starting Node'
# Trick to make sure we get all root nodes.
lines.insert(0, '{')
lines.insert(0, 'root_node____') # important the name starts with an ascii char
root = vrmlNode(None, NODE_NORMAL, -1)
root.setRoot(path) # we need to set the root so we have a namespace and know the path in case of inlineing
# Parse recursively
# This prints a load of text
return root, ''
# ====================== END VRML
# ====================== X3d Support
# Sane as vrml but replace the parser
class x3dNode(vrmlNode):
def __init__(self, parent, node_type, x3dNode):
vrmlNode.__init__(self, parent, node_type, -1)
self.x3dNode = x3dNode
def parse(self, IS_PROTO_DATA=False):
# print(self.x3dNode.tagName)
self.lineno = self.x3dNode.parse_position[0]
define = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('DEF')
if define:
self.getDefDict()[define.value] = self
use = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('USE')
if use:
self.reference = self.getDefDict()[use.value]
self.node_type = NODE_REFERENCE
print('\tWarning: reference', use.value, 'not found')
for x3dChildNode in self.x3dNode.childNodes:
if x3dChildNode.nodeType in {x3dChildNode.TEXT_NODE, x3dChildNode.COMMENT_NODE, x3dChildNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE}:
node_type = NODE_NORMAL
# print(x3dChildNode, dir(x3dChildNode))
if x3dChildNode.getAttributeNode('USE'):
node_type = NODE_REFERENCE
child = x3dNode(self, node_type, x3dChildNode)
# TODO - x3d Inline
def getSpec(self):
return self.x3dNode.tagName # should match vrml spec
# Used to retain object identifiers from X3D to Blender
def getDefName(self):
node_id = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('DEF')
if node_id:
return node_id.value
node_id = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('USE')
if node_id:
return "USE_" + node_id.value
return None
# Other funcs operate from vrml, but this means we can wrap XML fields, still use nice utility funcs
# getFieldAsArray getFieldAsBool etc
def getFieldName(self, field, ancestry, AS_CHILD=False, SPLIT_COMMAS=False):
# ancestry and AS_CHILD are ignored, only used for VRML now
self_real = self.getRealNode() # in case we're an instance
field_xml = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode(field)
if field_xml:
value = field_xml.value
# We may want to edit. for x3d specific stuff
# Sucks a bit to return the field name in the list but vrml excepts this :/
value = value.replace(",", " ")
return value.split()
return None
def canHaveReferences(self):
return self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('DEF')
def desc(self):
return self.getRealNode().x3dNode.toxml()
def x3d_parse(path):
Sets up the root node and returns it so load_web3d() can deal with the blender side of things.
Return root (x3dNode, '') or (None, 'Error String')
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.sax
from xml.sax import handler
try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path)
except: return None, 'Could not parse this X3D file, XML error'
# Could add a try/except here, but a console error is more useful.
data = gzipOpen(path)
if data is None:
return None, 'Failed to open file: ' + path
# Enable line number reporting in the parser - kinda brittle
def set_content_handler(dom_handler):
def startElementNS(name, tagName, attrs):
orig_start_cb(name, tagName, attrs)
cur_elem = dom_handler.elementStack[-1]
cur_elem.parse_position = (parser._parser.CurrentLineNumber, parser._parser.CurrentColumnNumber)
orig_start_cb = dom_handler.startElementNS
dom_handler.startElementNS = startElementNS
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
orig_set_content_handler = parser.setContentHandler
parser.setFeature(handler.feature_external_ges, False)
parser.setFeature(handler.feature_external_pes, False)
parser.setContentHandler = set_content_handler
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data, parser)
x3dnode = doc.getElementsByTagName('X3D')[0]
return None, 'Not a valid x3d document, cannot import'
root = x3dNode(None, NODE_NORMAL, x3dnode)
root.setRoot(path) # so images and Inline's we load have a relative path
return root, ''
## f = open('/_Cylinder.wrl', 'r')
# f = open('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/TOUCHSN.WRL', 'r')
# vrml_parse('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/TOUCHSN.WRL')
import os
files = os.popen('find /fe/wrl -iname "*.wrl"').readlines()
tot = len(files)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
#if i < 801:
# continue
f = f.strip()
print(f, i, tot)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import bpy
from bpy_extras import image_utils
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Quaternion
def translateRotation(rot):
""" axis, angle """
return Matrix.Rotation(rot[3], 4, Vector(rot[:3]))
def translateScale(sca):
mat = Matrix() # 4x4 default
mat[0][0] = sca[0]
mat[1][1] = sca[1]
mat[2][2] = sca[2]
return mat
def translateTransform(node, ancestry):
cent = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('center', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
rot = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('rotation', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
sca = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scale', None, ancestry) # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
scaori = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scaleOrientation', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
tx = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('translation', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
if cent:
cent_mat = Matrix.Translation(cent)
cent_imat = cent_mat.inverted()
cent_mat = cent_imat = None
if rot:
rot_mat = translateRotation(rot)
rot_mat = None
if sca:
sca_mat = translateScale(sca)
sca_mat = None
if scaori:
scaori_mat = translateRotation(scaori)
scaori_imat = scaori_mat.inverted()
scaori_mat = scaori_imat = None
if tx:
tx_mat = Matrix.Translation(tx)
tx_mat = None
new_mat = Matrix()
mats = [tx_mat, cent_mat, rot_mat, scaori_mat, sca_mat, scaori_imat, cent_imat]
for mtx in mats:
if mtx:
new_mat = new_mat @ mtx
return new_mat
def translateTexTransform(node, ancestry):
cent = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('center', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0)
rot = node.getFieldAsFloat('rotation', None, ancestry) # 0.0
sca = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scale', None, ancestry) # (1.0, 1.0)
tx = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('translation', None, ancestry) # (0.0, 0.0)
if cent:
# cent is at a corner by default
cent_mat = Matrix.Translation(Vector(cent).to_3d())
cent_imat = cent_mat.inverted()
cent_mat = cent_imat = None
if rot:
rot_mat = Matrix.Rotation(rot, 4, 'Z') # translateRotation(rot)
rot_mat = None
if sca:
sca_mat = translateScale((sca[0], sca[1], 0.0))
sca_mat = None
if tx:
tx_mat = Matrix.Translation(Vector(tx).to_3d())
tx_mat = None
new_mat = Matrix()
# as specified in VRML97 docs
mats = [cent_imat, sca_mat, rot_mat, cent_mat, tx_mat]
for mtx in mats:
if mtx:
new_mat = new_mat @ mtx
return new_mat
def getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry, global_matrix):
transform_nodes = [node_tx for node_tx in ancestry if node_tx.getSpec() == 'Transform']
if node.getSpec() == 'Transform':
if mtx is None:
mtx = Matrix()
for node_tx in transform_nodes:
mat = translateTransform(node_tx, ancestry)
mtx = mat @ mtx
# worldspace matrix
mtx = global_matrix @ mtx
return mtx
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mesh import utilities
# Assumes that the mesh has polygons.
def importMesh_ApplyColors(bpymesh, geom, ancestry):
colors = geom.getChildBySpec(['ColorRGBA', 'Color'])
if colors:
if colors.getSpec() == 'ColorRGBA':
rgb = colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 4, ancestry)
# Array of arrays; no need to flatten
rgb = [c + [1.0] for c in colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 3, ancestry)]
lcol_layer =
if len(rgb) == len(bpymesh.vertices):
rgb = [rgb[l.vertex_index] for l in bpymesh.loops]
rgb = tuple(chain(*rgb))
elif len(rgb) == len(bpymesh.loops):
rgb = tuple(chain(*rgb))
printf("WARNING not applying vertex colors, non matching numbers of vertices or loops (%d vs %d/%d)"
"" % (len(rgb), len(bpymesh.vertices), len(bpymesh.loops)))
return"color", rgb)
# Assumes that the vertices have not been rearranged compared to the
# source file order # or in the order assumed by the spec (e. g. in
# Elevation, in rows by x).
# Assumes polygons have been set.
def importMesh_ApplyNormals(bpymesh, geom, ancestry):
normals = geom.getChildBySpec('Normal')
if not normals:
per_vertex = geom.getFieldAsBool('normalPerVertex', True, ancestry)
vectors = normals.getFieldAsArray('vector', 0, ancestry)
if per_vertex:
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set("normal", vectors)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("normal", vectors)
# Reads the standard Coordinate object - common for all mesh elements
# Feeds the vertices in the mesh.
# Rearranging the vertex order is a bad idea - other elements
# in X3D might rely on it, if you need to rearrange, please play with
# vertex indices in the polygons instead.
# Vertex culling that we have in IndexedFaceSet is an unfortunate exception,
# brought forth by a very specific issue.
def importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry):
# We want points here as a flat array, but the caching logic in
# IndexedFaceSet presumes a 2D one.
# The case for caching is stronger over there.
coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate')
points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 0, ancestry)
bpymesh.vertices.add(len(points) // 3)
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", points)
# Assumes that the order of vertices matches the source file.
# Relies upon texture coordinates in the X3D node; if a coordinate generation
# algorithm for a geometry is in the spec (e. g. for ElevationGrid), it needs
# to be implemented by the geometry handler.
# Texture transform is applied in ProcessObject.
def importMesh_ApplyUVs(bpymesh, geom, ancestry):
tex_coord = geom.getChildBySpec('TextureCoordinate')
if not tex_coord:
uvs = tex_coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 2, ancestry)
if not uvs:
d =
uvs = [i for poly in bpymesh.polygons
for vidx in poly.vertices
for i in uvs[vidx]]
d.foreach_set('uv', uvs)
# Common steps for all triangle meshes once the geometry has been set:
# normals, vertex colors, and UVs.
def importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry):
importMesh_ApplyNormals(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
importMesh_ApplyColors(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
importMesh_ApplyUVs(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
return bpymesh
# Assumes that the mesh is stored as polygons and loops, and the premade array
# of texture coordinates follows the loop array.
# The loops array must be flat.
def importMesh_ApplyTextureToLoops(bpymesh, loops):
d =
d.foreach_set('uv', loops)
def flip(r, ccw):
return r if ccw else r[::-1]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now specific geometry importers
def importMesh_IndexedTriangleSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry)
bpymesh ="XXX")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
# Read the faces
index = geom.getFieldAsArray('index', 0, ancestry)
num_polys = len(index) // 3
if not ccw:
index = [index[3 * i + j] for i in range(num_polys) for j in (1, 0, 2)]
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", index)
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_IndexedTriangleStripSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
cw = 0 if geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry) else 1
bpymesh ="IndexedTriangleStripSet")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
# Read the faces
index = geom.getFieldAsArray('index', 0, ancestry)
while index[-1] == -1:
del index[-1]
ngaps = sum(1 for i in index if i == -1)
num_polys = len(index) - 2 - 3 * ngaps
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
def triangles():
i = 0
odd = cw
while True:
yield index[i + odd]
yield index[i + 1 - odd]
yield index[i + 2]
odd = 1 - odd
i += 1
if i + 2 >= len(index):
if index[i + 2] == -1:
i += 3
odd = cw
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", [f for f in triangles()])
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_IndexedTriangleFanSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
cw = 0 if geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry) else 1
bpymesh ="IndexedTriangleFanSet")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
# Read the faces
index = geom.getFieldAsArray('index', 0, ancestry)
while index[-1] == -1:
del index[-1]
ngaps = sum(1 for i in index if i == -1)
num_polys = len(index) - 2 - 3 * ngaps
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
def triangles():
i = 0
j = 1
while True:
yield index[i]
yield index[i + j + cw]
yield index[i + j + 1 - cw]
j += 1
if i + j + 1 >= len(index):
if index[i + j + 1] == -1:
i = j + 2
j = 1
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", [f for f in triangles()])
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_TriangleSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry)
bpymesh ="TriangleSet")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
n = len(bpymesh.vertices)
num_polys = n // 3
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
if ccw:
fv = [i for i in range(n)]
fv = [3 * i + j for i in range(n // 3) for j in (1, 0, 2)]
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", fv)
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_TriangleStripSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
cw = 0 if geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry) else 1
bpymesh ="TriangleStripSet")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
counts = geom.getFieldAsArray('stripCount', 0, ancestry)
num_polys = sum([n - 2 for n in counts])
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
def triangles():
b = 0
for i in range(0, len(counts)):
for j in range(0, counts[i] - 2):
yield b + j + (j + cw) % 2
yield b + j + 1 - (j + cw) % 2
yield b + j + 2
b += counts[i]
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", [x for x in triangles()])
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_TriangleFanSet(geom, ancestry):
# Ignoring solid
# colorPerVertex is always true
cw = 0 if geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry) else 1
bpymesh ="TriangleStripSet")
importMesh_ReadVertices(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
counts = geom.getFieldAsArray('fanCount', 0, ancestry)
num_polys = sum([n - 2 for n in counts])
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 3)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 3, 3))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * num_polys)
def triangles():
b = 0
for i in range(0, len(counts)):
for j in range(1, counts[i] - 1):
yield b
yield b + j + cw
yield b + j + 1 - cw
b += counts[i]
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", [x for x in triangles()])
return importMesh_FinalizeTriangleMesh(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
def importMesh_IndexedFaceSet(geom, ancestry):
# Saw the following structure in X3Ds: the first mesh has a huge set
# of vertices and a reasonably sized index. The rest of the meshes
# reference the Coordinate node from the first one, and have their
# own reasonably sized indices.
# In Blender, to the best of my knowledge, there's no way to reuse
# the vertex set between meshes. So we have culling logic instead -
# for each mesh, only leave vertices that are used for faces.
ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry)
coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate')
if coord.reference:
points = coord.getRealNode().parsed
# We need unflattened coord array here, while
# importMesh_ReadVertices uses flattened. Can't cache both :(
# TODO: resolve that somehow, so that vertex set can be effectively
# reused between different mesh types?
points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3, ancestry)
if coord.canHaveReferences():
coord.parsed = points
index = geom.getFieldAsArray('coordIndex', 0, ancestry)
while index and index[-1] == -1:
del index[-1]
if len(points) >= 2 * len(index): # Need to cull
culled_points = []
cull = {} # Maps old vertex indices to new ones
uncull = [] # Maps new indices to the old ones
new_index = 0
uncull = cull = None
faces = []
face = []
# Generate faces. Cull the vertices if necessary,
for i in index:
if i == -1:
if face:
faces.append(flip(face, ccw))
face = []
if cull is not None:
if not(i in cull):
cull[i] = new_index
i = new_index
new_index += 1
i = cull[i]
if face:
faces.append(flip(face, ccw)) # The last face
if cull:
points = culled_points
bpymesh ="IndexedFaceSet")
bpymesh.from_pydata(points, [], faces)
# No validation here. It throws off the per-face stuff.
# Similar treatment for normal and color indices
def processPerVertexIndex(ind):
if ind:
# Deflatten into an array of arrays by face; the latter might
# need to be flipped
i = 0
verts_by_face = []
for f in faces:
verts_by_face.append(flip(ind[i:i + len(f)], ccw))
i += len(f) + 1
return verts_by_face
elif uncull:
return [[uncull[v] for v in f] for f in faces]
return faces # Reuse coordIndex, as per the spec
# Normals
normals = geom.getChildBySpec('Normal')
if normals:
per_vertex = geom.getFieldAsBool('normalPerVertex', True, ancestry)
vectors = normals.getFieldAsArray('vector', 3, ancestry)
normal_index = geom.getFieldAsArray('normalIndex', 0, ancestry)
if per_vertex:
co = [co for f in processPerVertexIndex(normal_index)
for v in f
for co in vectors[v]]
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set("normal", co)
co = [co for (i, f) in enumerate(faces)
for j in f
for co in vectors[normal_index[i] if normal_index else i]]
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("normal", co)
# Apply vertex/face colors
colors = geom.getChildBySpec(['ColorRGBA', 'Color'])
if colors:
if colors.getSpec() == 'ColorRGBA':
rgb = colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 4, ancestry)
# Array of arrays; no need to flatten
rgb = [c + [1.0] for c in colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 3, ancestry)]
color_per_vertex = geom.getFieldAsBool('colorPerVertex', True, ancestry)
color_index = geom.getFieldAsArray('colorIndex', 0, ancestry)
d =
if color_per_vertex:
cco = [cco for f in processPerVertexIndex(color_index)
for v in f
for cco in rgb[v]]
elif color_index: # Color per face with index
cco = [cco for (i, f) in enumerate(faces)
for j in f
for cco in rgb[color_index[i]]]
else: # Color per face without index
cco = [cco for (i, f) in enumerate(faces)
for j in f
for cco in rgb[i]]
d.foreach_set('color', cco)
# Texture coordinates (UVs)
tex_coord = geom.getChildBySpec('TextureCoordinate')
if tex_coord:
tex_coord_points = tex_coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 2, ancestry)
tex_index = geom.getFieldAsArray('texCoordIndex', 0, ancestry)
tex_index = processPerVertexIndex(tex_index)
loops = [co for f in tex_index
for v in f
for co in tex_coord_points[v]]
x_min = x_max = y_min = y_max = z_min = z_max = None
for f in faces:
# Unused vertices don't participate in size; X3DOM does so
for v in f:
(x, y, z) = points[v]
if x_min is None or x < x_min:
x_min = x
if x_max is None or x > x_max:
x_max = x
if y_min is None or y < y_min:
y_min = y
if y_max is None or y > y_max:
y_max = y
if z_min is None or z < z_min:
z_min = z
if z_max is None or z > z_max:
z_max = z
mins = (x_min, y_min, z_min)
deltas = (x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, z_max - z_min)
axes = [0, 1, 2]
axes.sort(key=lambda a: (-deltas[a], a))
# Tuple comparison breaks ties
(s_axis, t_axis) = axes[0:2]
s_min = mins[s_axis]
ds = deltas[s_axis]
t_min = mins[t_axis]
dt = deltas[t_axis]
def generatePointCoords(pt):
return (pt[s_axis] - s_min) / ds, (pt[t_axis] - t_min) / dt
loops = [co for f in faces
for v in f
for co in generatePointCoords(points[v])]
importMesh_ApplyTextureToLoops(bpymesh, loops)
return bpymesh
def importMesh_ElevationGrid(geom, ancestry):
height = geom.getFieldAsArray('height', 0, ancestry)
x_dim = geom.getFieldAsInt('xDimension', 0, ancestry)
x_spacing = geom.getFieldAsFloat('xSpacing', 1, ancestry)
z_dim = geom.getFieldAsInt('zDimension', 0, ancestry)
z_spacing = geom.getFieldAsFloat('zSpacing', 1, ancestry)
ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry)
# The spec assumes a certain ordering of quads; outer loop by z, inner by x
bpymesh ="ElevationGrid")
bpymesh.vertices.add(x_dim * z_dim)
co = [w for x in range(x_dim) for z in range(z_dim)
for w in (x * x_spacing, height[x_dim * z + x], z * z_spacing)]
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", co)
num_polys = (x_dim - 1) * (z_dim - 1)
bpymesh.loops.add(num_polys * 4)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, num_polys * 4, 4))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (4,) * num_polys)
# If the ccw is off, we flip the 2nd and the 4th vertices of each face.
# For quad tessfaces, it was important that the final vertex index was not 0
# (Blender treated it as a triangle then).
# So simply reversing the face was not an option.
# With bmesh polygons, this has no importance anymore, but keep existing code for now.
verts = [i for x in range(x_dim - 1) for z in range(z_dim - 1)
for i in (z * x_dim + x,
z * x_dim + x + 1 if ccw else (z + 1) * x_dim + x,
(z + 1) * x_dim + x + 1,
(z + 1) * x_dim + x if ccw else z * x_dim + x + 1)]
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", verts)
importMesh_ApplyNormals(bpymesh, geom, ancestry)
# ApplyColors won't work here; faces are quads, and also per-face
# coloring should be supported
colors = geom.getChildBySpec(['ColorRGBA', 'Color'])
if colors:
if colors.getSpec() == 'ColorRGBA':
rgb = [c[:3] for c
in colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 4, ancestry)]
# Array of arrays; no need to flatten
rgb = colors.getFieldAsArray('color', 3, ancestry)
tc =
if geom.getFieldAsBool('colorPerVertex', True, ancestry):
# Per-vertex coloring
# Note the 2/4 flip here
[c for x in range(x_dim - 1)
for z in range(z_dim - 1)
for rgb_idx in (z * x_dim + x,
z * x_dim + x + 1 if ccw else (z + 1) * x_dim + x,
(z + 1) * x_dim + x + 1,
(z + 1) * x_dim + x if ccw else z * x_dim + x + 1)
for c in rgb[rgb_idx]])
else: # Coloring per face
[c for x in range(x_dim - 1)
for z in range(z_dim - 1)
for rgb_idx in (z * (x_dim - 1) + x,) * 4
for c in rgb[rgb_idx]])
# Textures also need special treatment; it's all quads,
# and there's a builtin algorithm for coordinate generation
tex_coord = geom.getChildBySpec('TextureCoordinate')
if tex_coord:
uvs = tex_coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 2, ancestry)
uvs = [(i / (x_dim - 1), j / (z_dim - 1))
for i in range(x_dim)
for j in range(z_dim)]
d =
# Rather than repeat the face/vertex algorithm from above, we read
# the vertex index back from polygon. Might be suboptimal.
uvs = [i for poly in bpymesh.polygons
for vidx in poly.vertices
for i in uvs[vidx]]
d.foreach_set('uv', uv)
return bpymesh
def importMesh_Extrusion(geom, ancestry):
# Interestingly, the spec doesn't allow for vertex/face colors in this
# element, nor for normals.
# Since coloring and normals are not supported here, and also large
# polygons for caps might be required, we shall use from_pydata().
ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True, ancestry)
begin_cap = geom.getFieldAsBool('beginCap', True, ancestry)
end_cap = geom.getFieldAsBool('endCap', True, ancestry)
cross = geom.getFieldAsArray('crossSection', 2, ancestry)
if not cross:
cross = ((1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1))
spine = geom.getFieldAsArray('spine', 3, ancestry)
if not spine:
spine = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))
orient = geom.getFieldAsArray('orientation', 4, ancestry)
if orient:
orient = [Quaternion(o[:3], o[3]).to_matrix()
if o[3] else None for o in orient]
scale = geom.getFieldAsArray('scale', 2, ancestry)
if scale:
scale = [Matrix(((s[0], 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, s[1])))
if s[0] != 1 or s[1] != 1 else None for s in scale]
# Special treatment for the closed spine and cross section.
# Let's save some memory by not creating identical but distinct vertices;
# later we'll introduce conditional logic to link the last vertex with
# the first one where necessary.
cross_closed = cross[0] == cross[-1]
if cross_closed:
cross = cross[:-1]
nc = len(cross)
cross = [Vector((c[0], 0, c[1])) for c in cross]
ncf = nc if cross_closed else nc - 1
# Face count along the cross; for closed cross, it's the same as the
# respective vertex count
spine_closed = spine[0] == spine[-1]
if spine_closed:
spine = spine[:-1]
ns = len(spine)
spine = [Vector(s) for s in spine]
nsf = ns if spine_closed else ns - 1
# This will be used for fallback, where the current spine point joins
# two collinear spine segments. No need to recheck the case of the
# closed spine/last-to-first point juncture; if there's an angle there,
# it would kick in on the first iteration of the main loop by spine.
def findFirstAngleNormal():
for i in range(1, ns - 1):
spt = spine[i]
z = (spine[i + 1] - spt).cross(spine[i - 1] - spt)
if z.length > EPSILON:
return z
# All the spines are collinear. Fallback to the rotated source
# XZ plane.
# TODO: handle the situation where the first two spine points match
v = spine[1] - spine[0]
orig_y = Vector((0, 1, 0))
orig_z = Vector((0, 0, 1))
if v.cross(orig_y).length >= EPSILON:
# Spine at angle with global y - rotate the z accordingly
return orig_z
verts = []
z = None
for i, spt in enumerate(spine):
if (i > 0 and i < ns - 1) or spine_closed:
snext = spine[(i + 1) % ns]
sprev = spine[(i - 1 + ns) % ns]
y = snext - sprev
vnext = snext - spt
vprev = sprev - spt
try_z = vnext.cross(vprev)
# Might be zero, then all kinds of fallback
if try_z.length > EPSILON:
if z is not None and < 0:
z = try_z
elif not z: # No z, and no previous z.
# Look ahead, see if there's at least one point where
# spines are not collinear.
z = findFirstAngleNormal()
elif i == 0: # And non-crossed
snext = spine[i + 1]
y = snext - spt
z = findFirstAngleNormal()
else: # last point and not crossed
sprev = spine[i - 1]
y = spt - sprev
# If there's more than one point in the spine, z is already set.
# One point in the spline is an error anyway.
x = y.cross(z)
m = Matrix(((x.x, y.x, z.x), (x.y, y.y, z.y), (x.z, y.z, z.z)))
# Columns are the unit vectors for the xz plane for the cross-section
if orient:
mrot = orient[i] if len(orient) > 1 else orient[0]
if mrot:
m @= mrot # Not sure about this. Counterexample???
if scale:
mscale = scale[i] if len(scale) > 1 else scale[0]
if mscale:
m @= mscale
# First the cross-section 2-vector is scaled,
# then applied to the xz plane unit vectors
for cpt in cross:
verts.append((spt + m @ cpt).to_tuple())
# Could've done this with a single 4x4 matrix... Oh well
# The method from_pydata() treats correctly quads with final vertex
# index being zero.
# So we just flip the vertices if ccw is off.
faces = []
if begin_cap:
faces.append(flip([x for x in range(nc - 1, -1, -1)], ccw))
# Order of edges in the face: forward along cross, forward along spine,
# backward along cross, backward along spine, flipped if now ccw.
# This order is assumed later in the texture coordinate assignment;
# please don't change without syncing.
faces += [flip((
s * nc + c,
s * nc + (c + 1) % nc,
(s + 1) * nc + (c + 1) % nc,
(s + 1) * nc + c), ccw) for s in range(ns - 1) for c in range(ncf)]
if spine_closed:
# The faces between the last and the first spine points
b = (ns - 1) * nc
faces += [flip((
b + c,
b + (c + 1) % nc,
(c + 1) % nc,
c), ccw) for c in range(ncf)]
if end_cap:
faces.append(flip([(ns - 1) * nc + x for x in range(0, nc)], ccw))
bpymesh ="Extrusion")
bpymesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
# The way we deal with textures in triangular meshes doesn't apply.
# The structure of the loop array goes: cap, side, cap
if begin_cap or end_cap: # Need dimensions
x_min = x_max = z_min = z_max = None
for c in cross:
(x, z) = (c.x, c.z)
if x_min is None or x < x_min:
x_min = x
if x_max is None or x > x_max:
x_max = x
if z_min is None or z < z_min:
z_min = z
if z_max is None or z > z_max:
z_max = z
dx = x_max - x_min
dz = z_max - z_min
cap_scale = dz if dz > dx else dx
# Takes an index in the cross array, returns scaled
# texture coords for cap texturing purposes
def scaledLoopVertex(i):
c = cross[i]
return (c.x - x_min) / cap_scale, (c.z - z_min) / cap_scale
# X3DOM uses raw cap shape, not a scaled one. So we will, too.
loops = []
mloops = bpymesh.loops
if begin_cap: # vertex indices match the indices in cross
# Rely on the loops in the mesh; don't repeat the face
# generation logic here
loops += [co for i in range(nc)
for co in scaledLoopVertex(mloops[i].vertex_index)]
# Sides
# Same order of vertices as in face generation
# We don't rely on the loops in the mesh; instead,
# we repeat the face generation logic.
loops += [co for s in range(nsf)
for c in range(ncf)
for v in flip(((c / ncf, s / nsf),
((c + 1) / ncf, s / nsf),
((c + 1) / ncf, (s + 1) / nsf),
(c / ncf, (s + 1) / nsf)), ccw) for co in v]
if end_cap:
# Base loop index for end cap
lb = ncf * nsf * 4 + (nc if begin_cap else 0)
# Rely on the loops here too.
loops += [co for i in range(nc) for co
in scaledLoopVertex(mloops[lb + i].vertex_index % nc)]
importMesh_ApplyTextureToLoops(bpymesh, loops)
return bpymesh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Line and point sets
def importMesh_LineSet(geom, ancestry):
# TODO: line display properties are ignored
# Per-vertex color is ignored
coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate')
src_points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3, ancestry)
# Array of 3; Blender needs arrays of 4
bpycurve ="LineSet", 'CURVE')
bpycurve.dimensions = '3D'
counts = geom.getFieldAsArray('vertexCount', 0, ancestry)
b = 0
for n in counts:
sp ='POLY')
sp.points.add(n - 1) # points already has one element
def points():
for x in src_points[b:b + n]:
yield x[0]
yield x[1]
yield x[2]
yield 0
sp.points.foreach_set('co', [x for x in points()])
b += n
return bpycurve
def importMesh_IndexedLineSet(geom, ancestry):
# VRML not x3d
# coord = geom.getChildByName('coord') # 'Coordinate'
coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate') # works for x3d and vrml
if coord:
points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3, ancestry)
points = []
if not points:
print('\tWarning: IndexedLineSet had no points')
return None
ils_lines = geom.getFieldAsArray('coordIndex', 0, ancestry)
lines = []
line = []
for il in ils_lines:
if il == -1:
line = []
# vcolor = geom.getChildByName('color')
# blender doesn't have per vertex color
bpycurve ='IndexedCurve', 'CURVE')
bpycurve.dimensions = '3D'
for line in lines:
if not line:
# co = points[line[0]] # UNUSED
nu ='POLY')
nu.points.add(len(line) - 1) # the new nu has 1 point to begin with
for il, pt in zip(line, nu.points):[0:3] = points[il]
return bpycurve
def importMesh_PointSet(geom, ancestry):
# VRML not x3d
coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate') # works for x3d and vrml
if coord:
points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3, ancestry)
points = []
# vcolor = geom.getChildByName('color')
# blender doesn't have per vertex color
bpymesh ="PointSet")
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", [a for v in points for a in v])
# No need to validate
return bpymesh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Primitives
# SA: they used to use bpy.ops for primitive creation. That was
# unbelievably slow on complex scenes. I rewrote to generate meshes
# by hand.
def importMesh_Sphere(geom, ancestry):
# solid is ignored.
# Extra field 'subdivision="n m"' attribute, specifying how many
# rings and segments to use (X3DOM).
r = geom.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 0.5, ancestry)
subdiv = geom.getFieldAsArray('subdivision', 0, ancestry)
if subdiv:
if len(subdiv) == 1:
nr = ns = subdiv[0]
(nr, ns) = subdiv
# used as both ring count and segment count
lau = pi / nr # Unit angle of latitude (rings) for the given tessellation
lou = 2 * pi / ns # Unit angle of longitude (segments)
bpymesh ="Sphere")
bpymesh.vertices.add(ns * (nr - 1) + 2)
# The non-polar vertices go from x=0, negative z plane counterclockwise -
# to -x, to +z, to +x, back to -z
co = [0, r, 0, 0, -r, 0] # +y and -y poles
co += [r * coe for ring in range(1, nr) for seg in range(ns)
for coe in (-sin(lou * seg) * sin(lau * ring),
cos(lau * ring),
-cos(lou * seg) * sin(lau * ring))]
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', co)
num_poly = ns * nr
num_tri = ns * 2
num_quad = num_poly - num_tri
num_loop = num_quad * 4 + num_tri * 3
tf = bpymesh.polygons
tuple(range(0, ns * 3, 3)) +
tuple(range(ns * 3, num_loop - ns * 3, 4)) +
tuple(range(num_loop - ns * 3, num_loop, 3)))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * ns + (4,) * num_quad + (3,) * ns)
vb = 2 + (nr - 2) * ns # First vertex index for the bottom cap
fb = (nr - 1) * ns # First face index for the bottom cap
# Because of tricky structure, assign texture coordinates along with
# face creation. Can't easily do foreach_set, 'cause caps are triangles and
# sides are quads.
tex =
# Faces go in order: top cap, sides, bottom cap.
# Sides go by ring then by segment.
# Caps
# Top cap face vertices go in order: down right up
# (starting from +y pole)
# Bottom cap goes: up left down (starting from -y pole)
for seg in range(ns):
tf[seg].vertices = (0, seg + 2, (seg + 1) % ns + 2)
tf[fb + seg].vertices = (1, vb + (seg + 1) % ns, vb + seg)
for lidx, uv in zip(tf[seg].loop_indices,
(((seg + 0.5) / ns, 1),
(seg / ns, 1 - 1 / nr),
((seg + 1) / ns, 1 - 1 / nr))):
tex[lidx].uv = uv
for lidx, uv in zip(tf[fb + seg].loop_indices,
(((seg + 0.5) / ns, 0),
((seg + 1) / ns, 1 / nr),
(seg / ns, 1 / nr))):
tex[lidx].uv = uv
# Sides
# Side face vertices go in order: down right up left
for ring in range(nr - 2):
tvb = 2 + ring * ns
# First vertex index for the top edge of the ring
bvb = tvb + ns
# First vertex index for the bottom edge of the ring
rfb = ns * (ring + 1)
# First face index for the ring
for seg in range(ns):
nseg = (seg + 1) % ns
tf[rfb + seg].vertices = (tvb + seg, bvb + seg, bvb + nseg, tvb + nseg)
for lidx, uv in zip(tf[rfb + seg].loop_indices,
((seg / ns, 1 - (ring + 1) / nr),
(seg / ns, 1 - (ring + 2) / nr),
((seg + 1) / ns, 1 - (ring + 2) / nr),
((seg + 1) / ns, 1 - (ring + 1) / nr))):
tex[lidx].uv = uv
return bpymesh
def importMesh_Cylinder(geom, ancestry):
# solid is ignored
# no ccw in this element
# Extra parameter subdivision="n" - how many faces to use
radius = geom.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 1.0, ancestry)
height = geom.getFieldAsFloat('height', 2, ancestry)
bottom = geom.getFieldAsBool('bottom', True, ancestry)
side = geom.getFieldAsBool('side', True, ancestry)
top = geom.getFieldAsBool('top', True, ancestry)
n = geom.getFieldAsInt('subdivision', GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], ancestry)
nn = n * 2
yvalues = (height / 2, -height / 2)
angle = 2 * pi / n
# The seam is at x=0, z=-r, vertices go ccw -
# to pos x, to neg z, to neg x, back to neg z
verts = [(-radius * sin(angle * i), y, -radius * cos(angle * i))
for i in range(n) for y in yvalues]
faces = []
if side:
# Order of edges in side faces: up, left, down, right.
# Texture coordinate logic depends on it.
faces += [(i * 2 + 3, i * 2 + 2, i * 2, i * 2 + 1)
for i in range(n - 1)] + [(1, 0, nn - 2, nn - 1)]
if top:
faces += [[x for x in range(0, nn, 2)]]
if bottom:
faces += [[x for x in range(nn - 1, -1, -2)]]
bpymesh ="Cylinder")
bpymesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
# Tried constructing the mesh manually from polygons/loops/edges,
# the difference in performance on Blender 2.74 (Win64) is negligible.
# The structure of the loop array goes: cap, side, cap.
loops = []
if side:
loops += [co for i in range(n)
for co in ((i + 1) / n, 0, (i + 1) / n, 1, i / n, 1, i / n, 0)]
if top:
loops += [0.5 + co / 2 for i in range(n)
for co in (-sin(angle * i), cos(angle * i))]
if bottom:
loops += [0.5 - co / 2 for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1)
for co in (sin(angle * i), cos(angle * i))]
importMesh_ApplyTextureToLoops(bpymesh, loops)
return bpymesh
def importMesh_Cone(geom, ancestry):
# Solid ignored
# Extra parameter subdivision="n" - how many faces to use
n = geom.getFieldAsInt('subdivision', GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], ancestry)
radius = geom.getFieldAsFloat('bottomRadius', 1.0, ancestry)
height = geom.getFieldAsFloat('height', 2, ancestry)
bottom = geom.getFieldAsBool('bottom', True, ancestry)
side = geom.getFieldAsBool('side', True, ancestry)
d = height / 2
angle = 2 * pi / n
verts = [(0, d, 0)]
verts += [(-radius * sin(angle * i),
-radius * cos(angle * i)) for i in range(n)]
faces = []
# Side face vertices go: up down right
if side:
faces += [(1 + (i + 1) % n, 0, 1 + i) for i in range(n)]
if bottom:
faces += [[i for i in range(n, 0, -1)]]
bpymesh ="Cone")
bpymesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
loops = []
if side:
loops += [co for i in range(n)
for co in ((i + 1) / n, 0, (i + 0.5) / n, 1, i / n, 0)]
if bottom:
loops += [0.5 - co / 2 for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1)
for co in (sin(angle * i), cos(angle * i))]
importMesh_ApplyTextureToLoops(bpymesh, loops)
return bpymesh
def importMesh_Box(geom, ancestry):
# Solid is ignored
# No ccw in this element
(dx, dy, dz) = geom.getFieldAsFloatTuple('size', (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), ancestry)
dx /= 2
dy /= 2
dz /= 2
bpymesh ="Box")
# xz plane at +y, ccw
co = (dx, dy, dz, -dx, dy, dz, -dx, dy, -dz, dx, dy, -dz,
# xz plane at -y
dx, -dy, dz, -dx, -dy, dz, -dx, -dy, -dz, dx, -dy, -dz)
bpymesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', co)
bpymesh.loops.add(6 * 4)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set('loop_start', range(0, 6 * 4, 4))
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set('loop_total', (4,) * 6)
bpymesh.polygons.foreach_set('vertices', (
0, 1, 2, 3, # +y
4, 0, 3, 7, # +x
7, 3, 2, 6, # -z
6, 2, 1, 5, # -x
5, 1, 0, 4, # +z
7, 6, 5, 4)) # -y
d =
d.foreach_set('uv', (
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1))
return bpymesh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utilities for importShape
# Textures are processed elsewhere.
def appearance_CreateMaterial(vrmlname, mat, ancestry, is_vcol):
# Given an X3D material, creates a Blender material.
# texture is applied later, in appearance_Create().
# All values between 0.0 and 1.0, defaults from VRML docs.
bpymat =
diff_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('diffuseColor', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1], ancestry)
if(len(diff_color) == 3):
# # .wrl does not have alpha, we need to add 4th element
diff_color = diff_color+[1]
bpymat.diffuse_color = diff_color
spec_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('specularColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], ancestry)
#if(len(spec_color) == 3):
# # .wrl does not have alpha, we need to add 4th element
# spec_color = spec_color + [1]
bpymat.specular_color = spec_color
if False and is_vcol:
bpymat.use_vertex_color_paint = True
return bpymat
def appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial():
# Just applies the X3D defaults. Used for shapes
# without explicit material definition
# (but possibly with a texture).
bpymat ="Material")
return # XXX For now...
bpymat.ambient = 0.2
bpymat.diffuse_color = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]
bpymat.mirror_color = (0, 0, 0)
bpymat.emit = 0
bpymat.specular_hardness = 103
# 0-1 -> 1-511
bpymat.specular_color = (0, 0, 0)
bpymat.alpha = 1
return bpymat
def appearance_LoadImageTextureFile(ima_urls, node):
bpyima = None
for f in ima_urls:
dirname = os.path.dirname(node.getFilename())
bpyima = image_utils.load_image(f, dirname,
if bpyima:
return bpyima
def appearance_LoadImageTexture(imageTexture, ancestry, node):
# TODO: cache loaded textures...
ima_urls = imageTexture.getFieldAsString('url', None, ancestry)
if ima_urls is None:
ima_urls = imageTexture.getFieldAsStringArray('url', ancestry)
# in some cases we get a list of images.
ima_urls = None
if '" "' in ima_urls:
# '"foo" "bar"' --> ['foo', 'bar']
ima_urls = [w.strip('"') for w in ima_urls.split('" "')]
ima_urls = [ima_urls]
# ima_urls is a list or None
if ima_urls is None:
print("\twarning, image with no URL, this is odd")
return None
bpyima = appearance_LoadImageTextureFile(ima_urls, node)
if not bpyima:
print("ImportX3D warning: unable to load texture", ima_urls)
# KNOWN BUG; PNGs with a transparent color are not perceived
# as transparent. Need alpha channel.
if bpyima.depth not in {32, 128}:
bpyima.alpha_mode = 'NONE'
return bpyima
def appearance_LoadTexture(tex_node, ancestry, node):
# Both USE-based caching and desc-based caching
# Works for bother ImageTextures and PixelTextures
# USE-based caching
if tex_node.reference:
return tex_node.getRealNode().parsed
# Desc-based caching. It might misfire on multifile models, where the
# same desc means different things in different files.
# TODO: move caches to file level.
desc = tex_node.desc()
if desc and desc in texture_cache:
bpyima = texture_cache[desc]
if tex_node.canHaveReferences():
tex_node.parsed = bpyima
return bpyima
# No cached texture, load it.
if tex_node.getSpec() == 'ImageTexture':
bpyima = appearance_LoadImageTexture(tex_node, ancestry, node)
else: # PixelTexture
bpyima = appearance_LoadPixelTexture(tex_node, ancestry)
if bpyima: # Loading can still fail
repeat_s = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatS', True, ancestry)
bpyima.use_clight_x = not repeat_s
repeat_t = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatT', True, ancestry)
bpyima.use_clight_y = not repeat_t
# Update the desc-based cache
if desc:
texture_cache[desc] = bpyima
# Update the USE-based cache
if tex_node.canHaveReferences():
tex_node.parsed = bpyima
return bpyima
def appearance_ExpandCachedMaterial(bpymat):
if 0 and bpymat.texture_slots[0] is not None:
bpyima = bpymat.texture_slots[0].texture.image
tex_has_alpha = bpyima.alpha_mode not in {'NONE', 'CHANNEL_PACKED'}
return (bpymat, bpyima, tex_has_alpha)
return (bpymat, None, False)
def appearance_MakeDescCacheKey(material, tex_node):
mat_desc = material.desc() if material else "Default"
tex_desc = tex_node.desc() if tex_node else "Default"
if not((tex_node and tex_desc is None) or
(material and mat_desc is None)):
# desc not available (in VRML)
# TODO: serialize VRML nodes!!!
return (mat_desc, tex_desc)
elif not tex_node and not material:
# Even for VRML, we cache the null material
return ("Default", "Default")
return None # Desc-based caching is off
def appearance_Create(vrmlname, material, tex_node, ancestry, node, is_vcol):
# Creates a Blender material object from appearance
bpyima = None
tex_has_alpha = False
if material:
bpymat = appearance_CreateMaterial(vrmlname, material, ancestry, is_vcol)
bpymat = appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial()
if tex_node: # Texture caching inside there
bpyima = appearance_LoadTexture(tex_node, ancestry, node)
if False and is_vcol:
bpymat.use_vertex_color_paint = True
if False and bpyima:
tex_has_alpha = bpyima.alpha_mode not in {'NONE', 'CHANNEL_PACKED'}
texture =, 'IMAGE')
texture.image = bpyima
mtex = bpymat.texture_slots.add()
mtex.texture = texture
mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
mtex.use_map_diffuse = True
mtex.use = True
if tex_has_alpha:
bpymat.use_transparency = True
mtex.use_map_alpha = True
mtex.alpha_factor = 0.0
return (bpymat, bpyima, tex_has_alpha)
def importShape_LoadAppearance(vrmlname, appr, ancestry, node, is_vcol):
Material creation takes nontrivial time on large models.
So we cache them aggressively.
However, in Blender, texture is a part of material, while in
X3D it's not. Blender's notion of material corresponds to
X3D's notion of appearance.
TextureTransform is not a part of material (at least
not in the current implementation).
USE on an Appearance node and USE on a Material node
call for different approaches.
Tools generate repeating, identical material definitions.
Can't rely on USE alone. Repeating texture definitions
are entirely possible, too.
Vertex coloring is not a part of appearance, but Blender
has a material flag for it. However, if a mesh has no vertex
color layer, setting use_vertex_color_paint to true has no
effect. So it's fine to reuse the same material for meshes
with vertex colors and for ones without.
It's probably an abuse of Blender of some level.
So here's the caching structure:
For USE on appearance, we store the material object
in the appearance node.
For USE on texture, we store the image object in the tex node.
For USE on material with no texture, we store the material object
in the material node.
Also, we store textures by description in texture_cache.
Also, we store materials by (material desc, texture desc)
in material_cache.
# First, check entire-appearance cache
if appr.reference and appr.getRealNode().parsed:
return appearance_ExpandCachedMaterial(appr.getRealNode().parsed)
tex_node = appr.getChildBySpec(('ImageTexture', 'PixelTexture'))
# Other texture nodes are: MovieTexture, MultiTexture
material = appr.getChildBySpec('Material')
# We're ignoring FillProperties, LineProperties, and shaders
# Check the USE-based material cache for textureless materials
if material and material.reference and not tex_node and material.getRealNode().parsed:
return appearance_ExpandCachedMaterial(material.getRealNode().parsed)
# Now the description-based caching
cache_key = appearance_MakeDescCacheKey(material, tex_node)
if cache_key and cache_key in material_cache:
bpymat = material_cache[cache_key]
# Still want to make the material available for USE-based reuse
if appr.canHaveReferences():
appr.parsed = bpymat
if material and material.canHaveReferences() and not tex_node:
material.parsed = bpymat
return appearance_ExpandCachedMaterial(bpymat)
# Done checking full-material caches. Texture cache may still kick in.
# Create the material already
(bpymat, bpyima, tex_has_alpha) = appearance_Create(vrmlname, material, tex_node, ancestry, node, is_vcol)
# Update the caches
if appr.canHaveReferences():
appr.parsed = bpymat
if cache_key:
material_cache[cache_key] = bpymat
if material and material.canHaveReferences() and not tex_node:
material.parsed = bpymat
return (bpymat, bpyima, tex_has_alpha)
def appearance_LoadPixelTexture(pixelTexture, ancestry):
image = pixelTexture.getFieldAsArray('image', 0, ancestry)
(w, h, plane_count) = image[0:3]
has_alpha = plane_count in {2, 4}
pixels = image[3:]
if len(pixels) != w * h:
print("ImportX3D warning: pixel count in PixelTexture is off")
bpyima ="PixelTexture", w, h, has_alpha, True)
if not has_alpha:
bpyima.alpha_mode = 'NONE'
# Conditional above the loop, for performance
if plane_count == 3: # RGB
bpyima.pixels = [(cco & 0xff) / 255 for pixel in pixels
for cco in (pixel >> 16, pixel >> 8, pixel, 255)]
elif plane_count == 4: # RGBA
bpyima.pixels = [(cco & 0xff) / 255 for pixel in pixels
for cco
in (pixel >> 24, pixel >> 16, pixel >> 8, pixel)]
elif plane_count == 1: # Intensity - does Blender even support that?
bpyima.pixels = [(cco & 0xff) / 255 for pixel in pixels
for cco in (pixel, pixel, pixel, 255)]
elif plane_count == 2: # Intensity/alpha
bpyima.pixels = [(cco & 0xff) / 255 for pixel in pixels
for cco
in (pixel >> 8, pixel >> 8, pixel >> 8, pixel)]
return bpyima
# Called from importShape to insert a data object (typically a mesh)
# into the scene
def importShape_ProcessObject(
bpycollection, vrmlname, bpydata, geom, geom_spec, node,
bpymat, has_alpha, texmtx, ancestry,
vrmlname += "_" + geom_spec = vrmlname
if type(bpydata) == bpy.types.Mesh:
# solid, as understood by the spec, is always true in Blender
# solid=false, we don't support it yet.
creaseAngle = geom.getFieldAsFloat('creaseAngle', None, ancestry)
if creaseAngle is not None:
bpydata.auto_smooth_angle = creaseAngle
bpydata.use_auto_smooth = True
# Only ever 1 material per shape
if bpymat:
if bpydata.uv_layers:
if has_alpha and bpymat: # set the faces alpha flag?
bpymat.blend_method = 'BLEND'
if texmtx:
# Apply texture transform?
uv_copy = Vector()
for l in
luv = l.uv
uv_copy.x = luv[0]
uv_copy.y = luv[1]
l.uv[:] = (uv_copy @ texmtx)[0:2]
# Done transforming the texture
# TODO: check if per-polygon textures are supported here.
elif type(bpydata) == bpy.types.TextCurve:
# Text with textures??? Not sure...
if bpymat:
# Can transform data or object, better the object so we can instance
# the data
# bpymesh.transform(getFinalMatrix(node))
bpyob = node.blendObject =, bpydata)
bpyob.matrix_world = getFinalMatrix(node, None, ancestry, global_matrix)
bpyob["source_line_no"] = geom.lineno
def importText(geom, ancestry):
fmt = geom.getChildBySpec('FontStyle')
size = fmt.getFieldAsFloat("size", 1, ancestry) if fmt else 1.
body = geom.getFieldAsString("string", None, ancestry)
body = [w.strip('"') for w in body.split('" "')]
bpytext ="Text", type='FONT')
bpytext.offset_y = - size
bpytext.body = "\n".join(body)
bpytext.size = size
return bpytext
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
geometry_importers = {
'IndexedFaceSet': importMesh_IndexedFaceSet,
'IndexedTriangleSet': importMesh_IndexedTriangleSet,
'IndexedTriangleStripSet': importMesh_IndexedTriangleStripSet,
'IndexedTriangleFanSet': importMesh_IndexedTriangleFanSet,
'IndexedLineSet': importMesh_IndexedLineSet,
'TriangleSet': importMesh_TriangleSet,
'TriangleStripSet': importMesh_TriangleStripSet,
'TriangleFanSet': importMesh_TriangleFanSet,
'LineSet': importMesh_LineSet,
'ElevationGrid': importMesh_ElevationGrid,
'Extrusion': importMesh_Extrusion,
'PointSet': importMesh_PointSet,
'Sphere': importMesh_Sphere,
'Box': importMesh_Box,
'Cylinder': importMesh_Cylinder,
'Cone': importMesh_Cone,
'Text': importText,
def importShape(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix):
# Under Shape, we can only have Appearance, MetadataXXX and a geometry node
def isGeometry(spec):
return spec != "Appearance" and not spec.startswith("Metadata")
bpyob = node.getRealNode().blendObject
if bpyob is not None:
bpyob = node.blendData = node.blendObject = bpyob.copy()
# Could transform data, but better the object so we can instance the data
bpyob.matrix_world = getFinalMatrix(node, None, ancestry, global_matrix)
vrmlname = node.getDefName()
if not vrmlname:
vrmlname = 'Shape'
appr = node.getChildBySpec('Appearance')
geom = node.getChildBySpecCondition(isGeometry)
if not geom:
# Oh well, no geometry node in this shape
bpymat = None
bpyima = None
texmtx = None
tex_has_alpha = False
is_vcol = (geom.getChildBySpec(['Color', 'ColorRGBA']) is not None)
if appr:
(bpymat, bpyima,
tex_has_alpha) = importShape_LoadAppearance(vrmlname, appr,
ancestry, node,
textx = appr.getChildBySpec('TextureTransform')
if textx:
texmtx = translateTexTransform(textx, ancestry)
bpydata = None
geom_spec = geom.getSpec()
# ccw is handled by every geometry importer separately; some
# geometries are easier to flip than others
geom_fn = geometry_importers.get(geom_spec)
if geom_fn is not None:
bpydata = geom_fn(geom, ancestry)
# There are no geometry importers that can legally return
# no object. It's either a bpy object, or an exception
bpycollection, vrmlname, bpydata, geom, geom_spec,
node, bpymat, tex_has_alpha, texmtx,
ancestry, global_matrix)
print('\tImportX3D warning: unsupported type "%s"' % geom_spec)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lighting
def importLamp_PointLight(node, ancestry):
vrmlname = node.getDefName()
if not vrmlname:
vrmlname = 'PointLight'
# ambientIntensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0, ancestry) # TODO
# attenuation = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('attenuation', (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ancestry) # TODO
color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ancestry)
intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0, ancestry) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
location = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ancestry)
# is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True, ancestry) # TODO
radius = node.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 100.0, ancestry)
bpylamp =, 'POINT') = intensity
bpylamp.distance = radius
bpylamp.color = color
mtx = Matrix.Translation(Vector(location))
return bpylamp, mtx
def importLamp_DirectionalLight(node, ancestry):
vrmlname = node.getDefName()
if not vrmlname:
vrmlname = 'DirectLight'
# ambientIntensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0) # TODO
color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ancestry)
direction = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('direction', (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), ancestry)
intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0, ancestry) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
# is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True, ancestry) # TODO
bpylamp =, 'SUN') = intensity
bpylamp.color = color
# lamps have their direction as -z, yup
mtx = Vector(direction).to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y').to_matrix().to_4x4()
return bpylamp, mtx
# looks like default values for beamWidth and cutOffAngle were swapped in VRML docs.
def importLamp_SpotLight(node, ancestry):
vrmlname = node.getDefName()
if not vrmlname:
vrmlname = 'SpotLight'
# ambientIntensity = geom.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0, ancestry) # TODO
# attenuation = geom.getFieldAsFloatTuple('attenuation', (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ancestry) # TODO
beamWidth = node.getFieldAsFloat('beamWidth', 1.570796, ancestry) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ancestry)
cutOffAngle = node.getFieldAsFloat('cutOffAngle', 0.785398, ancestry) * 2.0 # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
direction = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('direction', (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), ancestry)
intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0, ancestry) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
location = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ancestry)
# is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True, ancestry) # TODO
radius = node.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 100.0, ancestry)
bpylamp =, 'SPOT') = intensity
bpylamp.distance = radius
bpylamp.color = color
bpylamp.spot_size = cutOffAngle
if beamWidth > cutOffAngle:
bpylamp.spot_blend = 0.0
if cutOffAngle == 0.0: # this should never happen!
bpylamp.spot_blend = 0.5
bpylamp.spot_blend = beamWidth / cutOffAngle
# Convert
# lamps have their direction as -z, y==up
mtx = Matrix.Translation(location) @ Vector(direction).to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y').to_matrix().to_4x4()
return bpylamp, mtx
def importLamp(bpycollection, node, spec, ancestry, global_matrix):
if spec == 'PointLight':
bpylamp, mtx = importLamp_PointLight(node, ancestry)
elif spec == 'DirectionalLight':
bpylamp, mtx = importLamp_DirectionalLight(node, ancestry)
elif spec == 'SpotLight':
bpylamp, mtx = importLamp_SpotLight(node, ancestry)
print("Error, not a lamp")
raise ValueError
bpyob = node.blendData = node.blendObject =, bpylamp)
bpyob.matrix_world = getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry, global_matrix)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def importViewpoint(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix):
name = node.getDefName()
if not name:
name = 'Viewpoint'
fieldOfView = node.getFieldAsFloat('fieldOfView', 0.785398, ancestry) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher.
# jump = node.getFieldAsBool('jump', True, ancestry)
orientation = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('orientation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), ancestry)
position = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ancestry)
description = node.getFieldAsString('description', '', ancestry)
bpycam =
bpycam.angle = fieldOfView
mtx = Matrix.Translation(Vector(position)) @ translateRotation(orientation)
bpyob = node.blendData = node.blendObject =, bpycam)
bpyob.matrix_world = getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry, global_matrix)
def importTransform(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix):
name = node.getDefName()
if not name:
name = 'Transform'
bpyob = node.blendData = node.blendObject =, None)
bpyob.matrix_world = getFinalMatrix(node, None, ancestry, global_matrix)
# so they are not too annoying
bpyob.empty_display_type = 'PLAIN_AXES'
bpyob.empty_display_size = 0.2
#def importTimeSensor(node):
def action_fcurve_ensure(action, data_path, array_index):
for fcu in action.fcurves:
if fcu.data_path == data_path and fcu.array_index == array_index:
return fcu
return, index=array_index)
def translatePositionInterpolator(node, action, ancestry):
key = node.getFieldAsArray('key', 0, ancestry)
keyValue = node.getFieldAsArray('keyValue', 3, ancestry)
loc_x = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "location", 0)
loc_y = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "location", 1)
loc_z = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "location", 2)
for i, time in enumerate(key):
x, y, z = keyValue[i]
loc_x.keyframe_points.insert(time, x)
loc_y.keyframe_points.insert(time, y)
loc_z.keyframe_points.insert(time, z)
for fcu in (loc_x, loc_y, loc_z):
for kf in fcu.keyframe_points:
kf.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
def translateOrientationInterpolator(node, action, ancestry):
key = node.getFieldAsArray('key', 0, ancestry)
keyValue = node.getFieldAsArray('keyValue', 4, ancestry)
rot_x = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "rotation_euler", 0)
rot_y = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "rotation_euler", 1)
rot_z = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "rotation_euler", 2)
for i, time in enumerate(key):
x, y, z, w = keyValue[i]
mtx = translateRotation((x, y, z, w))
eul = mtx.to_euler()
rot_x.keyframe_points.insert(time, eul.x)
rot_y.keyframe_points.insert(time, eul.y)
rot_z.keyframe_points.insert(time, eul.z)
for fcu in (rot_x, rot_y, rot_z):
for kf in fcu.keyframe_points:
kf.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
# Untested!
def translateScalarInterpolator(node, action, ancestry):
key = node.getFieldAsArray('key', 0, ancestry)
keyValue = node.getFieldAsArray('keyValue', 4, ancestry)
sca_x = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "scale", 0)
sca_y = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "scale", 1)
sca_z = action_fcurve_ensure(action, "scale", 2)
for i, time in enumerate(key):
x, y, z = keyValue[i]
continue, x), y), z)
def translateTimeSensor(node, action, ancestry):
Apply a time sensor to an action, VRML has many combinations of loop/start/stop/cycle times
to give different results, for now just do the basics
if 1:
time_cu = action.addCurve('Time')
time_cu.interpolation = Blender.IpoCurve.InterpTypes.LINEAR
cycleInterval = node.getFieldAsFloat('cycleInterval', None, ancestry)
startTime = node.getFieldAsFloat('startTime', 0.0, ancestry)
stopTime = node.getFieldAsFloat('stopTime', 250.0, ancestry)
if cycleInterval is not None:
stopTime = startTime + cycleInterval
loop = node.getFieldAsBool('loop', False, ancestry)
time_cu.append((1 + startTime, 0.0))
time_cu.append((1 + stopTime, 1.0 / 10.0)) # annoying, the UI uses /10
if loop:
time_cu.extend = Blender.IpoCurve.ExtendTypes.CYCLIC # or - EXTRAP, CYCLIC_EXTRAP, CONST,
def importRoute(node, ancestry):
Animation route only at the moment
if not hasattr(node, 'fields'):
routeIpoDict = node.getRouteIpoDict()
def getIpo(act_id):
action = routeIpoDict[act_id]
action = routeIpoDict[act_id] ='web3d_ipo')
return action
# for getting definitions
defDict = node.getDefDict()
Handles routing nodes to each other
ROUTE vpPI.value_changed TO champFly001.set_position
ROUTE vpOI.value_changed TO champFly001.set_orientation
ROUTE vpTs.fraction_changed TO vpPI.set_fraction
ROUTE vpTs.fraction_changed TO vpOI.set_fraction
ROUTE champFly001.bindTime TO vpTs.set_startTime
#from_id, from_type =[1].split('.')
#to_id, to_type =[3].split('.')
set_position_node = None
set_orientation_node = None
time_node = None
for field in node.fields:
if field and field[0] == 'ROUTE':
from_id, from_type = field[1].split('.')
to_id, to_type = field[3].split('.')
print("Warning, invalid ROUTE", field)
if from_type == 'value_changed':
if to_type == 'set_position':
action = getIpo(to_id)
set_data_from_node = defDict[from_id]
translatePositionInterpolator(set_data_from_node, action, ancestry)
if to_type in {'set_orientation', 'rotation'}:
action = getIpo(to_id)
set_data_from_node = defDict[from_id]
translateOrientationInterpolator(set_data_from_node, action, ancestry)
if to_type == 'set_scale':
action = getIpo(to_id)
set_data_from_node = defDict[from_id]
translateScalarInterpolator(set_data_from_node, action, ancestry)
elif from_type == 'bindTime':
action = getIpo(from_id)
time_node = defDict[to_id]
translateTimeSensor(time_node, action, ancestry)
def load_web3d(
# Used when adding blender primitives
bpyscene = bpycontext.scene
bpycollection = bpycontext.collection
#root_node = vrml_parse('/_Cylinder.wrl')
if filepath.lower().endswith('.x3d'):
root_node, msg = x3d_parse(filepath)
root_node, msg = vrml_parse(filepath)
if not root_node:
if global_matrix is None:
global_matrix = Matrix()
# fill with tuples - (node, [parents-parent, parent])
all_nodes = root_node.getSerialized([], [])
for node, ancestry in all_nodes:
#if 'castle.wrl' not in node.getFilename():
# continue
spec = node.getSpec()
prefix = node.getPrefix()
if prefix=='PROTO':
if HELPER_FUNC and HELPER_FUNC(node, ancestry):
# Note, include this function so the VRML/X3D importer can be extended
# by an external script. - gets first pick
if spec == 'Shape':
importShape(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix)
elif spec in {'PointLight', 'DirectionalLight', 'SpotLight'}:
importLamp(bpycollection, node, spec, ancestry, global_matrix)
elif spec == 'Viewpoint':
importViewpoint(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix)
elif spec == 'Transform':
# Only use transform nodes when we are not importing a flat object hierarchy
if PREF_FLAT == False:
importTransform(bpycollection, node, ancestry, global_matrix)
# These are delt with later within importRoute
elif spec=='PositionInterpolator':
action ='web3d_ipo', 'Object')
translatePositionInterpolator(node, action)
# After we import all nodes, route events - anim paths
for node, ancestry in all_nodes:
importRoute(node, ancestry)
for node, ancestry in all_nodes:
if node.isRoot():
# we know that all nodes referenced from will be in
# routeIpoDict so no need to run node.getDefDict() for every node.
routeIpoDict = node.getRouteIpoDict()
defDict = node.getDefDict()
for key, action in routeIpoDict.items():
# Assign anim curves
node = defDict[key]
if node.blendData is None: # Add an object if we need one for animation
node.blendData = node.blendObject ='AnimOb', None) # , name)
if node.blendData.animation_data is None:
node.blendData.animation_data.action = action
# Add in hierarchy
if PREF_FLAT is False:
child_dict = {}
for node, ancestry in all_nodes:
if node.blendObject:
blendObject = None
# Get the last parent
i = len(ancestry)
while i:
i -= 1
blendObject = ancestry[i].blendObject
if blendObject:
if blendObject:
# Parent Slow, - 1 liner but works
# blendObject.makeParent([node.blendObject], 0, 1)
# Parent FAST
child_dict[blendObject] = [node.blendObject]
# Parent
for parent, children in child_dict.items():
for c in children:
c.parent = parent
# update deps
del child_dict
def load_with_profiler(
import cProfile
import pstats
pro = cProfile.Profile()
pro.runctx("load_web3d(context, filepath, PREF_FLAT=True, "
"PREF_CIRCLE_DIV=16, global_matrix=global_matrix)",
globals(), locals())
st = pstats.Stats(pro)
# st.print_callers(0.1)
def load(context,
# loadWithProfiler(operator, context, filepath, global_matrix)
load_web3d(context, filepath,
return {'FINISHED'}
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