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three.js standard shaders r122
#version 300 es
#define varying in
out highp vec4 pc_fragColor;
#define gl_FragColor pc_fragColor
#define gl_FragDepthEXT gl_FragDepth
#define texture2D texture
#define textureCube texture
#define texture2DProj textureProj
#define texture2DLodEXT textureLod
#define texture2DProjLodEXT textureProjLod
#define textureCubeLodEXT textureLod
#define texture2DGradEXT textureGrad
#define texture2DProjGradEXT textureProjGrad
#define textureCubeGradEXT textureGrad
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
#define SHADER_NAME MeshPhongMaterial
#define GAMMA_FACTOR 2
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform bool isOrthographic;
vec4 LinearToLinear( in vec4 value ) {
return value;
vec4 GammaToLinear( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {
return vec4( pow( value.rgb, vec3( gammaFactor ) ), value.a );
vec4 LinearToGamma( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {
return vec4( pow( value.rgb, vec3( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) ), value.a );
vec4 sRGBToLinear( in vec4 value ) {
return vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3( 0.0521327014 ), vec3( 2.4 ) ), value.rgb * 0.0773993808, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.04045 ) ) ) ), value.a );
vec4 LinearTosRGB( in vec4 value ) {
return vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb, vec3( 0.41666 ) ) * 1.055 - vec3( 0.055 ), value.rgb * 12.92, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.0031308 ) ) ) ), value.a );
vec4 RGBEToLinear( in vec4 value ) {
return vec4( value.rgb * exp2( value.a * 255.0 - 128.0 ), 1.0 );
vec4 LinearToRGBE( in vec4 value ) {
float maxComponent = max( max( value.r, value.g ), value.b );
float fExp = clamp( ceil( log2( maxComponent ) ), -128.0, 127.0 );
return vec4( value.rgb / exp2( fExp ), ( fExp + 128.0 ) / 255.0 );
vec4 RGBMToLinear( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {
return vec4( value.rgb * value.a * maxRange, 1.0 );
vec4 LinearToRGBM( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {
float maxRGB = max( value.r, max( value.g, value.b ) );
float M = clamp( maxRGB / maxRange, 0.0, 1.0 );
M = ceil( M * 255.0 ) / 255.0;
return vec4( value.rgb / ( M * maxRange ), M );
vec4 RGBDToLinear( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {
return vec4( value.rgb * ( ( maxRange / 255.0 ) / value.a ), 1.0 );
vec4 LinearToRGBD( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {
float maxRGB = max( value.r, max( value.g, value.b ) );
float D = max( maxRange / maxRGB, 1.0 );
D = clamp( floor( D ) / 255.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
return vec4( value.rgb * ( D * ( 255.0 / maxRange ) ), D );
const mat3 cLogLuvM = mat3( 0.2209, 0.3390, 0.4184, 0.1138, 0.6780, 0.7319, 0.0102, 0.1130, 0.2969 );
vec4 LinearToLogLuv( in vec4 value ) {
vec3 Xp_Y_XYZp = cLogLuvM * value.rgb;
Xp_Y_XYZp = max( Xp_Y_XYZp, vec3( 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6 ) );
vec4 vResult;
vResult.xy = Xp_Y_XYZp.xy / Xp_Y_XYZp.z;
float Le = 2.0 * log2(Xp_Y_XYZp.y) + 127.0;
vResult.w = fract( Le );
vResult.z = ( Le - ( floor( vResult.w * 255.0 ) ) / 255.0 ) / 255.0;
return vResult;
const mat3 cLogLuvInverseM = mat3( 6.0014, -2.7008, -1.7996, -1.3320, 3.1029, -5.7721, 0.3008, -1.0882, 5.6268 );
vec4 LogLuvToLinear( in vec4 value ) {
float Le = value.z * 255.0 + value.w;
vec3 Xp_Y_XYZp;
Xp_Y_XYZp.y = exp2( ( Le - 127.0 ) / 2.0 );
Xp_Y_XYZp.z = Xp_Y_XYZp.y / value.y;
Xp_Y_XYZp.x = value.x * Xp_Y_XYZp.z;
vec3 vRGB = cLogLuvInverseM * Xp_Y_XYZp.rgb;
return vec4( max( vRGB, 0.0 ), 1.0 );
vec4 linearToOutputTexel( vec4 value ) { return LinearToLinear( value ); }
#define PHONG
uniform vec3 diffuse;
uniform vec3 emissive;
uniform vec3 specular;
uniform float shininess;
uniform float opacity;
#define PI 3.141592653589793
#define PI2 6.283185307179586
#define PI_HALF 1.5707963267948966
#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.3183098861837907
#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494309189535
#define EPSILON 1e-6
#ifndef saturate
#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )
#define whiteComplement(a) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) )
float pow2( const in float x ) { return x*x; }
float pow3( const in float x ) { return x*x*x; }
float pow4( const in float x ) { float x2 = x*x; return x2*x2; }
float average( const in vec3 color ) { return dot( color, vec3( 0.3333 ) ); }
highp float rand( const in vec2 uv ) {
const highp float a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a,b ) ), sn = mod( dt, PI );
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) { return length( v ); }
float max3( vec3 v ) { return max( max( v.x, v.y ), v.z ); }
float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) {
float maxComponent = max3( abs( v ) );
return length( v / maxComponent ) * maxComponent;
struct IncidentLight {
vec3 color;
vec3 direction;
bool visible;
struct ReflectedLight {
vec3 directDiffuse;
vec3 directSpecular;
vec3 indirectDiffuse;
vec3 indirectSpecular;
struct GeometricContext {
vec3 position;
vec3 normal;
vec3 viewDir;
vec3 clearcoatNormal;
vec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz );
vec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );
vec3 projectOnPlane(in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
float distance = dot( planeNormal, point - pointOnPlane );
return - distance * planeNormal + point;
float sideOfPlane( in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
return sign( dot( point - pointOnPlane, planeNormal ) );
vec3 linePlaneIntersect( in vec3 pointOnLine, in vec3 lineDirection, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
return lineDirection * ( dot( planeNormal, pointOnPlane - pointOnLine ) / dot( planeNormal, lineDirection ) ) + pointOnLine;
mat3 transposeMat3( const in mat3 m ) {
mat3 tmp;
tmp[ 0 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].x, m[ 1 ].x, m[ 2 ].x );
tmp[ 1 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].y, m[ 1 ].y, m[ 2 ].y );
tmp[ 2 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].z, m[ 1 ].z, m[ 2 ].z );
return tmp;
float linearToRelativeLuminance( const in vec3 color ) {
vec3 weights = vec3( 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722 );
return dot( weights, color.rgb );
bool isPerspectiveMatrix( mat4 m ) {
return m[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0;
vec2 equirectUv( in vec3 dir ) {
float u = atan( dir.z, dir.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;
float v = asin( clamp( dir.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5;
return vec2( u, v );
vec3 packNormalToRGB( const in vec3 normal ) {
return normalize( normal ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3 unpackRGBToNormal( const in vec3 rgb ) {
return 2.0 * - 1.0;
const float PackUpscale = 256. / 255.;const float UnpackDownscale = 255. / 256.;
const vec3 PackFactors = vec3( 256. * 256. * 256., 256. * 256., 256. );
const vec4 UnpackFactors = UnpackDownscale / vec4( PackFactors, 1. );
const float ShiftRight8 = 1. / 256.;
vec4 packDepthToRGBA( const in float v ) {
vec4 r = vec4( fract( v * PackFactors ), v );
r.yzw -= * ShiftRight8; return r * PackUpscale;
float unpackRGBAToDepth( const in vec4 v ) {
return dot( v, UnpackFactors );
vec4 pack2HalfToRGBA( vec2 v ) {
vec4 r = vec4( v.x, fract( v.x * 255.0 ), v.y, fract( v.y * 255.0 ));
return vec4( r.x - r.y / 255.0, r.y, r.z - r.w / 255.0, r.w);
vec2 unpackRGBATo2Half( vec4 v ) {
return vec2( v.x + ( v.y / 255.0 ), v.z + ( v.w / 255.0 ) );
float viewZToOrthographicDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {
return ( viewZ + near ) / ( near - far );
float orthographicDepthToViewZ( const in float linearClipZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {
return linearClipZ * ( near - far ) - near;
float viewZToPerspectiveDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {
return (( near + viewZ ) * far ) / (( far - near ) * viewZ );
float perspectiveDepthToViewZ( const in float invClipZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {
return ( near * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * invClipZ - far );
vec3 dithering( vec3 color ) {
float grid_position = rand( gl_FragCoord.xy );
vec3 dither_shift_RGB = vec3( 0.25 / 255.0, -0.25 / 255.0, 0.25 / 255.0 );
dither_shift_RGB = mix( 2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position );
return color + dither_shift_RGB;
#ifdef USE_COLOR
varying vec3 vColor;
#if ( defined( USE_UV ) && ! defined( UVS_VERTEX_ONLY ) )
varying vec2 vUv;
#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )
varying vec2 vUv2;
#ifdef USE_MAP
uniform sampler2D map;
uniform sampler2D alphaMap;
#ifdef USE_AOMAP
uniform sampler2D aoMap;
uniform float aoMapIntensity;
uniform sampler2D lightMap;
uniform float lightMapIntensity;
uniform sampler2D emissiveMap;
uniform float envMapIntensity;
uniform float flipEnvMap;
uniform int maxMipLevel;
uniform samplerCube envMap;
uniform sampler2D envMap;
uniform float reflectivity;
#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )
varying vec3 vWorldPosition;
uniform float refractionRatio;
varying vec3 vReflect;
#define cubeUV_maxMipLevel 8.0
#define cubeUV_minMipLevel 4.0
#define cubeUV_maxTileSize 256.0
#define cubeUV_minTileSize 16.0
float getFace( vec3 direction ) {
vec3 absDirection = abs( direction );
float face = - 1.0;
if ( absDirection.x > absDirection.z ) {
if ( absDirection.x > absDirection.y )
face = direction.x > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 3.0;
face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0;
} else {
if ( absDirection.z > absDirection.y )
face = direction.z > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 5.0;
face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0;
return face;
vec2 getUV( vec3 direction, float face ) {
vec2 uv;
if ( face == 0.0 ) {
uv = vec2( direction.z, direction.y ) / abs( direction.x );
} else if ( face == 1.0 ) {
uv = vec2( - direction.x, - direction.z ) / abs( direction.y );
} else if ( face == 2.0 ) {
uv = vec2( - direction.x, direction.y ) / abs( direction.z );
} else if ( face == 3.0 ) {
uv = vec2( - direction.z, direction.y ) / abs( direction.x );
} else if ( face == 4.0 ) {
uv = vec2( - direction.x, direction.z ) / abs( direction.y );
} else {
uv = vec2( direction.x, direction.y ) / abs( direction.z );
return 0.5 * ( uv + 1.0 );
vec3 bilinearCubeUV( sampler2D envMap, vec3 direction, float mipInt ) {
float face = getFace( direction );
float filterInt = max( cubeUV_minMipLevel - mipInt, 0.0 );
mipInt = max( mipInt, cubeUV_minMipLevel );
float faceSize = exp2( mipInt );
float texelSize = 1.0 / ( 3.0 * cubeUV_maxTileSize );
vec2 uv = getUV( direction, face ) * ( faceSize - 1.0 );
vec2 f = fract( uv );
uv += 0.5 - f;
if ( face > 2.0 ) {
uv.y += faceSize;
face -= 3.0;
uv.x += face * faceSize;
if ( mipInt < cubeUV_maxMipLevel ) {
uv.y += 2.0 * cubeUV_maxTileSize;
uv.y += filterInt * 2.0 * cubeUV_minTileSize;
uv.x += 3.0 * max( 0.0, cubeUV_maxTileSize - 2.0 * faceSize );
uv *= texelSize;
vec3 tl = envMapTexelToLinear( texture2D( envMap, uv ) ).rgb;
uv.x += texelSize;
vec3 tr = envMapTexelToLinear( texture2D( envMap, uv ) ).rgb;
uv.y += texelSize;
vec3 br = envMapTexelToLinear( texture2D( envMap, uv ) ).rgb;
uv.x -= texelSize;
vec3 bl = envMapTexelToLinear( texture2D( envMap, uv ) ).rgb;
vec3 tm = mix( tl, tr, f.x );
vec3 bm = mix( bl, br, f.x );
return mix( tm, bm, f.y );
#define r0 1.0
#define v0 0.339
#define m0 - 2.0
#define r1 0.8
#define v1 0.276
#define m1 - 1.0
#define r4 0.4
#define v4 0.046
#define m4 2.0
#define r5 0.305
#define v5 0.016
#define m5 3.0
#define r6 0.21
#define v6 0.0038
#define m6 4.0
float roughnessToMip( float roughness ) {
float mip = 0.0;
if ( roughness >= r1 ) {
mip = ( r0 - roughness ) * ( m1 - m0 ) / ( r0 - r1 ) + m0;
} else if ( roughness >= r4 ) {
mip = ( r1 - roughness ) * ( m4 - m1 ) / ( r1 - r4 ) + m1;
} else if ( roughness >= r5 ) {
mip = ( r4 - roughness ) * ( m5 - m4 ) / ( r4 - r5 ) + m4;
} else if ( roughness >= r6 ) {
mip = ( r5 - roughness ) * ( m6 - m5 ) / ( r5 - r6 ) + m5;
} else {
mip = - 2.0 * log2( 1.16 * roughness ); }
return mip;
vec4 textureCubeUV( sampler2D envMap, vec3 sampleDir, float roughness ) {
float mip = clamp( roughnessToMip( roughness ), m0, cubeUV_maxMipLevel );
float mipF = fract( mip );
float mipInt = floor( mip );
vec3 color0 = bilinearCubeUV( envMap, sampleDir, mipInt );
if ( mipF == 0.0 ) {
return vec4( color0, 1.0 );
} else {
vec3 color1 = bilinearCubeUV( envMap, sampleDir, mipInt + 1.0 );
return vec4( mix( color0, color1, mipF ), 1.0 );
#ifdef USE_FOG
uniform vec3 fogColor;
varying float fogDepth;
#ifdef FOG_EXP2
uniform float fogDensity;
uniform float fogNear;
uniform float fogFar;
vec2 integrateSpecularBRDF( const in float dotNV, const in float roughness ) {
const vec4 c0 = vec4( - 1, - 0.0275, - 0.572, 0.022 );
const vec4 c1 = vec4( 1, 0.0425, 1.04, - 0.04 );
vec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1;
float a004 = min( r.x * r.x, exp2( - 9.28 * dotNV ) ) * r.x + r.y;
return vec2( -1.04, 1.04 ) * a004 +;
float punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( const in float lightDistance, const in float cutoffDistance, const in float decayExponent ) {
float distanceFalloff = 1.0 / max( pow( lightDistance, decayExponent ), 0.01 );
if( cutoffDistance > 0.0 ) {
distanceFalloff *= pow2( saturate( 1.0 - pow4( lightDistance / cutoffDistance ) ) );
return distanceFalloff;
if( cutoffDistance > 0.0 && decayExponent > 0.0 ) {
return pow( saturate( -lightDistance / cutoffDistance + 1.0 ), decayExponent );
return 1.0;
vec3 BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( const in vec3 diffuseColor ) {
return RECIPROCAL_PI * diffuseColor;
vec3 F_Schlick( const in vec3 specularColor, const in float dotLH ) {
float fresnel = exp2( ( -5.55473 * dotLH - 6.98316 ) * dotLH );
return ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * fresnel + specularColor;
vec3 F_Schlick_RoughnessDependent( const in vec3 F0, const in float dotNV, const in float roughness ) {
float fresnel = exp2( ( -5.55473 * dotNV - 6.98316 ) * dotNV );
vec3 Fr = max( vec3( 1.0 - roughness ), F0 ) - F0;
return Fr * fresnel + F0;
float G_GGX_Smith( const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV ) {
float a2 = pow2( alpha );
float gl = dotNL + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNL ) );
float gv = dotNV + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNV ) );
return 1.0 / ( gl * gv );
float G_GGX_SmithCorrelated( const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV ) {
float a2 = pow2( alpha );
float gv = dotNL * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNV ) );
float gl = dotNV * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNL ) );
return 0.5 / max( gv + gl, EPSILON );
float D_GGX( const in float alpha, const in float dotNH ) {
float a2 = pow2( alpha );
float denom = pow2( dotNH ) * ( a2 - 1.0 ) + 1.0;
return RECIPROCAL_PI * a2 / pow2( denom );
vec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX( const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness ) {
float alpha = pow2( roughness );
vec3 halfDir = normalize( incidentLight.direction + viewDir );
float dotNL = saturate( dot( normal, incidentLight.direction ) );
float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) );
float dotNH = saturate( dot( normal, halfDir ) );
float dotLH = saturate( dot( incidentLight.direction, halfDir ) );
vec3 F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );
float G = G_GGX_SmithCorrelated( alpha, dotNL, dotNV );
float D = D_GGX( alpha, dotNH );
return F * ( G * D );
vec2 LTC_Uv( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in float roughness ) {
const float LUT_SIZE = 64.0;
const float LUT_SCALE = ( LUT_SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT_SIZE;
const float LUT_BIAS = 0.5 / LUT_SIZE;
float dotNV = saturate( dot( N, V ) );
vec2 uv = vec2( roughness, sqrt( 1.0 - dotNV ) );
uv = uv * LUT_SCALE + LUT_BIAS;
return uv;
float LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( const in vec3 f ) {
float l = length( f );
return max( ( l * l + f.z ) / ( l + 1.0 ), 0.0 );
vec3 LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( const in vec3 v1, const in vec3 v2 ) {
float x = dot( v1, v2 );
float y = abs( x );
float a = 0.8543985 + ( 0.4965155 + 0.0145206 * y ) * y;
float b = 3.4175940 + ( 4.1616724 + y ) * y;
float v = a / b;
float theta_sintheta = ( x > 0.0 ) ? v : 0.5 * inversesqrt( max( 1.0 - x * x, 1e-7 ) ) - v;
return cross( v1, v2 ) * theta_sintheta;
vec3 LTC_Evaluate( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in vec3 P, const in mat3 mInv, const in vec3 rectCoords[ 4 ] ) {
vec3 v1 = rectCoords[ 1 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ];
vec3 v2 = rectCoords[ 3 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ];
vec3 lightNormal = cross( v1, v2 );
if( dot( lightNormal, P - rectCoords[ 0 ] ) < 0.0 ) return vec3( 0.0 );
vec3 T1, T2;
T1 = normalize( V - N * dot( V, N ) );
T2 = - cross( N, T1 );
mat3 mat = mInv * transposeMat3( mat3( T1, T2, N ) );
vec3 coords[ 4 ];
coords[ 0 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 0 ] - P );
coords[ 1 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 1 ] - P );
coords[ 2 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 2 ] - P );
coords[ 3 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 3 ] - P );
coords[ 0 ] = normalize( coords[ 0 ] );
coords[ 1 ] = normalize( coords[ 1 ] );
coords[ 2 ] = normalize( coords[ 2 ] );
coords[ 3 ] = normalize( coords[ 3 ] );
vec3 vectorFormFactor = vec3( 0.0 );
vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 0 ], coords[ 1 ] );
vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 1 ], coords[ 2 ] );
vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 2 ], coords[ 3 ] );
vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 3 ], coords[ 0 ] );
float result = LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( vectorFormFactor );
return vec3( result );
vec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment( const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness ) {
float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) );
vec2 brdf = integrateSpecularBRDF( dotNV, roughness );
return specularColor * brdf.x + brdf.y;
void BRDF_Specular_Multiscattering_Environment( const in GeometricContext geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness, inout vec3 singleScatter, inout vec3 multiScatter ) {
float dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );
vec3 F = F_Schlick_RoughnessDependent( specularColor, dotNV, roughness );
vec2 brdf = integrateSpecularBRDF( dotNV, roughness );
vec3 FssEss = F * brdf.x + brdf.y;
float Ess = brdf.x + brdf.y;
float Ems = 1.0 - Ess;
vec3 Favg = specularColor + ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * 0.047619; vec3 Fms = FssEss * Favg / ( 1.0 - Ems * Favg );
singleScatter += FssEss;
multiScatter += Fms * Ems;
float G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( ) {
return 0.25;
float D_BlinnPhong( const in float shininess, const in float dotNH ) {
return RECIPROCAL_PI * ( shininess * 0.5 + 1.0 ) * pow( dotNH, shininess );
vec3 BRDF_Specular_BlinnPhong( const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float shininess ) {
vec3 halfDir = normalize( incidentLight.direction + geometry.viewDir );
float dotNH = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, halfDir ) );
float dotLH = saturate( dot( incidentLight.direction, halfDir ) );
vec3 F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );
float G = G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( );
float D = D_BlinnPhong( shininess, dotNH );
return F * ( G * D );
float GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent( const in float ggxRoughness ) {
return ( 2.0 / pow2( ggxRoughness + 0.0001 ) - 2.0 );
float BlinnExponentToGGXRoughness( const in float blinnExponent ) {
return sqrt( 2.0 / ( blinnExponent + 2.0 ) );
#if defined( USE_SHEEN )
float D_Charlie(float roughness, float NoH) {
float invAlpha = 1.0 / roughness;
float cos2h = NoH * NoH;
float sin2h = max(1.0 - cos2h, 0.0078125); return (2.0 + invAlpha) * pow(sin2h, invAlpha * 0.5) / (2.0 * PI);
float V_Neubelt(float NoV, float NoL) {
return saturate(1.0 / (4.0 * (NoL + NoV - NoL * NoV)));
vec3 BRDF_Specular_Sheen( const in float roughness, const in vec3 L, const in GeometricContext geometry, vec3 specularColor ) {
vec3 N = geometry.normal;
vec3 V = geometry.viewDir;
vec3 H = normalize( V + L );
float dotNH = saturate( dot( N, H ) );
return specularColor * D_Charlie( roughness, dotNH ) * V_Neubelt( dot(N, V), dot(N, L) );
uniform bool receiveShadow;
uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;
uniform vec3 lightProbe[ 9 ];
vec3 shGetIrradianceAt( in vec3 normal, in vec3 shCoefficients[ 9 ] ) {
float x = normal.x, y = normal.y, z = normal.z;
vec3 result = shCoefficients[ 0 ] * 0.886227;
result += shCoefficients[ 1 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * y;
result += shCoefficients[ 2 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * z;
result += shCoefficients[ 3 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * x;
result += shCoefficients[ 4 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * y;
result += shCoefficients[ 5 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * y * z;
result += shCoefficients[ 6 ] * ( 0.743125 * z * z - 0.247708 );
result += shCoefficients[ 7 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * z;
result += shCoefficients[ 8 ] * 0.429043 * ( x * x - y * y );
return result;
vec3 getLightProbeIrradiance( const in vec3 lightProbe[ 9 ], const in GeometricContext geometry ) {
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( geometry.normal, viewMatrix );
vec3 irradiance = shGetIrradianceAt( worldNormal, lightProbe );
return irradiance;
vec3 getAmbientLightIrradiance( const in vec3 ambientLightColor ) {
vec3 irradiance = ambientLightColor;
irradiance *= PI;
return irradiance;
#if 1 > 0
struct DirectionalLight {
vec3 direction;
vec3 color;
uniform DirectionalLight directionalLights[ 1 ];
void getDirectionalDirectLightIrradiance( const in DirectionalLight directionalLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight ) {
directLight.color = directionalLight.color;
directLight.direction = directionalLight.direction;
directLight.visible = true;
#if 0 > 0
struct PointLight {
vec3 position;
vec3 color;
float distance;
float decay;
uniform PointLight pointLights[ 0 ];
void getPointDirectLightIrradiance( const in PointLight pointLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight ) {
vec3 lVector = pointLight.position - geometry.position;
directLight.direction = normalize( lVector );
float lightDistance = length( lVector );
directLight.color = pointLight.color;
directLight.color *= punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( lightDistance, pointLight.distance, pointLight.decay );
directLight.visible = ( directLight.color != vec3( 0.0 ) );
#if 0 > 0
struct SpotLight {
vec3 position;
vec3 direction;
vec3 color;
float distance;
float decay;
float coneCos;
float penumbraCos;
uniform SpotLight spotLights[ 0 ];
void getSpotDirectLightIrradiance( const in SpotLight spotLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight ) {
vec3 lVector = spotLight.position - geometry.position;
directLight.direction = normalize( lVector );
float lightDistance = length( lVector );
float angleCos = dot( directLight.direction, spotLight.direction );
if ( angleCos > spotLight.coneCos ) {
float spotEffect = smoothstep( spotLight.coneCos, spotLight.penumbraCos, angleCos );
directLight.color = spotLight.color;
directLight.color *= spotEffect * punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( lightDistance, spotLight.distance, spotLight.decay );
directLight.visible = true;
} else {
directLight.color = vec3( 0.0 );
directLight.visible = false;
#if 0 > 0
struct RectAreaLight {
vec3 color;
vec3 position;
vec3 halfWidth;
vec3 halfHeight;
uniform sampler2D ltc_1; uniform sampler2D ltc_2;
uniform RectAreaLight rectAreaLights[ 0 ];
#if 0 > 0
struct HemisphereLight {
vec3 direction;
vec3 skyColor;
vec3 groundColor;
uniform HemisphereLight hemisphereLights[ 0 ];
vec3 getHemisphereLightIrradiance( const in HemisphereLight hemiLight, const in GeometricContext geometry ) {
float dotNL = dot( geometry.normal, hemiLight.direction );
float hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotNL + 0.5;
vec3 irradiance = mix( hemiLight.groundColor, hemiLight.skyColor, hemiDiffuseWeight );
irradiance *= PI;
return irradiance;
varying vec3 vViewPosition;
varying vec3 vNormal;
struct BlinnPhongMaterial {
vec3 diffuseColor;
vec3 specularColor;
float specularShininess;
float specularStrength;
void RE_Direct_BlinnPhong( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
float dotNL = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction ) );
vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color;
irradiance *= PI;
reflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );
reflectedLight.directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF_Specular_BlinnPhong( directLight, geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularShininess ) * material.specularStrength;
void RE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong( const in vec3 irradiance, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );
#define RE_Direct RE_Direct_BlinnPhong
#define RE_IndirectDiffuse RE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong
#define Material_LightProbeLOD( material ) (0)
#if 0 > 0
uniform sampler2D directionalShadowMap[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct DirectionalLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows[ 0 ];
#if 0 > 0
uniform sampler2D spotShadowMap[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct SpotLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows[ 0 ];
#if 0 > 0
uniform sampler2D pointShadowMap[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct PointLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
float shadowCameraNear;
float shadowCameraFar;
uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows[ 0 ];
float texture2DCompare( sampler2D depths, vec2 uv, float compare ) {
return step( compare, unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( depths, uv ) ) );
vec2 texture2DDistribution( sampler2D shadow, vec2 uv ) {
return unpackRGBATo2Half( texture2D( shadow, uv ) );
float VSMShadow (sampler2D shadow, vec2 uv, float compare ){
float occlusion = 1.0;
vec2 distribution = texture2DDistribution( shadow, uv );
float hard_shadow = step( compare , distribution.x );
if (hard_shadow != 1.0 ) {
float distance = compare - distribution.x ;
float variance = max( 0.00000, distribution.y * distribution.y );
float softness_probability = variance / (variance + distance * distance ); softness_probability = clamp( ( softness_probability - 0.3 ) / ( 0.95 - 0.3 ), 0.0, 1.0 ); occlusion = clamp( max( hard_shadow, softness_probability ), 0.0, 1.0 );
return occlusion;
float getShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord ) {
float shadow = 1.0; /= shadowCoord.w;
shadowCoord.z += shadowBias;
bvec4 inFrustumVec = bvec4 ( shadowCoord.x >= 0.0, shadowCoord.x <= 1.0, shadowCoord.y >= 0.0, shadowCoord.y <= 1.0 );
bool inFrustum = all( inFrustumVec );
bvec2 frustumTestVec = bvec2( inFrustum, shadowCoord.z <= 1.0 );
bool frustumTest = all( frustumTestVec );
if ( frustumTest ) {
#if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF )
vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize;
float dx0 = - texelSize.x * shadowRadius;
float dy0 = - texelSize.y * shadowRadius;
float dx1 = + texelSize.x * shadowRadius;
float dy1 = + texelSize.y * shadowRadius;
float dx2 = dx0 / 2.0;
float dy2 = dy0 / 2.0;
float dx3 = dx1 / 2.0;
float dy3 = dy1 / 2.0;
shadow = (
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z )
) * ( 1.0 / 17.0 );
#elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )
vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize;
float dx = texelSize.x;
float dy = texelSize.y;
vec2 uv = shadowCoord.xy;
vec2 f = fract( uv * shadowMapSize + 0.5 );
uv -= f * texelSize;
shadow = (
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv, shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, dy ), shadowCoord.z ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + texelSize, shadowCoord.z ) +
mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.x ) +
mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.x ) +
mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.y ) +
mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.y ) +
mix( mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.x ),
mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ),
f.x ),
f.y )
) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 );
#elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_VSM )
shadow = VSMShadow( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z );
shadow = texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z );
return shadow;
vec2 cubeToUV( vec3 v, float texelSizeY ) {
vec3 absV = abs( v );
float scaleToCube = 1.0 / max( absV.x, max( absV.y, absV.z ) );
absV *= scaleToCube;
v *= scaleToCube * ( 1.0 - 2.0 * texelSizeY );
vec2 planar = v.xy;
float almostATexel = 1.5 * texelSizeY;
float almostOne = 1.0 - almostATexel;
if ( absV.z >= almostOne ) {
if ( v.z > 0.0 )
planar.x = 4.0 - v.x;
} else if ( absV.x >= almostOne ) {
float signX = sign( v.x );
planar.x = v.z * signX + 2.0 * signX;
} else if ( absV.y >= almostOne ) {
float signY = sign( v.y );
planar.x = v.x + 2.0 * signY + 2.0;
planar.y = v.z * signY - 2.0;
return vec2( 0.125, 0.25 ) * planar + vec2( 0.375, 0.75 );
float getPointShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord, float shadowCameraNear, float shadowCameraFar ) {
vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / ( shadowMapSize * vec2( 4.0, 2.0 ) );
vec3 lightToPosition =;
float dp = ( length( lightToPosition ) - shadowCameraNear ) / ( shadowCameraFar - shadowCameraNear ); dp += shadowBias;
vec3 bd3D = normalize( lightToPosition );
#if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_VSM )
vec2 offset = vec2( - 1, 1 ) * shadowRadius * texelSize.y;
return (
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D +, texelSize.y ), dp ) +
texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxx, texelSize.y ), dp )
) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 );
return texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp );
uniform sampler2D bumpMap;
uniform float bumpScale;
vec2 dHdxy_fwd() {
vec2 dSTdx = dFdx( vUv );
vec2 dSTdy = dFdy( vUv );
float Hll = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv ).x;
float dBx = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdx ).x - Hll;
float dBy = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdy ).x - Hll;
return vec2( dBx, dBy );
vec3 perturbNormalArb( vec3 surf_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec2 dHdxy ) {
vec3 vSigmaX = vec3( dFdx( surf_pos.x ), dFdx( surf_pos.y ), dFdx( surf_pos.z ) );
vec3 vSigmaY = vec3( dFdy( surf_pos.x ), dFdy( surf_pos.y ), dFdy( surf_pos.z ) );
vec3 vN = surf_norm;
vec3 R1 = cross( vSigmaY, vN );
vec3 R2 = cross( vN, vSigmaX );
float fDet = dot( vSigmaX, R1 );
fDet *= ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
vec3 vGrad = sign( fDet ) * ( dHdxy.x * R1 + dHdxy.y * R2 );
return normalize( abs( fDet ) * surf_norm - vGrad );
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform vec2 normalScale;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
#if ! defined ( USE_TANGENT ) && ( defined ( TANGENTSPACE_NORMALMAP ) || defined ( USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP ) )
vec3 perturbNormal2Arb( vec3 eye_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec3 mapN ) {
vec3 q0 = vec3( dFdx( eye_pos.x ), dFdx( eye_pos.y ), dFdx( eye_pos.z ) );
vec3 q1 = vec3( dFdy( eye_pos.x ), dFdy( eye_pos.y ), dFdy( eye_pos.z ) );
vec2 st0 = dFdx( );
vec2 st1 = dFdy( );
float scale = sign( st1.t * st0.s - st0.t * st1.s );
vec3 S = normalize( ( q0 * st1.t - q1 * st0.t ) * scale );
vec3 T = normalize( ( - q0 * st1.s + q1 * st0.s ) * scale );
vec3 N = normalize( surf_norm );
mat3 tsn = mat3( S, T, N );
mapN.xy *= ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
return normalize( tsn * mapN );
uniform sampler2D specularMap;
#if defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF ) && defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT )
uniform float logDepthBufFC;
varying float vFragDepth;
varying float vIsPerspective;
#if 0 > 0
varying vec3 vClipPosition;
uniform vec4 clippingPlanes[ 0 ];
void main() {
#if 0 > 0
vec4 plane;
#if 0 < 0
bool clipped = true;
if ( clipped ) discard;
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );
vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;
#if defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF ) && defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT )
gl_FragDepthEXT = vIsPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;
#ifdef USE_MAP
vec4 texelColor = texture2D( map, vUv );
texelColor = mapTexelToLinear( texelColor );
diffuseColor *= texelColor;
#ifdef USE_COLOR
diffuseColor.rgb *= vColor;
diffuseColor.a *= texture2D( alphaMap, vUv ).g;
if ( diffuseColor.a < ALPHATEST ) discard;
float specularStrength;
vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );
specularStrength = texelSpecular.r;
specularStrength = 1.0;
vec3 fdx = vec3( dFdx( vViewPosition.x ), dFdx( vViewPosition.y ), dFdx( vViewPosition.z ) );
vec3 fdy = vec3( dFdy( vViewPosition.x ), dFdy( vViewPosition.y ), dFdy( vViewPosition.z ) );
vec3 normal = normalize( cross( fdx, fdy ) );
vec3 normal = normalize( vNormal );
normal = normal * ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
vec3 tangent = normalize( vTangent );
vec3 bitangent = normalize( vBitangent );
tangent = tangent * ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
bitangent = bitangent * ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
mat3 vTBN = mat3( tangent, bitangent, normal );
vec3 geometryNormal = normal;
normal = texture2D( normalMap, vUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
normal = - normal;
normal = normal * ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
normal = normalize( normalMatrix * normal );
vec3 mapN = texture2D( normalMap, vUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
mapN.xy *= normalScale;
normal = normalize( vTBN * mapN );
normal = perturbNormal2Arb( -vViewPosition, normal, mapN );
#elif defined( USE_BUMPMAP )
normal = perturbNormalArb( -vViewPosition, normal, dHdxy_fwd() );
vec4 emissiveColor = texture2D( emissiveMap, vUv );
emissiveColor.rgb = emissiveMapTexelToLinear( emissiveColor ).rgb;
totalEmissiveRadiance *= emissiveColor.rgb;
BlinnPhongMaterial material;
material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb;
material.specularColor = specular;
material.specularShininess = shininess;
material.specularStrength = specularStrength;
GeometricContext geometry;
geometry.position = - vViewPosition;
geometry.normal = normal;
geometry.viewDir = ( isOrthographic ) ? vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) : normalize( vViewPosition );
geometry.clearcoatNormal = clearcoatNormal;
IncidentLight directLight;
#if ( 0 > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )
PointLight pointLight;
#if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && 0 > 0
PointLightShadow pointLightShadow;
#if ( 0 > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )
SpotLight spotLight;
#if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && 0 > 0
SpotLightShadow spotLightShadow;
#if ( 1 > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )
DirectionalLight directionalLight;
#if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && 0 > 0
DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadow;
directionalLight = directionalLights[ 0 ];
getDirectionalDirectLightIrradiance( directionalLight, geometry, directLight );
#if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && ( 0 < 0 )
directionalLightShadow = directionalLightShadows[ 0 ];
directLight.color *= all( bvec2( directLight.visible, receiveShadow ) ) ? getShadow( directionalShadowMap[ 0 ], directionalLightShadow.shadowMapSize, directionalLightShadow.shadowBias, directionalLightShadow.shadowRadius, vDirectionalShadowCoord[ 0 ] ) : 1.0;
RE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );
#if ( 0 > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct_RectArea )
RectAreaLight rectAreaLight;
#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse )
vec3 iblIrradiance = vec3( 0.0 );
vec3 irradiance = getAmbientLightIrradiance( ambientLightColor );
irradiance += getLightProbeIrradiance( lightProbe, geometry );
#if ( 0 > 0 )
#if defined( RE_IndirectSpecular )
vec3 radiance = vec3( 0.0 );
vec3 clearcoatRadiance = vec3( 0.0 );
#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse )
vec4 lightMapTexel= texture2D( lightMap, vUv2 );
vec3 lightMapIrradiance = lightMapTexelToLinear( lightMapTexel ).rgb * lightMapIntensity;
lightMapIrradiance *= PI;
irradiance += lightMapIrradiance;
#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( STANDARD ) && defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV )
iblIrradiance += getLightProbeIndirectIrradiance( geometry, maxMipLevel );
#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( RE_IndirectSpecular )
radiance += getLightProbeIndirectRadiance( geometry.viewDir, geometry.normal, material.specularRoughness, maxMipLevel );
clearcoatRadiance += getLightProbeIndirectRadiance( geometry.viewDir, geometry.clearcoatNormal, material.clearcoatRoughness, maxMipLevel );
#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse )
RE_IndirectDiffuse( irradiance, geometry, material, reflectedLight );
#if defined( RE_IndirectSpecular )
RE_IndirectSpecular( radiance, iblIrradiance, clearcoatRadiance, geometry, material, reflectedLight );
#ifdef USE_AOMAP
float ambientOcclusion = ( texture2D( aoMap, vUv2 ).r - 1.0 ) * aoMapIntensity + 1.0;
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= ambientOcclusion;
#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( STANDARD )
float dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular *= computeSpecularOcclusion( dotNV, ambientOcclusion, material.specularRoughness );
vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance;
vec3 cameraToFrag;
if ( isOrthographic ) {
cameraToFrag = normalize( vec3( - viewMatrix[ 0 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 1 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 2 ][ 2 ] ) );
} else {
cameraToFrag = normalize( vWorldPosition - cameraPosition );
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix );
vec3 reflectVec = reflect( cameraToFrag, worldNormal );
vec3 reflectVec = refract( cameraToFrag, worldNormal, refractionRatio );
vec3 reflectVec = vReflect;
vec4 envColor = textureCube( envMap, vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz ) );
#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV )
vec4 envColor = textureCubeUV( envMap, reflectVec, 0.0 );
vec4 envColor = vec4( 0.0 );
envColor = envMapTexelToLinear( envColor );
outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, outgoingLight *, specularStrength * reflectivity );
#elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX )
outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight,, specularStrength * reflectivity );
#elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD )
outgoingLight += * specularStrength * reflectivity;
gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );
#if defined( TONE_MAPPING )
gl_FragColor.rgb = toneMapping( gl_FragColor.rgb );
gl_FragColor = linearToOutputTexel( gl_FragColor );
#ifdef USE_FOG
#ifdef FOG_EXP2
float fogFactor = 1.0 - exp( - fogDensity * fogDensity * fogDepth * fogDepth );
float fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, fogDepth );
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( gl_FragColor.rgb, fogColor, fogFactor );
gl_FragColor.rgb *= gl_FragColor.a;
gl_FragColor.rgb = dithering( gl_FragColor.rgb );
#version 300 es
#define attribute in
#define varying out
#define texture2D texture
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
#define SHADER_NAME MeshPhongMaterial
#define GAMMA_FACTOR 2
#define MAX_BONES 0
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform bool isOrthographic;
attribute mat4 instanceMatrix;
attribute vec3 instanceColor;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec2 uv;
attribute vec4 tangent;
#ifdef USE_COLOR
attribute vec3 color;
attribute vec3 morphTarget0;
attribute vec3 morphTarget1;
attribute vec3 morphTarget2;
attribute vec3 morphTarget3;
attribute vec3 morphNormal0;
attribute vec3 morphNormal1;
attribute vec3 morphNormal2;
attribute vec3 morphNormal3;
attribute vec3 morphTarget4;
attribute vec3 morphTarget5;
attribute vec3 morphTarget6;
attribute vec3 morphTarget7;
attribute vec4 skinIndex;
attribute vec4 skinWeight;
#define PHONG
varying vec3 vViewPosition;
varying vec3 vNormal;
#define PI 3.141592653589793
#define PI2 6.283185307179586
#define PI_HALF 1.5707963267948966
#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.3183098861837907
#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494309189535
#define EPSILON 1e-6
#ifndef saturate
#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )
#define whiteComplement(a) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) )
float pow2( const in float x ) { return x*x; }
float pow3( const in float x ) { return x*x*x; }
float pow4( const in float x ) { float x2 = x*x; return x2*x2; }
float average( const in vec3 color ) { return dot( color, vec3( 0.3333 ) ); }
highp float rand( const in vec2 uv ) {
const highp float a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a,b ) ), sn = mod( dt, PI );
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) { return length( v ); }
float max3( vec3 v ) { return max( max( v.x, v.y ), v.z ); }
float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) {
float maxComponent = max3( abs( v ) );
return length( v / maxComponent ) * maxComponent;
struct IncidentLight {
vec3 color;
vec3 direction;
bool visible;
struct ReflectedLight {
vec3 directDiffuse;
vec3 directSpecular;
vec3 indirectDiffuse;
vec3 indirectSpecular;
struct GeometricContext {
vec3 position;
vec3 normal;
vec3 viewDir;
vec3 clearcoatNormal;
vec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz );
vec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );
vec3 projectOnPlane(in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
float distance = dot( planeNormal, point - pointOnPlane );
return - distance * planeNormal + point;
float sideOfPlane( in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
return sign( dot( point - pointOnPlane, planeNormal ) );
vec3 linePlaneIntersect( in vec3 pointOnLine, in vec3 lineDirection, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {
return lineDirection * ( dot( planeNormal, pointOnPlane - pointOnLine ) / dot( planeNormal, lineDirection ) ) + pointOnLine;
mat3 transposeMat3( const in mat3 m ) {
mat3 tmp;
tmp[ 0 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].x, m[ 1 ].x, m[ 2 ].x );
tmp[ 1 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].y, m[ 1 ].y, m[ 2 ].y );
tmp[ 2 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].z, m[ 1 ].z, m[ 2 ].z );
return tmp;
float linearToRelativeLuminance( const in vec3 color ) {
vec3 weights = vec3( 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722 );
return dot( weights, color.rgb );
bool isPerspectiveMatrix( mat4 m ) {
return m[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0;
vec2 equirectUv( in vec3 dir ) {
float u = atan( dir.z, dir.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;
float v = asin( clamp( dir.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5;
return vec2( u, v );
#ifdef USE_UV
vec2 vUv;
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform mat3 uvTransform;
#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )
attribute vec2 uv2;
varying vec2 vUv2;
uniform mat3 uv2Transform;
uniform sampler2D displacementMap;
uniform float displacementScale;
uniform float displacementBias;
#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) ||defined( PHONG )
varying vec3 vWorldPosition;
varying vec3 vReflect;
uniform float refractionRatio;
#if defined( USE_COLOR ) || defined( USE_INSTANCING_COLOR )
varying vec3 vColor;
#ifdef USE_FOG
varying float fogDepth;
uniform float morphTargetBaseInfluence;
uniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 8 ];
uniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];
uniform mat4 bindMatrix;
uniform mat4 bindMatrixInverse;
uniform highp sampler2D boneTexture;
uniform int boneTextureSize;
mat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {
float j = i * 4.0;
float x = mod( j, float( boneTextureSize ) );
float y = floor( j / float( boneTextureSize ) );
float dx = 1.0 / float( boneTextureSize );
float dy = 1.0 / float( boneTextureSize );
y = dy * ( y + 0.5 );
vec4 v1 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 0.5 ), y ) );
vec4 v2 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 1.5 ), y ) );
vec4 v3 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 2.5 ), y ) );
vec4 v4 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 3.5 ), y ) );
mat4 bone = mat4( v1, v2, v3, v4 );
return bone;
uniform mat4 boneMatrices[ MAX_BONES ];
mat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {
mat4 bone = boneMatrices[ int(i) ];
return bone;
#if 0 > 0
uniform mat4 directionalShadowMatrix[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct DirectionalLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows[ 0 ];
#if 0 > 0
uniform mat4 spotShadowMatrix[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct SpotLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows[ 0 ];
#if 0 > 0
uniform mat4 pointShadowMatrix[ 0 ];
varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ 0 ];
struct PointLightShadow {
float shadowBias;
float shadowNormalBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
float shadowCameraNear;
float shadowCameraFar;
uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows[ 0 ];
varying float vFragDepth;
varying float vIsPerspective;
uniform float logDepthBufFC;
#if 0 > 0
varying vec3 vClipPosition;
void main() {
#ifdef USE_UV
vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3( uv, 1 ) ).xy;
#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )
vUv2 = ( uv2Transform * vec3( uv2, 1 ) ).xy;
#if defined( USE_COLOR ) || defined( USE_INSTANCING_COLOR )
vColor = vec3( 1.0 );
#ifdef USE_COLOR *=;
vec3 objectNormal = vec3( normal );
vec3 objectTangent = vec3( );
objectNormal *= morphTargetBaseInfluence;
objectNormal += morphNormal0 * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];
objectNormal += morphNormal1 * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];
objectNormal += morphNormal2 * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];
objectNormal += morphNormal3 * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];
mat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.x );
mat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.y );
mat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.z );
mat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.w );
mat4 skinMatrix = mat4( 0.0 );
skinMatrix += skinWeight.x * boneMatX;
skinMatrix += skinWeight.y * boneMatY;
skinMatrix += skinWeight.z * boneMatZ;
skinMatrix += skinWeight.w * boneMatW;
skinMatrix = bindMatrixInverse * skinMatrix * bindMatrix;
objectNormal = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectNormal, 0.0 ) ).xyz;
objectTangent = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectTangent, 0.0 ) ).xyz;
vec3 transformedNormal = objectNormal;
mat3 m = mat3( instanceMatrix );
transformedNormal /= vec3( dot( m[ 0 ], m[ 0 ] ), dot( m[ 1 ], m[ 1 ] ), dot( m[ 2 ], m[ 2 ] ) );
transformedNormal = m * transformedNormal;
transformedNormal = normalMatrix * transformedNormal;
transformedNormal = - transformedNormal;
vec3 transformedTangent = ( modelViewMatrix * vec4( objectTangent, 0.0 ) ).xyz;
transformedTangent = - transformedTangent;
vNormal = normalize( transformedNormal );
vec3 transformed = vec3( position );
transformed *= morphTargetBaseInfluence;
transformed += morphTarget0 * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];
transformed += morphTarget1 * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];
transformed += morphTarget2 * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];
transformed += morphTarget3 * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];
transformed += morphTarget4 * morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];
transformed += morphTarget5 * morphTargetInfluences[ 5 ];
transformed += morphTarget6 * morphTargetInfluences[ 6 ];
transformed += morphTarget7 * morphTargetInfluences[ 7 ];
vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );
vec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 );
skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x;
skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y;
skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z;
skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w;
transformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ).xyz;
transformed += normalize( objectNormal ) * ( texture2D( displacementMap, vUv ).x * displacementScale + displacementBias );
vec4 mvPosition = vec4( transformed, 1.0 );
mvPosition = instanceMatrix * mvPosition;
mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * mvPosition;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;
vFragDepth = 1.0 + gl_Position.w;
vIsPerspective = float( isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix ) );
if ( isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix ) ) {
gl_Position.z = log2( max( EPSILON, gl_Position.w + 1.0 ) ) * logDepthBufFC - 1.0;
gl_Position.z *= gl_Position.w;
#if 0 > 0
vClipPosition = -;
vViewPosition = -;
#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined( DISTANCE ) || defined ( USE_SHADOWMAP )
vec4 worldPosition = vec4( transformed, 1.0 );
worldPosition = instanceMatrix * worldPosition;
worldPosition = modelMatrix * worldPosition;
vWorldPosition =;
vec3 cameraToVertex;
if ( isOrthographic ) {
cameraToVertex = normalize( vec3( - viewMatrix[ 0 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 1 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 2 ][ 2 ] ) );
} else {
cameraToVertex = normalize( - cameraPosition );
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix );
vReflect = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal );
vReflect = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio );
#if 0 > 0 || 0 > 0 || 0 > 0
vec3 shadowWorldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix );
vec4 shadowWorldPosition;
#if 0 > 0
#if 0 > 0
#if 0 > 0
#ifdef USE_FOG
fogDepth = - mvPosition.z;
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