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gregorriegler /
Created August 11, 2020 20:46 — forked from schmich/
Programming media keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline

Programming Media Keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline

To use media keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline, you must record a macro to bind the media function to a hotkey combination, i.e. Fn plus some key.


Important: In the instructions below, "Press X+Y+Z" means press and hold key X, press and hold key Y, press and hold key Z in that order, and then release all three.

As an example, to bind Fn+PgUp to the play/pause media function:

gregorriegler / git pretty stat
Created August 10, 2020 16:54 — forked from sephiroth74/git pretty stat
Show lines added/deleted and total commits per author in a period of time on all branches
git log --all --numstat --pretty="%H" --author="author" --since=1.year | awk 'NF==3 {plus+=$1; minus+=$2} NF==1 {total++} END {printf("lines added: +%d\nlines deleted: -%d\ntotal commits: %d\n", plus, minus, total)}'