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Gregory Anderson gregoryanderson

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Markdown Practice

Take a look at the Mod 0 Tech Setup instructions. Next, click the Raw button and compare the raw markdown to how the gist displays.

Look for the following elements, and under each bullet point, paste an example of the markdown that creates each.

  • Headings of various sizes
  • Links
  • Bold text
  • Auto-numbered lists

Beginner's Guide to Git

Before you do anything!

  • Get a pen
  • Get a piece of paper
  • Panic
  • Stress eat
  • Think about how poor your life choices have been thus far!
  • Doodle on the piece of paper with your pen

Session 4 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you between 1.5 and 2 total hours.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Capstone Project

Day 1: Computer Set-Up, HTML, and Gear Up

Reading Responses

  1. The purpose of HTML is to provide the fundamentals of what you see on the web browser. From my understanding, it ranges from the text, the markup, the images, and videos. The HTML code alone is clunky and antiquated, but without it, there is nothing to build upon.
  2. The difference between a element and an tag is that an element represents a different type of HTML code. For instance <h1> and <p> are different elements representing 'Heading 1' and 'Paragraph'. A tag is a set of a particular element that open and closes the function. For instance, <h1> This is a header </h1> would be a complete tag.
  3. An attribute indicates what kind of extra information is being applied to the element. For example, a language code can be affiliated with the <lang> element.
  4. The head, title, and body make up most visible parts of the web browser. The body is most of what is seen on the page of the web browser. The head is u

Pairin Survey


Top Thinking Style


Imaginative-Inspirational thinkers enjoy bringing new ideas and tangible products into being. They are often attuned to atmospher, mood and aesthetics. Their thinking draws upon intuitive processes, emotion, expression and interaction with their external world. They like to picture both past and future scenarios, and to discern underlying elements of order in disorder, harmony in disharmony, and even sense in nonsense.

Gear Up

Empathy and the Role it Plays at Turing

Why is it that a software development school is preaching empathy before the first day of school? I don't believe that you have to look further than the first article provided where a designer doing field research is interviewing a visually-impaired woman and realizing that the program being designed will have a profound impact on her life. What greater satisfaction can be extracted from hard work? As our days move closer and closer to the Age of the Machine, it is important to step back and think about how these machines that we are designing are impacting the lives of humans in need.

What does empathy mean to me? For me, I believe it means to listen. There are things that I will never fully understand. When I am faced with an issue that is impossible for me to understand, it becomes my job to listen and find out what it is that I can do to make the situation, at least, tenable. Hopefully, I can do even better than that! I have led large g

Project: Number-Guesser Doubles

Group Member Names: Gregory Anderson and Edward Cheatham

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?): Hitting deadlines, Making clear and concise functions within JS. We will know we are successful by measuring our project against the rubric.

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here): We are defining goals and working on collaboration. Our strengths would be that we each have a professional work ethic and we both enjoy constructive criticism.

I believe that we did ok with out agile mentality. Each day we retroed and discussed the next step or two and how we were going to attack problems.

When we got together, most of the work was done driver/navigator. This had its benefits and takeaways. We all knew the code quite well, but it ate up a lot of time when we could be working on other things.

If we had a further goal- maybe a month or so out, I can see how an agile mentality would be beneficial. Attacking things and regrouping as necessary.

With the short timeline we worked in, though, it seemed like we were just working on the next thing in the rubric.

I also believe that expertise is required for true agile implementation.

Hackers Making for Good Citizens

Three Key Takeaways: Deeply democratic. Building something needed on an already existing model. I do enjoy the notion that hacking could be considered 'by the people, for the people'. The values of the internet are the values of democracy? Which is a nice thought that I believe used to be true, but in order to have a truly successful democracy there must be choice. Most sites now are owned by the biggest three or four and those are driven by profits. I can see the argument for 'clicks' equaling votes, but if I can only upvote an add and not downvote it, it is not truly democratic. Her use of 'empowerment' is perfect. People want to help with in their community and often do not know how. Civic hacking is a great way. Goverments are notorious for spending obscene amounts of money, civic hacking can really reduce the rates that countries spend.

When I left my job at the preschool, it was to look for something more. I loved how imaginiations would take my days in any direction, but reality would set in at the end of the day: When I was watching the kids, someone else was earning a paycheck at a fulfilling career. I knew that the military was not going to make me into a money factory, but the insurance was great and, at the very least, it would open some doors. Soon after completing an 18 month intensive course in Arabic, I found myself running a 24/7/365 Top Secret mission for the NSA- an opportunity that I would have never dreamed that I would be doing just a few years earlier. While there, I began working with some technical applications and was introduced to my first development language: Python, and realized the incredible power it had in simplifying my job. As my contract with the Army came to an end, I knew that I was ready for the next challenge in my life and that was to become a software developer.