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Ruby 2.1.0 in Production: known bugs and patches
Last week, we upgraded the rails app to ruby 2.1.0 in production.
While testing the new build for rollout, we ran into a number of bugs. Most of
these have been fixed on trunk already, but I've documented them below to help
anyone else who might be testing ruby 2.1 in production.
@naruse I think we should backport these patches to the ruby_2_1 branch and
release 2.1.1 sooner rather than later, as some of the bugs are quite critical.
I'm happy to offer any assistance I can to expedite this process.
addEventListener "trix-initialize", (event) ->
new TrixAutoLinker
class TrixAutoLinker
constructor: (@element) ->
{@editor} = @element
@element.addEventListener("trix-render", @autoLink)
autoLink: =>