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Created May 31, 2017 21:57
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TLA+ specification for gryadka:
------------------------- MODULE GryadkaCasRegister -------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets
\* Timestamps is the set of possible timestamps for operations to choose from.
\* Each operation uses a unique timestamp.
\* Values is the set of possible values to set the register to.
\* Acceptors is the set of nodes which act as acceptors in the paxos sense.
\* Quorums is the set of all possible quorums, typically simple majorities.
CONSTANTS Timestamps, Values, Acceptors, Quorums
ASSUME Timestamps \subseteq Nat
ASSUME IsFiniteSet(Timestamps)
NoTS == -1
ASSUME NoTS \notin Timestamps
ASSUME Quorums \subseteq SUBSET Acceptors
ASSUME \A q1, q2 \in Quorums : q1 \intersect q2 /= {}
\* The initial value is chosen arbitrarily
InitVal == CHOOSE v \in Values : TRUE
\* msgs is the buffer of all messages. Messages can be delivered out of order or duplicated.
\* ops is the mapping from timestamp to CAS(old, new) for operations being proposed.
\* acceptorTS is the timestamp each acceptor is prepared for, only operations which match this value are accepted.
\* acceptorValTS is the timestamp of the last accepted value for each acceptor, or NoTS is none has been accepted yet.
\* acceptorValue is the last accepted value for each acceptor, or InitVal if none has been accepted yet.
\* history is the actual order of invoke/response actions for the operations identified by the timestamp.
VARIABLES msgs, ops, acceptorTS, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue, history
Messages == [type: {"prepare"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: Timestamps]
\union [type: {"promise"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: Timestamps,
prevTS: Timestamps \union {NoTS}, prevVal: Values]
\union [type: {"accept"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: Timestamps, val: Values]
\union [type: {"accepted"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: Timestamps, val: Values]
\* Each operation represents a CAS from an oldVal to a newVal. In Gryadka,
\* reads are treated the same as CAS(val, val)
Operations == [oldVal: Values, newVal: Values]
Events == [type: {"invoke", "response"}, ts: Timestamps]
TypeOK == /\ msgs \subseteq Messages
/\ ops \in [Timestamps -> Operations]
/\ acceptorTS \in [Acceptors -> Timestamps \union {NoTS}]
/\ acceptorValTS \in [Acceptors -> Timestamps \union {NoTS}]
/\ acceptorValue \in [Acceptors -> Values]
/\ history \in Seq(Events)
Init == /\ msgs = {}
/\ ops \in [Timestamps -> Operations]
/\ acceptorTS = [a \in Acceptors |-> NoTS]
/\ acceptorValTS = [a \in Acceptors |-> NoTS]
/\ acceptorValue = [a \in Acceptors |-> InitVal]
/\ history = <<>>
SelectMessages(type, ts) == {m \in msgs : m.type = type /\ m.ts = ts}
PromisedValue(ts) == LET promiseMsgs == SelectMessages("promise", ts)
IN (CHOOSE m \in promiseMsgs : \A m2 \in promiseMsgs : m.prevTS >= m2.prevTS).prevVal
Prepare(ts) == /\ SelectMessages("prepare", ts) = {} \* Each timestamp must be unique
/\ msgs' = msgs \union [type: {"prepare"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: {ts}]
/\ history' = Append(history, [type |-> "invoke", ts |-> ts])
/\ UNCHANGED <<ops, acceptorTS, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue>>
RecvPrepare(a, ts) == /\ acceptorTS[a] = NoTS \/ acceptorTS[a] < ts
/\ acceptorTS' = [acceptorTS EXCEPT ![a] = ts]
/\ msgs' = msgs \union {[type |-> "promise", acceptor |-> a, ts |-> ts,
prevTS |-> acceptorValTS[a], prevVal |-> acceptorValue[a]]}
/\ UNCHANGED <<ops, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue, history>>
Accept(ts) == /\ {m.acceptor : m \in SelectMessages("promise", ts)} \in Quorums
/\ ops[ts].oldVal = PromisedValue(ts)
/\ msgs' = msgs \union [type: {"accept"}, acceptor: Acceptors, ts: {ts}, val: {ops[ts].newVal}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<ops, acceptorTS, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue, history>>
RecvAccept(a, ts, v) == /\ acceptorTS[a] = ts
/\ acceptorValTS' = [acceptorValTS EXCEPT ![a] = ts]
/\ acceptorValue' = [acceptorValue EXCEPT ![a] = v]
/\ msgs' = msgs \union [type: {"accepted"}, acceptor: {a}, ts: {ts}, val: {v}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<ops, acceptorTS, history>>
Accepted(ts) == /\ {m.acceptor : m \in SelectMessages("accepted", ts)} \in Quorums
/\ {hpos \in DOMAIN history : history[hpos] = [type |-> "response", ts |-> ts]} = {}
/\ history' = Append(history, [type |-> "response", ts |-> ts])
/\ UNCHANGED <<msgs, ops, acceptorTS, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue>>
Next == \/ \E ts \in Timestamps : \/ Prepare(ts)
\/ Accept(ts)
\/ Accepted(ts)
\/ \E m \in msgs : \/ m.type = "prepare" /\ RecvPrepare(m.acceptor, m.ts)
\/ m.type = "accept" /\ RecvAccept(m.acceptor, m.ts, m.val)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<msgs, ops, acceptorTS, acceptorValTS, acceptorValue, history>>
FiniteSeq(S) == UNION {[1..n -> S] : n \in 1..Cardinality(S)}
SeqAsSet(S) == {S[i] : i \in DOMAIN S}
HistoryIsLinearizable == \E order \in {<<>>} \union FiniteSeq(Timestamps) :
/\ \A H \in SeqAsSet(history) : H.type = "response" => H.ts \in SeqAsSet(order)
/\ \A H1_i, H2_i \in DOMAIN history :
(history[H1_i].type = "response" /\ history[H2_i].type = "invoke" /\ H1_i < H2_i) =>
history[H2_i].ts \in SeqAsSet(order) =>
\E i1, i2 \in DOMAIN order :
/\ order[i1] = history[H1_i].ts
/\ order[i2] = history[H2_i].ts
/\ i1 < i2
/\ \A i1, i2 \in DOMAIN order :
i2 = i1 + 1 => ops[order[i1]].newVal = ops[order[i2]].oldVal
/\ order /= <<>> => InitVal = ops[order[1]].oldVal
Inv == /\ TypeOK
/\ HistoryIsLinearizable
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hwayne commented Jun 2, 2017

FiniteSeq(S) == UNION {[1..n -> S] : n \in 1..Cardinality(S)}

IIRC that means <<>> \notin FiniteSeq(S). Is that an issue?

EDIT oh wait you have {<<>>} \union FiniteSeq(Timestamps) nevermind lol

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