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(ns xzs.utils.styler
A macro namespace that generates classes on the fly for usage in cljs.
# Motivation
# Synopsis:
In your cljs files:
[:div {:class [(css {:border 0})]}]
If you need to dynamically change a property:
{:class [(if active? (css {:color \"red\"}) (css {:color \"blue\"})]}
You can also do at-media or pseudo selectors:
{:class (at-media {:min-width \"400px\"} {:padding 0})}
{:class (css {:min-width \"400px\"} :hover {:color \"green\"})}
Or partition the media width/height:
(media-part :width [{:padding 0} 400
{:padding \"4px\"} 800
{:padding \"14px\"}]
Which will generate 3 @media queries:
(max-width: 400px}, {min-width: 401px, max-width: 800px}, {min-width: 801px}
# Compatibility
Doesn't use any clojurescript code. So this is compatible with all cljs libraries. Reagent, Om, Rum,
Quiesent and even non-react based code.
# Injecting the generated CSS:
## Development
In development you create a namespace (note the ^:figwheel-always):
(ns ^:figwheel-always your-app.styler-installer
[xyz.utils.styler :as styler])
(:require []))
(defonce prev (volatile! nil))
(when @prev
( @prev))
(vreset! prev ( (styler/get-css-str false)))
## Production:
The namespace that you specified in your cljs build config under the key:
Will get compiled LAST, all other dependencies first.
Thus, this is where you place something like this:
( (styler/get-css-str true))
You can also just generate a file for production:
(styler/spit-css! \"resources/css/app.css\" true)
- Keyframes
Rewrite implemenation to not use records and use a map:
with keys: {:color 'black} -> [[::media {}]
[::normal {}]
[::pseudo {}]]
# Autoprefixing
Requires postcss installed:
npm install --global postcss-cli autoprefixer
[clojure.string :as str]
[garden.core :as garden]
[garden.stylesheet :as style]))
(def ^:private auto-prefixer-cmd ["postcss" "-u" "autoprefixer"])
(def global-css-styles (atom {}))
;; Class GEN:
(def css-class-prefix "S")
(defonce ^:private counter (volatile! 0))
(defn- next-int []
(vswap! counter inc))
(defn- char-range
[a b]
(mapv char
(range (int a) (int b))))
(def ^:private valid-chars (concat (char-range \a \z)
(char-range \A \Z)
(char-range \0 \9)
[\_ \-]))
(defn- unique-id-gen
"Generates a sequence of unique identifiers seeded with ids sequence"
;; Laziness ftw:
(apply concat
(iterate (fn [xs]
(for [x xs
y valid-chars]
(str x y)))
(map str ids))))
(def inf-ids-seq (unique-id-gen valid-chars))
(defn- new-class
"Returns an unused new classname"
(str css-class-prefix (nth inf-ids-seq (next-int))))
;; Class add
(defn- add-css-prop
"Adds the css prop + value to the atom and returns the newly generated class"
(let [gen-class (new-class)]
(swap! global-css-styles assoc pv gen-class)
;; The map key is always stored without class
(defprotocol GardenDecoder
"Decodes a type into something garden understands"
(to-garden [this css-class]))
(extend-protocol GardenDecoder
(to-garden [this css-class]
(to-garden [this css-class]
(if css-class
[(str "." css-class) this]
(to-garden [this css-class]
(if css-class
[(str "." css-class) (mapv #(to-garden % nil) this)]
(mapv #(to-garden % nil) this))))
(defrecord MediaQuery [query child]
(to-garden [this css-class]
(if css-class
(style/at-media query (to-garden child css-class))
(style/at-media query child))))
(defrecord PseudoSelector [pseudo child]
(to-garden [this css-class]
[(str "." css-class pseudo) (to-garden child nil)]))
(defn- classnames-for-styles
[constructor styles]
(str/join " "
(fn [xs prop v]
(conj xs
(let [style {prop v}
k (constructor style)]
(or (get @global-css-styles k)
(add-css-prop k)))))
;; Optimization: Merge the smae media queries:
;; Not the prettiest, but it works:
(defn- merge-media-queries
"Merges the media queries since this isn't done by garden."
(let [{::keys [other] :as grouped}
(fn [[k class]]
(if (instance? MediaQuery k)
(:query k)
(fn [m q queries]
(assoc m
(MediaQuery. q (mapv
(fn [[query class]]
(to-garden (:child query) class))
(into {} other)
(dissoc grouped ::other))))
(defmacro css
"Returns a string of (multiple) casses (space separated) for the given styles
The styles MUST be constants (this is a macro!):
(css {:display \"block\", :background-color \"blue\"})
;; Gets appended behind the newly generated class:
(css :hover {...})
(css \":nth-of-type(2)\" {...})
(css \"::before\" {...})
;; Or also with media queries:
(css {:min-width \"400px\"} \"::before\" {...})"
(classnames-for-styles identity styles))
([pseudo styles]
(classnames-for-styles #(PseudoSelector. pseudo %) styles))
([media pseudo styles]
(classnames-for-styles #(MediaQuery. media (PseudoSelector. pseudo %)) styles)))
(defmacro at-media
"(at-media {:max-width \"600px\"} {:padding 0, :margin \"20px\"})"
[query styles]
(classnames-for-styles #(MediaQuery. query %) styles))
(defmacro media-part
"(media-part :width [{:padding 0} 400 {:padding \"2px\"} 600 {:padding \"10px\"}])"
;; TODO: Optimize to use the SAME classes:
[w-or-h xs]
{:pre [(#{:width :height} w-or-h)]}
(let [min+ #(-> {(keyword (str "min-" (name w-or-h))) (str (inc %) "px")})
max! #(-> {(keyword (str "max-" (name w-or-h))) (str % "px")})]
(->> (partition 3 2 (concat [nil] xs [nil]))
(fn [[from styles to]]
(and from to) (merge (min+ from) (max! to))
from (min+ from)
to (max! to))
(str/join " "))))
(defn- prefix-css
"Prefixes the given css string. Pipes s into the command and returns the output. (slow)"
[cmd s]
;; Dynamic in case people want to use this in bootstrapped cljs:
(require '
(let [sh (ns-resolve ' 'sh)]
(:out (apply sh (into cmd [:in s])))))
(defn- compile-css
"Compiles the css in the atom and returns a css string"
(garden/css {:pretty-print? false}
(fn [[k css-class]]
(to-garden k css-class))
(merge-media-queries @global-css-styles))))
(defn- get-css-str-fn
[prefix? cmd]
(cond->> (compile-css)
prefix? (prefix-css cmd)))
(defn- spit-css-fn!
[f content]
(spit f content))
(defmacro get-css-str
"Gets the CSS that's been accumulated. If the cmd is given it will be piped the raw
css string and should returns a css string (for autoprefixing)"
([prefix?] (get-css-str-fn prefix? auto-prefixer-cmd))
([prefix? cmd] (get-css-str-fn prefix? cmd)))
(defmacro spit-css!
([file-name prefix?]
(spit-css-fn! file-name (get-css-str-fn prefix? auto-prefixer-cmd)))
([file-name prefix? cmd]
(spit-css-fn! file-name (get-css-str-fn prefix? cmd))))
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