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rm-hull / psychedelic-animation.cljs
Last active May 14, 2019 06:23
ClojureScript re-implementation of a runner up, originally by Piotr Stosur: "Animated fractal shapes (mainly rotating spirals) similar to CEVs after taking psychedelic/dissociative drugs. :P Based on copying previous frame into 4 smaller fragments (once per frame, no other kind of iterations) so it's much faster than per-pixel fractal g…
; rewritten in Clojurescript from javascript (originally by Piotr Stosur:
(ns psychedelic-animation.demo
(:use [enchilada :only [canvas svg ctx]]
[jayq.core :only [show hide]]
[monet.core :only [animation-frame]]
[monet.canvas :only [fill-style fill-rect draw-image rotate translate]]))
(show canvas)
(hide svg)