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Created January 11, 2024 22:31
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Animate 2D text buffers right in the terminal
fn printDefault(c: u8) void {
std.debug.print("{c}", .{ c });
fn animate(buffer: *[]u8, rows: u32, cols: u32, comptime print_fn: fn(u8) void) void {
for(0..rows) |dy| {
for(0..cols) |dx| {
const idx = dy * cols + dx;
const pipe_tile = buffer.*[idx];
std.debug.print("\x1B[{d};{d}H", .{ dy, dx });
std.time.sleep(1000 * 1000 * 16);
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Allows animating text buffers as 2D maps right in the terminal. Use like this:

var row_count = 128;
var col_count = 128;
// ... allocate and fill text buffer to your liking
var text_buffer: []u8 = undefined;

while (true) {
  animate(&text_buffer, row_count, col_count, printDefault);

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