- Open the facebook window with people yuo want to invite
- Copy the code and place on your browser url input OR open console and place
- To use in the browser url input, copy the code below:
javascript:var buttons; buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_42ft'); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if(buttons[i].getAttribute('ajaxify') != null){ if(buttons[i].getAttribute('ajaxify').indexOf('invite') != -1){ buttons[i].click(); } } }
BTW I didn't doing complete test on it , as it's do not have scroll feature to see more likes , Anyway you all should be aware of this methods since I got warning from FB for spam even I was using delay , I guess FB think you won't sent invite to more than 80% of people who like your post . Last I use this add-on now https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/invite-post-likers-to-lik/dfhnkeijhilolcebpchcdiclpejojodb/