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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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function New-ZipPairs
Mandatory = 1,
Position = 0,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
Mandatory = 1,
Position = 1,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
if ($null -eq $key)
throw "Key Null Reference Exception!!"
if ($null -eq $value)
throw "Value Null Reference Exception!!"
function ToListEx ($InputArray, $type)
$list = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[$type]"
@($InputArray) | where {$_.GetType().FullName -eq $type} | %{$list.Add($_)}
return $list
function GetType ($Object)
@($Object) | select -First 1 | %{$_.GetType().FullName}
# Get Type
$keyType = GetType -Object $key
$valueType = GetType -Object $value
# Create Typed container
$list = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Tuple[$keyType, $valueType]]"
# To Typed List
$keys = ToListEx -InputArray $key -type $keyType
$values = ToListEx -InputArray $value -type $valueType
# Element Count Check
$keyElementsCount = ($keys | measure).count
$valueElementsCount = ($values | measure).count
if ($valueElementsCount -eq 0)
# TagValue auto fill with "*" when Value is empty
$values = 1..$keyElementsCount | %{"*"}
# Get shorter list
$length = if ($keyElementsCount -le $valueElementsCount)
# Make Element Pair
if ($length -eq 1)
$list.Add($(New-Object "System.Tuple[[$keyType],[$valueType]]" ($keys, $values)))
$i = 0
$list.Add($(New-Object "System.Tuple[[$keyType],[$valueType]]" ($keys[$i], $values[$i])))
while ($i -lt $length)
return $list
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# sample Key<String>, Value<Int32>
[int[]]$hoge = 1, 2, 3, 4
[string[]]$fuga = "hoge", "moge", "fuga", "piyo"
New-ZipPairs -key $hoge -value $fuga

# sample Key<System.Diagnostics.Process>, Value<System.IO.FileInfo>
New-ZipPairs -key (ps) -value (ls)

# sample single item input
New-ZipPairs -key "d:\hogemoge" -value "d:\fugafuga"

# sample Key<String>, Value<Int32>
[int[]]$hoge = 1
[string[]]$fuga = "hoge"
New-ZipPairs -key $hoge -value $fuga

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