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Last active August 17, 2019 10:43
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benchmark: calculate sum of odd number with powershell
function benchmark([scriptblock]$Sb, [int]$Repeat, [string]$Way) {
[double]$tmp = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Repeat; $i++) {
$tmp += (Measure-Command $Sb).TotalMilliSeconds
[Console]::WriteLine("$Way | $Repeat | {0:0.000}", $($tmp / $Repeat))
Write-Host "BenchMark(Method) | Times | Avg(ms)
---- | ---- | ----"
benchmark -Sb { (1..100).Where{ ($_ -band 1) -eq 0 } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way bitwise
benchmark -Sb { (1..100).Where{ [int]($_ / 2) * 2 -eq $_ } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way division
benchmark -Sb { (1..100).Where{ $_ % 2 -eq 0 } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way modulo
benchmark -Sb { (1..100).where{ ($_ -shr 1) -shl 1 -eq $_ } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way shift
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Benchmark(Pipeline) | Times | Avg(ms)
---- | ---- | ----"
benchmark -Sb { 1..100 | Where { ($_ -band 1) -eq 0 } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way bitwise
benchmark -Sb { 1..100 | Where { [int]($_ / 2) * 2 -eq $_ } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way division
benchmark -Sb { 1..100 | Where { $_ % 2 -eq 0 } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way modulo
benchmark -Sb { 1..100 | where { ($_ -shr 1) -shl 1 -eq $_ } | Measure -Sum } -Repeat 1000 -Way shift
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BenchMark(Method) Times Avg(ms)
bitwise 1000 0.542
division 1000 0.521
modulo 1000 0.489
shift 1000 0.520
Benchmark(Pipeline) Times Avg(ms)
bitwise 1000 1.353
division 1000 1.486
modulo 1000 1.330
shift 1000 1.359

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