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Created January 26, 2015 11:46
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Rename Resource prefix
# You can specify Path and ResourceName to strictly identify.
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -Path c:\Path\To\Resource\Directory -ResourceName ResourcenameToRename -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# You can omit Path if ResourceName is correct and is in current Directory
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -ResourceName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# You can omit ResourceName if Path is correct.
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -Path .\xPSDesiredStateConfiguration -NewPrefix c -Verbose
#Requires -Version 3.0
Rename Resource prefix
As MSFT Resource release as xHOGEMOGE, this function will rename x to c (in default).
You can change prefix as you want.
Target will be, ModuleFolder, Resource Folder, files with extension .psm1, .psd1, .mof
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -Path c:\Path\To\Resource\Directory -ResourceName ResourcenameToRename -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# You can specify Path and ResourceName to strictly identify.
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -ResourceName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# You can omit Path if ResourceName is correct and is in current Directory
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -Path .\xPSDesiredStateConfiguration -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# You can omit ResourceName if Path is correct.
Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix -NewPrefix c -Verbose
# This cause error, as Path or Resource should set.
function Rename-DSCModuleResourcePrefix
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string[]]$ResourceName = @(),
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string]$Path = "",
[parameter(Mandatory = 1, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
[string]$NewPrefix = 'c',
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string]$ModuleNamePattern = "MSFT_",
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string]$PrefixDelimiter = "",
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[bool]$SkipFriendlyName = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string[]]$TargetFileExtensions = @(".psm1", ".psd1", ".mof"),
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 7, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[bool]$EnableBackup = $true,
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 8, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string]$BackupPath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp",
[parameter(Mandatory = 0, Position = 9, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
[string]$encoding = "utf8"
foreach ($resource in $ResourceName)
Write-Verbose ("ResourceName : {0}" -f $resource)
#region Prerequisites
$baseLength = GetPrefixLength -Resourcename $ResourceName -PrefixDelimiter $PrefixDelimiter
$currentPrefix = GetCurrentPrefix -ResourceName $resource -Length $baseLength
$newResourceName = GetNewResourceName -ResourceName $resource -newPrefix $NewPrefix -Length $baseLength
$originalMSFT = "$ModuleNamePattern{0}" -f $currentPrefix
$newMSFT = "$ModuleNamePattern{0}" -f $NewPrefix
$originalMOF = 'FriendlyName("{0}' -f $currentPrefix
$newMOF = 'FriendlyName("{0}' -f $NewPrefix
#region Validation
# Try get path from ReosourceName
if ($Path -eq "")
Write-Verbose "Path detected empty, set resource Name as Path."
if (-not(Test-Path -Path ".\$resource")){ throw New-Object System.IO.FileNotFoundException ("Path Resource Name '{0}' not found exception!!" -f $resource, $resource) }
$Path = Split-Path (Resolve-Path -Path ".\$resource").Path -Parent
$resetPath = $true
# validation
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path)){ throw New-Object System.IO.FileNotFoundException ("Path $Path not found exception!!", $Path) }
if (-not((Get-Item -Path $Path).PSIsContainer)){ throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException ("Operation is not valid due to Path detected as File. Make sure set Directory for -Path.", $Path) }
$resourcePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $resource
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $Path -ChildPath $newResourceName)){ throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException ("Operation is not valid due to attempt new resource name '{0}' already exist." -f $newResourceName) }
if (-not(IsPathContainsResouceName -Path $Path -ResourceName $resource)){ throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException ("Operation is not valid due to Resource name not in Path.") }
#region backup before execute
if ($EnableBackup){ BackupResource -Path $resourcePath -BackupPath $BackupPath }
#region File
Get-ChildItem -Path $resourcePath -Recurse -File `
| where Extension -in $TargetFileExtensions `
| %{
$fullpath = $_.FullName
#region Content
# resource
Get-Content -Path $fullpath -Raw -Encoding $encoding `
| %{
if ($_ -like "*$resource*")
Write-Verbose ("file content: '{0}' changed from {1} to {2}" -f $fullpath, $resource, $newResourceName)
$_.replace($resource, $newResourceName) | Out-File -FilePath $fullpath -Encoding $encoding -Force
# msft
Get-Content -Path $fullpath -Raw -Encoding $encoding `
| %{
if ($_ -like "*$originalMSFT*")
Write-Verbose ("file content: '{0}' changed from {1} to {2}" -f $fullpath, $originalMSFT, $newMSFT)
$_.replace("$originalMSFT", "$newMSFT") | Out-File -FilePath $fullpath -Encoding $encoding -Force
# mof
Get-Content -Path $fullpath -Raw -Encoding $encoding `
| %{
if (-not $SkipFriendlyName)
if ($_ -like "*$originalMOF*")
Write-Verbose ("file content: '{0}' changed from {1} to {2}" -f $fullpath, $originalMOF, $newMOF)
$_.Replace("$originalMOF", "$newMOF") | Out-File -FilePath $fullpath -Encoding $encoding -Force
#region FileName
# resource
if ($_.Name -like "$resource*")
$newResourceFileName = $_.Name -replace $resource, $newResourceName
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newResourceFileName
Write-Verbose ("file name changed from {0} to {1}" -f $fullpath, $newResourceFileName)
# msft
if ($_.Name -like "$originalMSFT*")
$newMSFTFileName = $_.Name -replace $originalMSFT, $newMSFT
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newMSFTFileName
Write-Verbose ("file name changed from {0} to {1}" -f $fullpath, $newMSFTFileName)
#region Folder
# Child Folder
Get-ChildItem -Path $resourcePath -Recurse -Directory `
| where Name -like "$originalMSFT*" `
| %{
# msft
$newDirectoryName = $_.Name -replace $originalMSFT, $newMSFT
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newDirectoryName
# Parent Folder
Rename-Item -Path $resourcePath -NewName $newResourceName
# Show Result
$newResourcePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $newResourceName
Get-Item -Path $newResourcePath
# Reset Path when input Path was empty
if($resetPath){$Path = ""}
$resourceElements = ($ResourceName | Measure-Object).Count
# validate Input
if ($Path -ne "" -and $resourceElements -ne 0 -and (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path))){ throw New-Object System.IO.FileNotFoundException ("Path $Path not found exception!!", $Path) }
if ($Path -eq "" -and $resourceElements -eq 0){ throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException ("Operation is not valid due to both Path and ResourceName detected empty string. Please specify at least one.") }
# ResolvePath
if ($Path -ne "")
Write-Verbose "Resolve Path to Absolute Path"
$Path = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).Path
# validate Path
if (($resourceElements -eq 0) -and (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path))) { throw New-Object System.IO.FileNotFoundException ("Path $Path not found exception!!", $Path) }
# Set ResourceName with Path
if (($resourceElements -eq 0) -and (Test-Path -Path $Path)){ $ResourceName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Directory).Name }
function GetPrefixLength ([string]$Resourcename, [string]$PrefixDelimiter)
if ($PrefixDelimiter -eq "")
($ResourceName -split $PrefixDelimiter | select -First 1).Length
function IsPathContainsResouceName ([string]$Path, [string]$ResourceName)
$resources = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Directory).Name
if ($resources -eq $null){ throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException ("Operation is not valid due to Path not contains any Directory. Make sure Path contains Resource Folder.") }
if ($ResourceName -notin $resources){ return $false }
return $true
function GetCurrentPrefix ([string]$ResourceName, [int]$Length)
$baseChar = [Linq.Enumerable]::ToArray($ResourceName)
$currentPrefix = $baseChar | select -First $baseLength
return $currentPrefix
function GetNewResourceName ([string]$ResourceName, [string]$NewPrefix, [int]$Length)
$baseChar = [Linq.Enumerable]::ToArray($ResourceName)
$leastItem = ($baseChar | select -Skip $baseLength) -join ""
$newResourceName = $NewPrefix, $leastItem -join ""
return $newResourceName
function BackupResource ([string]$Path, [string]$BackupPath)
$backupFolderName = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
$backup = Join-Path -Path $BackupPath -ChildPath $backupFolderName
Write-Verbose ("Creating backup folder '{0}'" -f $backup)
if (-not(Test-Path $backup)){ New-Item -Path $backup -ItemType Directory -Force > $null }
Write-Warning ("Creating Resource backup '{0}' to '{1}' before change effect." -f $Path, $backup)
Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $backup -Force -Recurse | Format-Table | Out-String -Stream | Write-Verbose
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