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Copy Selected Extensions, and Directory Structure Only
# Copy "All Directory Structure" and "File" which Extension type is .bat
Copy d:\GitHub\valentia -Destination d:\fuga -Force -Recurse -Filter "*.bat"
# Copy "All Directory Structure" and "File" which Extension type is .md
Copy d:\GitHub\valentia -Destination d:\fuga -Force -Recurse -Filter "*.md"
# If you want to exclude specific file to copy
Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination -Recurse -File | where Name -in | Remove-Item -Recurse
# search Folder which include file
$hoge = ls d:\fuga -Recurse -Directory | where {$_.GetFiles()}
# Remove All Empty (none file exist) folders
ls d:\fuga -Recurse -Exclude $hoge -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse
function Copy-StrictedFilterFileWithDirectoryStructure
mandatory = 1,
position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = 1,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
mandatory = 1,
position = 1,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
mandatory = 1,
position = 2,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
mandatory = 0,
position = 3,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
$list = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[String]'
Foreach ($target in $Targets)
# Copy "All Directory Structure" and "File" which Extension type is $ex
Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination -Force -Recurse -Filter $target
# Remove -Exclude Item
Foreach ($exclude in $Excludes)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination -Recurse -File | where Name -like $exclude | Remove-Item
# search Folder which include file
$allFolder = Get-ChildItem $Destination -Recurse -Directory
$containsFile = $allFolder | where {$_.GetFiles()}
$containsFile.FullName `
| %{
$fileContains = $_
$result = $allFolder.FullName `
| where {$_ -notin $list} `
| where {
$shortPath = $_
$fileContains -like "$shortPath*"
$result | %{$list.Add($_)}
$folderToKeep = $list | sort -Unique
# Remove All Empty (none file exist) folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination -Recurse -Directory | where fullName -notin $folderToKeep | Remove-Item -Recurse
Copy-StrictedFilterFileWithDirectoryStructure -Path d:\GitHub\valentia -Destination D:\fuga -Target *.bat, *.md -Exclude
# Sample
# Copy-StrictedFilterFileWithDirectoryStructure -Path D:\GitHub\valentia -Destination D:\fuga -Targets *.bat, *.md
# Sample : -Exlude item will not exit in copied folder
# Copy-StrictedFilterFileWithDirectoryStructure -Path d:\GitHub\valentia -Destination D:\fuga -Targets *.bat, *.md -Excludes Readme*.md
Copy link

Exclude Sample

before begin


PS D:\GitHub\valentia> ls d:\fuga -Recurse
PS D:\GitHub\valentia>


PS D:\GitHub\valentia> ls d:\fuga -Recurse


-Exclud makes file removed from destination.

    Directory: D:\fuga

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name    
----         ------------- ------ ----    
d---- 2014/08/08      1:46        valentia

    Directory: D:\fuga\valentia

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name             
----         ------------- ------ ----             
d---- 2014/08/08      1:46        valentia         
-a--- 2014/05/16      8:07   2078        
-a--- 2014/07/31     15:20  17960

    Directory: D:\fuga\valentia\valentia

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name     
----         ------------- ------ ----     
d---- 2014/08/08      1:46        example  
d---- 2014/08/08      1:46        functions
d---- 2014/08/08      1:41        Tools    

    Directory: D:\fuga\valentia\valentia\example

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name     
----         ------------- ------ ----     
-a--- 2014/02/14      4:37    219

    Directory: D:\fuga\valentia\valentia\functions

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name     
----         ------------- ------ ----     
-a--- 2014/02/14      4:37    695

    Directory: D:\fuga\valentia\valentia\Tools

Mode         LastWriteTime Length Name       
----         ------------- ------ ----       
-a--- 2014/05/16      5:37    317 install.bat

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