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Last active June 20, 2017 08:58
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Generate routes manifest for @angular/service-worker

This is small script that can help generating routes manifest for @angular/service-worker. It is alternative way for ng-pwa-tools to generate manifest without ever running angular application on the server.

It requires you to have installed ng-pwa-tools and ng-router-resolver libraries.

It is a drop-in replacement for command ngu-sw-manifest.

NOTE: --out argument should point to existing manifest json file.



const { NgRouterResolver } = require('ng-router-resolver');
const { writeFileSync, readFileSync } = require('fs');
const { genRoutingManifest } = require('./routes-2-sw-conf');

const modulePath = getArgument('--module');
const manifestPath = getArgument('--out');
const index = getArgument('--index', 'index.html');
const baseUrl = getArgument('--base-url', '/');

console.log(`Resolving routes from ${modulePath}...`);

const routes = NgRouterResolver.fromModule(modulePath);

console.log(`OK! Collected ${recursiveRouterLength(routes)} route rules`);
console.log('Generating manifest for routes');

const routesManifest = genRoutingManifest(index, routes, baseUrl);

console.log(`OK! Merging with manifest ${manifestPath}`);

const manifest = JSON.parse(readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf-8'));
mergeConfig(manifest, { routing: routesManifest });

console.log(`OK! Saving to ${manifestPath}`);

writeFileSync(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, '  '));


function recursiveRouterLength(arr) {
  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return 0;
  return arr.length + arr.reduce((l, n) =>
    l + recursiveRouterLength(n.children) + recursiveRouterLength(n.loadChildren), 0);

function getArgument(name, defaultValue, requiredMsg) {
  const idx = process.argv.indexOf(name);
  const found = idx !== -1;

  if (!found && defaultValue === void 0) {
    console.log(requiredMsg || `Argument ${name} is required`);

  return found ? process.argv[idx + 1] : defaultValue;

function mergeConfig(mergeTo, mergeFrom) {
  Object.keys(mergeFrom).forEach(function (key) {
    var value = mergeFrom[key];
    if (mergeTo[key]) {
      if (Array.isArray(mergeTo[value])) {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          mergeTo[key] = mergeTo[key].concat(value);
        else {
      else if (typeof value === 'object') {
        mergeTo[key] = mergeConfig(mergeTo[key], value);
      else {
        mergeTo[key] = value;
    else {
      mergeTo[key] = value;


// @ts-check
const { coalesceToTerminals, matcherForTerminal } = require('ng-pwa-tools/lib/ls-routes/lib');

 * Convert routes json file to SW config
 * @param {String} index
 * @param {Array} routes
 * @param {String=} baseUrl
function genRoutingManifest(index, routes, baseUrl = '/') {
  if (baseUrl.endsWith('/')) {
    baseUrl = baseUrl.substr(0, baseUrl.length - 1);

  const routesConfig = coalesceToTerminals(flattenRoutes(routes))
    .map(terminal => matcherForTerminal(terminal, baseUrl))
    (routes, matcher) => (routes[matcher.pattern] = { match: matcher.match }, routes),

  return ({ index: index, routes: routesConfig });

exports.genRoutingManifest = genRoutingManifest;

 * @param {Array} routes
 * @param {String=} routes
function flattenRoutes(routes, path = '') {
  if (!routes) {
    return [];

  if (path.endsWith('/')) {
    path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);

  return routes.reduce((acc, route) => {
    const { children, loadChildren } = route;
    delete route.children;
    delete route.loadChildren;

    if (path) {
      route.path = path + '/' + route.path;

    return [
      ...flattenRoutes(children, route.path),
      ...flattenRoutes(loadChildren, route.path)
  }, []);
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