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Created August 30, 2022 04:56
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alias k='kubectl'
alias k8s='kubectl config use-context $1'
alias dk8s='kubectl config get-contexts'
alias kubectl='kubecolor'
alias kallp='kubectl get pods -A -o wide'
alias kalli='kubectl get ing -A'
alias kdel='kubectl delete -f'
alias kapp='kubectl apply -f'
alias krm='kubectl delete'
alias kdesc='kubectl describe'
alias kalls='kubectl get svc -A'
alias kalld='kubectl get deployment -A'
alias kcma='kubectl get cm -A'
alias kscale='kubectl scale deploy'
alias knginx='kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx'
alias knodes='k get nodes -o wide'
alias kpf='kubectl port-forward'
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