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Last active July 6, 2023 00:19
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Save gvolpe/40b1f38ebbcbb76266dc40cad587c469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CSV file reader using the Fs2 streaming library.
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import fs2._
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.Try
object CsvApp extends IOApp {
val blockingExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))
case class Sample(
policyID: Long,
stateCode: String,
county: String,
eqSiteLimit: Double,
huSiteLimit: Double,
flSiteLimit: Double,
frSiteLimit: Double,
tiv2011: Double,
tiv2012: Double,
eqSiteDeductible: Double,
huSiteDeductible: Double,
flSiteDeductible: Double,
frSiteDeductible: Double,
pointLatitude: Double,
pointLongitude: Double,
line: String,
construction: String,
pointGranularity: Int
val parseSample: List[String] => Option[Sample] = {
case (id :: code :: county :: esl :: hsl :: fll :: frl :: tv1 :: tv2 :: esd :: hsd :: fld :: frd :: plat :: plon :: line :: cons :: pg :: Nil) =>
policyID = id.toLong,
stateCode = code,
county = county,
eqSiteLimit = esl.toDouble,
huSiteLimit = hsl.toDouble,
flSiteLimit = fll.toDouble,
frSiteLimit = frl.toDouble,
tiv2011 = tv1.toDouble,
tiv2012 = tv2.toDouble,
eqSiteDeductible = esd.toDouble,
huSiteDeductible = hsd.toDouble,
flSiteDeductible = fld.toDouble,
frSiteDeductible = frd.toDouble,
pointLatitude = plat.toDouble,
pointLongitude = plon.toDouble,
line = line,
construction = cons,
pointGranularity = pg.trim.toInt
case _ => None
def csvParser[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Byte, List[String]] =
.drop(1) // remove headers
.map(_.split(',').toList) // separate by comma
// Get file from and convert it to UTF-8
val parser: Stream[IO, Unit] =
.readAll[IO](Paths.get("/home/gvolpe/sample.csv"), blockingExecutionContext, 4096)
.map(parseSample) // parse each line into a valid sample
.unNoneTerminate // terminate when done
.evalMap(x => IO(println(x)))
val program: IO[Unit] =
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
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NICE...Thanks for this awesome gist. Talk about local reasoning and this is it. Not much better (as of this writing) than fs2 and cats-effect when it comes to streaming and effects. Of course this comment gets stale within the next few months.

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