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Created November 24, 2012 07:51
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ping histogram in cmd (batch)
@echo off
rem -*- coding: cp852 -*-
rem ▀▄█░▒▓■
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set timeout=1000
set avgc=12
set /a linediv=!timeout! / 79
set sum=
set skip=1
for /f "delims=m= tokens=3" %%I in ('ping -n 1 -w 1000 %host% ^| find "TTL="') do (
set skip=0
set /a cnt=^(%%I + !linediv!^) / !linediv!
set p=░
set l=
for /l %%K in (0, 1, !cnt!) do (
if %%K gtr 79 (set p=+)
set l=!l!!p!
echo !l!
call :push %%I !avgc!
call :sum !avgc!
set /a avg=!sum! / !avgc!
set /a cnt=^(!avg! + !linediv!^) / !linediv!
set p=█
set l=
for /l %%K in (0, 1, !cnt!) do (
if %%K gtr 79 (set p=-)
set l=!l!!p!
echo !l!
title %%Ims avg^(!avgc!^):!avg!ms
if %skip%==1 echo ~
ping -n 2 >nul
goto loop
goto :eof
for /l %%I in (1, 1, %2) do (
set /a j=%%I - 1
if "!stack%%I!"=="" set stack%%I=%1
set tmp!j!=!stack%%I!
set tmp%2=%1
for /l %%I in (1, 1, %2) do (
set stack%%I=!tmp%%I!
goto :eof
set sum=0
for /l %%I in (1, 1, %1) do (
set /a sum=!sum! + !stack%%I!
goto :eof
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