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Created May 2, 2013 19:20
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weak_ptr をキーにしたハッシュ
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
class Node {
Node(string name) : name_(name) {
const string& name() {
return name_;
string name_;
template<typename T>
struct WeakPtrHash : public unary_function<weak_ptr<T>, size_t> {
size_t operator()(const weak_ptr<T>& wp) const {
if (shared_ptr<T> sp = wp.lock()) {
return std::hash<shared_ptr<T> >()(sp);
} else {
return 0;
template<typename T>
struct WeakPtrEqual : public unary_function<weak_ptr<T>, bool> {
bool operator()(const std::weak_ptr<T>& left, const std::weak_ptr<T>& right) const {
return !left.owner_before(right) && !right.owner_before(left);
typedef unordered_multimap<weak_ptr<Node>,
WeakPtrEqual<Node> > ProcessTable;
// typedef unordered_multimap<shared_ptr<Node>, int> ProcessTable;;
typedef unordered_set<weak_ptr<Node>, WeakPtrHash<Node>, WeakPtrEqual<Node> > NodeSet;
typedef pair<weak_ptr<Node>, int> ProcessEntry;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
shared_ptr<Node> node_1 = make_shared<Node>("node 1");
shared_ptr<Node> node_2 = make_shared<Node>("node 2");
NodeSet node_set;
ProcessTable table;
table.insert(make_pair(node_1, 100));
table.insert(make_pair(node_1, 101));
table.insert(make_pair(node_2, 200));
table.insert(make_pair(node_2, 201));
table.insert(make_pair(node_2, 202));
for (ProcessTable::iterator i = table.begin(); i != table.end(); ++i) {
shared_ptr<Node> node = i->first.lock();
int value = i->second;
cout << node->name() << " " << value << endl;
return 0;
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