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StageID StageName StageOrder StepID StepName StepURL StepOrder StepProgressID StepTargetDate StepEnabled
100 Enrol 0 10 Enrolment accepted 0 0 20190630 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 10 Read: Section 1 - Notation and Algebra 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 20 Read: Section 2 - Central tendencies 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 30 Practise: Section 2 - Test your learning (p28-32) 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 40 Read: Section 3 - Calculating rates of return 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 50 Practise: Section 3 - Test your learning (p52-61) 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 60 Read: Section 4 - Fixed Income 0 0 20190731 Yes
200 IMAC Prep: Math for Investment Consultants textbook 0 70 Practise: Section 4 - Test your learning (p79-90) 0 0 20190731 Y
#!/usr/bin/env python
Quick script to grab the Gladfield Beersmith XML file and insert it directly into
the Brewtarget SQLite database. You need to close Brewtarget before running.
Only tested on Linux, has the potential to work on other platforms with minor changes.
will break when Gladfield update their XML file URL.
/* usart hello world example */
/* This is a simple demo of avr-libc based usart comms. Once a port is initialised
* and mapped into a handle or stdio, you can use common libc functions
* like printf() to interact with the serial port.
#define F_CPU 32000000
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
hads@bromine:~$ grep -A 10 ADC_REFSEL_enum /usr/local/share/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64/avr/include/avr/iox64d4.h
typedef enum ADC_REFSEL_enum
ADC_REFSEL_INT1V_gc = (0x00<<4), /* Internal 1V */
ADC_REFSEL_VCC_gc = (0x01<<4), /* Internal VCC / 1.6 */
ADC_REFSEL_AREFA_gc = (0x02<<4), /* External reference on PORT A */
ADC_REFSEL_AREFB_gc = (0x03<<4), /* External reference on PORT B */
ADC_REFSEL_VCCDIV2_gc = (0x04<<4), /* Internal VCC / 2 */
#include "global.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "adc.h"
#include "usart.h"
# Where is the toolchain unpacked?
TOOLBASE ?= /usr/local/share/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64
# What MCU do we have on this board?
MCU ?= atxmega64d4
# Port that Kakapo popped up on
PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB1
# Application name
APP = eeprom
# If using libkakapo, uncomment
LIBKAKAPO = -lkakapo
hadleyrich / Makefile
Created May 26, 2014 02:44
EEPROM eample
# Where is the toolchain unpacked?
TOOLBASE ?= /usr/local/share/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64
# What MCU do we have on this board?
MCU ?= atxmega64d4
# Port that Kakapo popped up on
PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB1
# Application name
APP = eeprom
# If using libkakapo, uncomment
LIBKAKAPO = -lkakapo
#Kwh per weekday
import time
import logging
import calendar
from datetime import datetime
import redis
hadleyrich / radius-accounting.php
Created June 28, 2012 11:01
Hacked this up a couple years back for someone to show data usage from a local RADIUS file system database on pfSense.
//online time
$logdir = '/var/log/radacct/';
$users = array();
$packets = array();