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Created July 24, 2013 18:57
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(ns hoare.problem
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer :all]))
(defn fan-in
([ins] (fan-in (chan) ins))
([c ins]
(go (while true
(let [[x] (alts! ins)]
(>! c x))))
(defn service []
(let [in (chan)
out (chan)]
(go (while true
(let [val (<! in)]
(>! out (str val " done")))))
[in out]))
;; On the console I see messages coming from c
;; that have not been modified by the service;
;; furthermore they're coming out of order,
;; such as "b 9" before "b 8 done".
;; Don't know what's GO ing on here.
(defn test-fan-in []
(let [[a-in a-out] (service)
[b-in b-out] (service)
c (fan-in [a-out b-out])]
(go (while true
(println "c:" (<! c))))
(go (dotimes [i 10]
(>! a-in (str "a " i))))
(go (dotimes [i 10]
(>! b-n (str "b " i)))))
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