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Created August 20, 2013 17:17
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(def a (chan))
(def b (chan))
(>! b (<! a)))
(>! a (<! b)))
(put! a 42)
(while true
(<! (timeout 1))
(.log js/console "tick")))
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I'm trying yours, I was using the following:

(defn spool
  ([xs] (spool xs (chan)))
  ([xs out]
    (go (loop [xs (seq xs)]
          (if xs
            (do (>! out (first xs))
              (recur (next xs)))
            (do (close! out)

(let [xs (spool (into [] (range 1000000)) (chan (sliding-buffer 1000)))
      start (js/Date.)]
  (.log js/console "starting")
  (go (loop [last nil]
        (let [v (<! xs)] 
          (if-not (nil? v)
            (recur v)
            (do (.log js/console
                  "last value" last
                  " elapsed ms:" (- (.valueOf (js/Date.)) (.valueOf start)))

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