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Halit Batur halitbatur

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halitbatur /
Created June 10, 2024 06:57
Context API and state management discussion
  1. What is React.useContext, and how does it differ from traditional prop drilling?
  2. What are some common use cases for React.useContext, and when might you prefer to use it over other state management solutions like Redux or MobX?
  3. How do you create and consume a Context in a React application? Can you walk through a basic example?
  4. What are the limitations of using React.useContext for state management? How do these limitations compare to other tools like Redux or Zustand?
  5. In what situations might it be beneficial to combine React.useContext with other state management libraries? Provide an example scenario.
halitbatur /
Created May 28, 2024 07:08
Intro to React Discussion

React Discussion questions

  1. What problems does React aim to solve?
  2. How might React differ from other JavaScript frameworks or libraries you've heard of?
  3. How might building an application with components be advantageous?
  4. How does React's Virtual DOM differ from the actual DOM, and why might this be beneficial?
  5. How does JSX combine JavaScript and HTML-like markup?
  6. How does a traditional website differ from a Single Page Application?
  7. Why might developers choose to build an SPA using React?
  8. How might an application's data or user interface be affected by changes over time?
  9. How do you think React manages this dynamic data?
halitbatur /
Created May 21, 2024 07:20
DOM discussion questions

Dom discussion questions

  1. What is the Document Object Model (DOM) and how does it represent an HTML document?
  2. How can JavaScript be used to add, remove, or modify elements in the DOM? Provide examples of methods used for these operations.
  3. Explain the difference between the innerHTML and textContent properties. When should each be used?
  4. What are events in the context of the DOM, and how can they be used to interact with users? Discuss the concept of event bubbling and capturing.
  5. Discuss the performance implications of frequent DOM manipulations. What are some best practices to minimize reflows and repaints?
  6. How can modern JavaScript libraries and frameworks (like React, Angular, or Vue) help manage DOM manipulations? Compare their approaches with vanilla JavaScript.
halitbatur /
Last active May 21, 2024 07:00
Promise Discussion Questions

Promise Discussion Questions

  1. In your own words, what does asynchronous mean?
  2. In your own words, what is a promise?
  3. In your own words, why is it called a Promise?
  4. In your own words, why is it called await?
  5. Please read the common mistakes section of MDN here and summarize what the common mistakes are.
  6. Why would you use async/await over .then?
halitbatur /
Created May 15, 2024 09:54
DSA Discussion

Discussion questions about DSA and Algorithims in Javascript

  1. Discuss the concept of recursion in programming. How does it work, and in what scenarios might recursion be more advantageous than iterative solutions?
  2. Explain the difference between time complexity and space complexity in algorithms. Why is it important to consider both when evaluating the efficiency of an algorithm?
  3. What distinguishes linear data structures from non-linear data structures? Provide examples and use cases where one might be preferred over the other.
  4. Discuss difference between linear and binary search
  5. In your own words explain the following data structures:
  • Linked List
  • Stack
  • Queues
halitbatur /
Created April 25, 2024 10:07
Git and Github Discussion

Git and Github Discussion Questions

For each discussion question, please write the answer in your own words. You may also optionally comment your answers in the comment section below (if you have a Github account).

Git Questions

  1. What does version control mean?
  2. What is the purpose of Git?
  3. How would the world be different if Git and version control did not exist?
  4. What is a branch in Git?

Github Questions

halitbatur /
Created February 1, 2024 15:01
Cron and Redis

Redis, Websockets and cron Discussion

Write your answers in the comment section below:

  • What is Redis? Mention one use case of Redis.
  • What type of database is Redis and where does it hold its data?
  • What is Websocket and what is it used for?
  • Explain 3 use cases for CRON jobs.
  • What are the 3 types of design patterns in Nodejs?
halitbatur /
Created February 1, 2024 14:34
Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing discussion

  • What are some use cases of cloud computing?
  • Mention some of the advantages of cloud computing.
  • What are the most popular cloud providers?
  • What are cloud functions? mention at least 2 use cases.
  • What are CI and CD? and how are they helpful
  • What is serverless architecture?
  • What is Kubernetes?
halitbatur /
Created January 29, 2024 12:08
Testing Disucssion

Test types discussion

Please type your answers in the comment section below

  • What are the differences between manual and automated tests?
  • What are the differences between functional and non-functional tests?
  • Explain the main idea of the following test types:
    • Unit tests
    • Integration tests
  • End-to-end tests
halitbatur /
Created January 18, 2024 11:16
Type of attacks disuccsion
  1. What is a CSRF attack? How does it use HTTP requests? And why do we call it the one-click attack?
  2. What is an XSS attack? And what is the connection between it and cookies/sessions? And what are the two main categories of XSS?
  3. What is SQL injection? and what is the attacker’s intention from it?
  4. Consider the below SQL command, where is the vulnerability? think about some ways an attacker can misuse it:
const { username, password } = req.body
let strQry = `SELECT Count(*) FROM Users WHERE username=${username} AND password=${password}`;
  1. What does End-to-End encryption means? Share an example of an well-known app using E2EE, how is that app using it?