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Created May 28, 2024 07:08
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Intro to React Discussion

React Discussion questions

  1. What problems does React aim to solve?
  2. How might React differ from other JavaScript frameworks or libraries you've heard of?
  3. How might building an application with components be advantageous?
  4. How does React's Virtual DOM differ from the actual DOM, and why might this be beneficial?
  5. How does JSX combine JavaScript and HTML-like markup?
  6. How does a traditional website differ from a Single Page Application?
  7. Why might developers choose to build an SPA using React?
  8. How might an application's data or user interface be affected by changes over time?
  9. How do you think React manages this dynamic data?
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Thabiso Makolana
Tumelo Thinane
Siyabonga Hlongwane

  1. React simplifies the process by breaking down the UI into manageable, reusable components.Performance Bottlenecks Frequent DOM manipulations for updates can slow down websites
  2. Flexibility React is a library, not a full-fledged framework. React's core philosophy revolves around components, fostering a more modular approach to web development.
  3. Create components once and use them throughout the application, saving time and reducing code duplication.
  4. The browser's representation of the web page structure. Direct DOM manipulation can be slow, especially for frequent updates. When changes occur, React efficiently calculates the minimal differences and updates only the necessary parts of the real DOM, resulting in faster rendering
  5. JSX extends JavaScript to write HTML-like structures within code, improving readability and maintaining the separation of concerns between UI and logic.
  6. In traditional websites each page requires a full page load from the server while Load a single HTML page initially and handle subsequent UI updates with JavaScript, creating a more seamless user experience
  7. SPAs provide faster perceived performance and smoother interactions due to minimal page reloads.
  8. As user needs change, the data displayed or manipulated by the application might need to evolve. React's component-based approach makes it easier to modify individual components to reflect these changes.
  9. React components can have internal state that updates when necessary, triggering re-renders of the affected components.

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Bonolo Moraka, Sinethemba Zulu, Simphiwe (leader) Ndlovu

  1. It solves the problem of complex UI development making the front-end development efficient and scalable.
  2. It is component based unlike other JavaScript frameworks and it has a virtual DOM to efficiently update components.
  3. components can be reused making it easier for the coder to read the code. Maintaining the code also becomes easier.
  4. The virtual DOM is a lite version of the actual DOM, and the actual DOM is the real representation of the UI elements on the browser. It reduces the number of direct manipulations to the actual DOM which minimizes the re-flow and re-paints.
  5. Let's us write html-like code in JavaScript and makes it more readable and allows the embedding JavaScript expression in html-like text.
  6. On the single page application, the content is rendered using JavaScript frameworks which makes it readily accessible to search engines. The performance on a traditional website can be impacted by repeated full page reloads, whilst on the single page application it loads once.
  7. SPA offers a smoother, faster user experience. React virtual DOM handles updates efficiently.
  8. Regular updates to the User interface can be used to align with current trends which enhances user satisfaction. Changes can be made to the UI to make sure it adaptative to different devices and also protects sanative data.
  9. React uses a state and props to manage data and it has lifecycle methods for data fetching and updates.

Thank you for the assignment.

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  1. Reacts helps to manage large UIs, using interfaces. Promotes building UIs with reusable components. Making them easier to maintain and update.
  • Improve developer experience by making the code reusable and easier to write.
  1. React has unique features, performance optimization techniques
  • Component based architecture
  1. Reusability. Once defined, components can be easily re-used across different parts of the application reducing development time and effort.
  • Scalability. Components help manage this complexity by breaking down the application into smaller manageable pieces.
  1. Virtual DOM is the lightweight version of the actual DOM and that makes it faster and efficient.

  2. It's a syntax that allows developers to write HTML-like code, directly within JavaScript code.

  3. Traditional websites rely on full page reloads, when they use a click a link or submit a form. For single page applications it loads all the necessary code and core UI elements initially. When a user clicks a link or submit a form it fetches only the specific data or updating parts of the existing page.

  4. SEO friendly

  • Search engine callers can easily index the content and prove search engine visibility
  1. As an application evolves and accumulate more data, the size and the complexity of the data increase.
  2. Using states to manage dynamic data or using dynamic prop handling and dynamic rendering.


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Great staff

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Team Members (Phamela, Nonhlanhla and Hophney)

  1. React makes it easier to build web applications by helping you create reusable pieces of a website, efficiently update the display when things change, and manage the complexity of how the website looks and behaves.

  2. React focuses on building user interfaces with reusable components, while other frameworks like Angular and Vue offer more built-in features for entire applications, making React more flexible but needing extra setup for some tasks.

  3. Building an application with components is beneficial because each part can be developed and tested independently, making the code easier to manage, and components can be reused across the app, ensuring consistency and saving time.

4.React's Virtual DOM acts as a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. It allows React to efficiently update only the parts of the real DOM that have changed, improving performance, especially in complex applications.

5.JSX allows developers to write HTML-like syntax directly within JavaScript code, which is then transformed into regular JavaScript functions by tools like Babel, enabling seamless integration of UI components and logic.

  1. In a traditional website, each page is a separate document loaded from the server, while in a Single Page Application (SPA), all content is within a single page, and JavaScript dynamically updates it, offering a smoother user experience but requiring more initial loading time.

  2. The entire application is built as a single React app, loaded initially, and then updates the content dynamically without full page reloads.

  3. As an application evolves, its data may grow or change in structure, requiring updates to ensure compatibility and functionality. Similarly, user interface elements may need to adapt to accommodate new features or changes in design trends.

  4. React manages dynamic data using its state system. State is an object that houses data that changes over time, and when state changes, React efficiently updates and re-renders the component

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Mukoni-Nemauluma commented May 28, 2024

  1. React aims to provide a more efficient and organized way of building interfaces because initially, the manipulating DOM directly with javascript led to more errors and made it difficult to scale.
  2. React is more flexible and allows us to use it with other libraries compared to frameworks like angular. React is a flexible UI tool, Angular and Ember are bigger frameworks, Vue.js is a more comprehensive UI tool, and Backbone.js is a smaller, simpler framework.
  3. Components allow developers to divide their front end into smaller manageable parts.
  4. It differs from the real DOM in that it's manipulated by React, not directly by the browser, and it's optimized for efficiency
  5. JSX enables the creation of React components in a more expressive and concise manner by permitting the inclusion of HTML elements, attributes, and event handlers alongside JavaScript logic
  6. Traditional websites consist of multiple HTML documents, resulting in full page reloads when navigating between pages and a loss of application state with each reload. On the other hand, Single Page Applications (SPAs) load a single HTML page initially and update content dynamically.
  7. Developers often choose React for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) due to its efficient virtual DOM, component-based architecture, and rich ecosystem, enabling faster development, improved performance, and easier maintenance.
  8. an application's data and user interface may require updates and adaptations to accommodate changes in user needs, technological advancements, feature and bug fixes to enhance security.

React keeps track of changing information using its state and props systems. When something in the data changes, React quickly updates the display to show the new information without slowing down the webpage.

Group members: Lindokuhle, Mpho, Konanani

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  1. React allows mobile development using technologies JavaScript
  2. Component Reusability: React promotes the creation of reusable components, which makes code more maintainable and easier to manage. React: Utilizes one-way data binding, meaning data flows in a single direction, making it easier to debug and understand the state flow within the application.
  3. Maintainability, Scalability, Improved Development Experience, Testability, Collaborations
  4. Performance Optimization, Efficiency, Predictability. In essence, the virtual DOM acts as a middle layer between your application's state and the actual DOM. It allows React to efficiently calculate the minimal changes needed to update the UI, resulting in faster performance and a smoother user experience.
  5. HTML-like Syntax: JSX allows you to write elements and components using an HTML-like syntax. This makes the structure of your UI easily understandable at a glance. JavaScript Expressiveness: While it looks like HTML, JSX fully supports JavaScript. You can embed JavaScript expressions within curly braces {} inside JSX. This means you can use JavaScript variables, functions, loops, conditionals, and other features directly within your markup.
  6. Page Reloads: In traditional websites, navigating between pages or sections typically involves reloading the entire page from the server. This can result in a less fluid user experience as each page refresh causes a brief flicker and wait time for the user. Development Simplicity: Traditional websites can be simpler to develop and deploy, as they don’t require as much client-side JavaScript and can rely on server-side languages and frameworks.
  7. Code Reusability and Modularity: With React’s component-based architecture, developers can create reusable components that can be easily combined to build complex user interfaces. This promotes code reusability and reduces development time. Improved Performance: React SPAs offer faster loading times and improved performance compared to traditional web applications. The virtual DOM allows for efficient updates and rendering of components, resulting in a smoother user experience
  8. User Expectations: As user expectations evolve, the UI must adapt to meet new standards of design, usability, and functionality. Users often expect modern and intuitive interfaces that incorporate the latest design trends. Technology Advancements: Technological advancements can lead to changes in UI design. For example, the rise of high-resolution screens and touch interfaces has significantly influenced UI design choices. Market Trends: The UI may change to keep up with market trends, such as the shift towards minimalism or the use of dark mode
  9. Virtual DOM: React uses the Virtual DOM to optimize updates. When the state of a component changes, React first updates the Virtual DOM. Then, using a diffing algorithm, it determines the most efficient way to update the real DOM
    Immutability: React encourages the use of immutable data structures. This means that instead of modifying data directly, you should create a new copy of the data with the desired changes. This approach simplifies complex features like “time travel” debugging and undo/redo

Pamela Gwala
Ntokozo Nkosi
Ntokozo Mnguni

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Ofense Morakabi
Angela King
Thitevhelwi Samuel Masuvhe

  1. React aims to solve complex UI management, by breaking the user interface (UI) into small reusable components. it makes dom-manipulation efficient by introducing the concepts of virtual dom.
  2. React JS provides simplicity in learning, code reusability, rich UI design, custom component creation, increased developer productivity, SEO-friendliness, and solid community support. It is an ideal choice for businesses aiming for time-efficient project development and superior web application performance.
  3. Applications offer numerous advantages that streamline the development process and enhance overall quality. there will be quality in reusability, maintainability, improved collaboration, scalability, and debugging.
  4. React's virtual DOM serves as a lightweight representation of the actual DOM, allowing React to efficiently track changes and minimize updates needed, which leads to faster rendering and enhanced performance in web applications.
  5. JSX is Javascript XML is a syntax extension for javascript that allows developers to HTML markup directly to Javascript code. It combines javascript and HTML by embedding HTML-like syntax in javascript and allows the expression of the embedding.
  6. Navigation: Traditional websites rely on page reloads, while SPAs use JavaScript and Ajax to update the page dynamically.
    Server-side rendering: Traditional websites are rendered on the server, while SPAs are rendered on the client side.
    State management: Traditional websites rely on server-side state management, while SPAs manage state on the client side.
  7. Developers might choose to build a single page application (SPA) using React for its ability to create rich user interfaces efficiently through its virtual DOM, promoting code reusability and scalability, while benefiting from a large community and ecosystem for support and resources.
  8. Application data or user interface can evolve due to user interactions, external data updates, software changes, user preferences, and time-based events. React efficiently manages these dynamic changes, providing tools to create responsive, adaptive interfaces that maintain seamless user experience.
  9. Using a diffing algorithm to determine the minimum number of changes needed
    Comparing the virtual DOM to the real DOM and identifying what needs to be updated. Creating a virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of the real DOM).

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@ImisebenziEmihle, @Yenkosii and @Kgomotso196

  1. Created to address the challenges of building large applications with data that change over time. So basically it aims to simplify UI development by providing a component-based architecture.
  2. React stands out from other JavaScript frameworks and libraries due to its virtual DOM, components-based architecture, declarative syntax, one-way data flow, and the ability to build native mobile apps with React Native.
  3. In a way that it enhances reusability, modularity, maintainability, collaboration and testing resulting in a more efficient and powerful development process.
  4. The virtual is a lightweight JavaScript abstraction representing the web page’s structure in memory. Where as the actual DOM is the actual, live, and directly manipulatable structure of a web page in browser memory. React updates the Virtual DOM instead of the Real DOM when changes occur. This optimization reduces the number of Real DOM updates, improving performance.
  5. JSX merges JavaScript and HTML-like syntax, enabling developers to embed HTML-like markup directly into JavaScript code. This integration streamlines the creation of UI components, making the code more readable and expressive. In more detail, JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you use HTML tags right inside your JavaScript file.
  6. Traditional Website consists of multiple HTML pages, each with its own content and navigation. On the other hand, Single Page Application loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates content as users interact. React is commonly used for building SPAs due to its efficient rendering and routing capabilities.
  7. Developers opt for React for SPAs because of its modular component-based architecture, efficient virtual DOM, declarative UI, and robust community support. React provides high performance, seamless routing with React Router, a rich ecosystem of tools, enhanced SEO through Next.js, excellent developer experience, flexibility, and broad industry adoption. These attributes make React well-suited for creating efficient, scalable, and maintainable SPAs.
  8. Changes over time can affect a React application's data and user interface by requiring adjustments in state management, component updates, API integration, performance optimization, responsive design, and code maintainability to ensure the application remains efficient and user-friendly.
  9. As data changes, the UI needs to reflect those changes. React manages dynamic data by updating the Virtual DOM and efficiently applying the necessary changes to the Real DOM.

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  1. It aims to increase the efficiency and ease of creating intricate user interfaces for web applications. It accomplishes this by offering a component-based architecture that facilitates the division of user interfaces into more manageable, reusable parts. This optimises the developer experience, boosts performance, and facilitates code management. Essentially, the goal is to simplify and streamline the process of developing websites.

2.Component-Based Architecture:Components are crucial to the React idea. Building web interfaces in a modular and reusable manner is encouraged by the way each component encapsulates a portion of the user interface and its functionality. This is not like some other frameworks that might not place as much emphasis on the components.

Unidirectional Data Flow: React has a unidirectional data flow, meaning that information only moves in one way, usually from parent to child components. Compared to frameworks with more complicated data binding mechanisms, this makes it simpler to reason about data flow and maintain application state.

JSX Syntax: React permits programmers to construct UI components using JSX, a syntactic extension that makes it possible to write HTML-like code inside of JavaScript. When compared to frameworks that rely on separate HTML files or templating languages, this can help make the code easier to comprehend and maintain.

flexibility: React is often praised for its flexibility. Although it concentrates on the display layer, it can be combined with other frameworks and libraries to create fully functional apps. Furthermore, React Native expands the functionality of React to mobile app development, enabling programmers to create native mobile apps using React ideas.

3.Building an application with components can be super advantageous because it's like putting together a puzzle where each piece is designed to fit perfectly with the others. Components are like building blocks that you can reuse throughout your app, which saves a ton of time and effort. Plus, if you need to make a change later on, you can just update one component instead of messing with the whole thing. It's like having a bunch of Lego pieces that you can use to build anything you want - it's flexible, efficient, and makes the whole development process way smoother.

4.Consider the actual document that appears in your browser to be the actual DOM. It resembles the actual design of a room. The Virtual DOM is now comparable to a drawing or floor plan of that space. Prior to really shifting furniture about, can make layout adjustments on the sketch whenever you want to. When you're satisfied with the way everything appears on the sketch, React determines how best to update the actual webpage in light of those modifications. Therefore, by serving as a kind of middleman, the Virtual DOM facilitates faster and easier updates to the actual webpage without requiring constant manipulation.

5.JSX is like a mashup of JavaScript and HTML. Instead of writing separate JavaScript code to create HTML elements, you can just write them directly in your JavaScript code using JSX. It looks a lot like HTML, but it's actually JavaScript under the hood. So, it's kind of like speaking two languages at once, but it makes building UIs in React feel more intuitive and natural.

  1. Single Page Application (SPA) is more like scrolling through a digital magazine. You're still moving around and seeing different content, but it all happens on the same page without needing to reload the whole thing. It feels smoother and more interactive because the browser is only updating parts of the page as needed, without refreshing everything.

7.React offers numerous helpful features that make the process of building SPAs easier, which makes it a wonderful choice for this type of work. React's component-based architecture has the advantage of enabling developers to break up their application into smaller, reusable components, which speeds up development and keeps things organised. React's virtual DOM also means that the application only refreshes the portions that need updating, which makes the user experience quick and responsive. It also has a large development community supporting it, so there will be no lack of resources or assistance if they run into any issues. To put it simply, React ticks a lot of the boxes for developing innovative, successful SPAs.

8.Over time, it develops and changes. It may manage increasingly sophisticated data as more users utilise it. For instance, a basic to-do list application may initially handle a small number of tasks, but as time goes on, users may add more tasks, attach files, or create reminders, adding to the complexity of the data.

9.React manages dynamic data through its state and props system. State represents data that can change over time within a component, while props are used to pass data from parent to child components. By leveraging these mechanisms, React ensures that components can efficiently handle dynamic data, updating the user interface as needed to reflect changes in the underlying data.

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  1. Complex UIs: React simplifies the process of building complex user interfaces by breaking them down into smaller, reusable components.
    Efficient DOM Manipulation: Traditional web development involves frequent manipulation of the DOM (Document Object Model), which can be inefficient and lead to performance issues. React introduces a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM.

  2. React's core concept is its component-based architecture, where the user interface is composed of small, reusable components. This approach promotes code reusability, modularity, and easier maintenance compared to frameworks that don't follow a component-based paradigm. React introduces a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM.

React follows a unidirectional data flow, where data flows from parent components to child components via props, and any changes to the data are propagated through callbacks or events. React has a large and active community, along with a rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. This includes tools like React Router for routing, Redux for state management, and Next.js for server-side rendering.

  1. Reusability: Components encapsulate specific functionality or UI elements, making them reusable across different parts of an application or even in multiple applications. Modularity: Breaking an application into smaller components promotes modularity, where each component is responsible for a specific task or feature. Scalability: As an application grows in complexity, managing code becomes more challenging.

  2. Performance: The Virtual DOM is much faster to manipulate than the actual DOM. When there's a change in the application state, React updates the Virtual DOM first instead of directly interacting with the browser's DOM. Efficiency: Manipulating the actual DOM can be slow and inefficient, especially when dealing with complex user interfaces or frequent updates.

The Virtual DOM provides a consistent interface for manipulating the UI, regardless of the underlying platform or browser. This abstraction layer allows React to work seamlessly across different environments, ensuring consistent behavior and performance across various devices and browsers.

  1. HTML-like Syntax: JSX syntax closely resembles HTML, allowing developers to write familiar HTML elements, attributes, and structure within JavaScript code. JSX allows developers to embed JavaScript expressions within curly braces {} directly within the markup. This enables dynamic content generation, conditional rendering, and interpolation of JavaScript values into the JSX code. Event Handling and Expressions: JSX also supports event handling and expressions for handling user interactions.

  2. In a traditional website, navigating between pages typically involves full page reloads. Each time a user clicks on a link or submits a form, the browser sends a request to the server, which returns a new HTML page to be rendered. In contrast, SPAs load all necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript resources upfront and dynamically update the content without full page reloads.

Traditional websites rely on server-side rendering (SSR), where HTML pages are generated on the server and sent to the client for display. Each time a new page is requested, the server dynamically generates the HTML content based on the requested URL and data from the server's database or APIs.

State Management: In traditional websites, the server maintains the application state, such as user authentication, session data, and page content. Each time a new page is requested, the server retrieves the relevant data from the database or external APIs and renders the HTML accordingly.

  1. Component-Based Architecture: React's component-based architecture makes it easy to build complex user interfaces by breaking them down into smaller, reusable components. This promotes code reusability, modularity, and maintainability, allowing developers to create scalable and efficient SPAs.

Virtual DOM: React's virtual DOM efficiently updates the UI by only re-rendering components that have changed. This minimizes DOM manipulations and improves performance, resulting in a smoother and more responsive user experience, especially in large and dynamic applications.

  1. Data Changes: As users interact with an application, the underlying data may change. This could be due to user input, external events, or updates from backend systems. For example, in an e-commerce application, inventory levels may decrease as items are purchased, or new products may be added over time. User Preferences: Users' preferences and requirements may evolve over time, leading to changes in the user interface. For example, users may request new features, changes to existing features, or improvements to usability. Advances in technology and best practices may influence how applications are built and designed over time.

  2. State Management: React components can have internal state, which is used to store and manage dynamic data that changes over time. State is typically initialized in the component's constructor or using the useState hook in functional components. When the state changes, React automatically re-renders the component and its children to reflect the updated state.

Props: React components can receive data from their parent components via props. Props are immutable and are passed down from parent to child components. When the props of a component change, React automatically re-renders the component to reflect the updated props. This allows dynamic data to flow through the component hierarchy, updating the UI as needed.

Asynchronous Updates: React provides mechanisms for handling asynchronous data fetching and updates, such as the useEffect hook in functional components or lifecycle methods in class components. Developers can use these mechanisms to fetch data from APIs, update component state asynchronously, and trigger UI updates once the data is available.

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