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Created June 10, 2024 06:57
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Context API and state management discussion
  1. What is React.useContext, and how does it differ from traditional prop drilling?
  2. What are some common use cases for React.useContext, and when might you prefer to use it over other state management solutions like Redux or MobX?
  3. How do you create and consume a Context in a React application? Can you walk through a basic example?
  4. What are the limitations of using React.useContext for state management? How do these limitations compare to other tools like Redux or Zustand?
  5. In what situations might it be beneficial to combine React.useContext with other state management libraries? Provide an example scenario.
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Nonhlanhla Mazibuko, Hophney Lentsoana and Nhlanhla Msibi

  1. useContext is a React hook that provides a way to access context values directly within a functional component.
    It eliminates the need for prop drilling, making your component hierarchy cleaner and easier to manage.

  2. Common use cases of useContext can be Theme management; we can create a ThemeContext to manage light and dark themes across the web page. We can also use useContext to manage and provide authentication across your application. useContext combined with other React hooks like useState can be more efficient when we are working on a small-scale applications or when managing applications that have non-complex states or state management is only required for a few components only).

  3. We create a context using React.createContext(). we use the UserContext.Provider to wrap the component tree that needs access to the user context and we then we use the useContext hook to access the context value.

  4. useContext provides a single context value to all consuming components. This means that any change in the context value will trigger a re-render in all consuming components, even if the component only needs a subset of the context data. This can lead to unnecessary re-renders and degraded performance, especially in large applications. In Redux, connect or useSelector can be used to map specific pieces of state to components, reducing unnecessary re-renders. Zustand uses a subscription-based approach where components only re-render when the specific parts of the state they depend on change.

  • It can be harder to trace and debug state updates since the context API abstracts away some of the explicit state management.
  • For managing global state, using useContext can become cumbersome as your application grows. You may need to create multiple contexts for different parts of the state, leading to increased complexity in managing and providing these contexts. Redux provides a more structured and predictable approach to state management with actions, reducers, and a centralized store. This structure is beneficial for large applications with complex state interactions. Zustand offers a more flexible and straightforward API for managing state with minimal boilerplate, which can be easier to use than Redux for moderate complexity.
  1. useContext is great for simple app-wide data. For complex state or multiple stores, consider Redux + useContext. Example: Redux manages product data, useContext holds user theme preference.

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