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Created December 17, 2011 05:41
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js2coffee sample (javascript pattern observer sample)
makePublisher = (o) ->
i = undefined
for i of publisher
o[i] = publisher[i] if publisher.hasOwnProperty(i) and typeof publisher[i] is "function"
o.subscribers = any: []
publisher =
any: []
subscribe: (fn, type) ->
type = type or "any"
@subscribers[type] = [] if typeof @subscribers[type] is "undefined"
@subscribers[type].push fn
unsubscribe: (fn, type) ->
@visitSubscribers "unsubscribe", fn, type
publish: (publication, type) ->
@visitSubscribers "publish", publication, type
visitSubscribers: (action, arg, type) ->
pubtype = type or "any"
subscribers = @subscribers[pubtype]
i = undefined
max = subscribers.length
i = 0
while i < max
if action is "publish"
subscribers[i] arg
subscribers.splice i, 1 if subscribers[i] is arg
i += 1
paper =
daily: ->
@publish "big news today"
monthly: ->
@publish "interesting analysis", "monthly"
makePublisher paper
joe =
drinkCoffee: (paper) ->
console.log "Just read " + paper
sundayPreNap: (monthly) ->
console.log "About to fall asleep reading this " + monthly
paper.subscribe joe.drinkCoffee
paper.subscribe joe.sundayPreNap, "monthly"
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