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Hanno J. Gödecke hannojg

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hannojg /
Created February 23, 2023 11:03 — forked from mrousavy/
Memoize!!! 💾 - a react (native) performance guide
In computing, memoization or memoisation
is an optimization technique used primarily
to speed up computer programs by storing
the results of expensive function calls and  
returning the cached result when the same
inputs occur again.                                         
                                                     — wikipedia
hannojg / unlimited_trials_babeledit.txt
Created June 11, 2021 06:49
Activate BabelEdit temporarily / Unlimited trial
Obviously for educative purposes only.
Furthermore, this DOESN'T activate BabelEdit permanently.
If you like the software, buy it, the devs deserve it.
Since I have no money to buy it, I discovered a workaround for unlimited trials.
It's quite a annoying workaround, but ... it works!
Firstly go to "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\" and open the "hosts" file in Notepad/Notepad++/VSCode/Sublime/Atom/whatever as admin (if you don't open it as admin, it won't let you save it).
Add this line at the end of the file:
hannojg /
Created May 1, 2019 17:37
Uni Lübeck SS 2019 AuD Übung3 - Verkettete Liste
* @author werner, braun (IFIS)
public class MyIntListElement {
private int key;
protected MyIntListElement next;
public MyIntListElement(int key, MyIntListElement next) {
this.key = key;
hannojg /
Created December 15, 2018 16:31
Medizingeräte mit abstrakten Klassen - Einfuehrung in die Programmierung 2018/19
public abstract class Geraet {
protected boolean istEingeschaltet;
private String hersteller;
public Geraet(String hersteller) {
this.hersteller = hersteller;
public String gibHersteller() {
return hersteller;
* Ein Wuerfel, der aus Gummi besteht und eine bestimmte Form hat.
* Er verhaelt sich auf bestimmte Art und Weise wenn er gedrueckt wird.
public class Gummiwuerfel implements Produkt {
private double hoehe, laenge, breite;
private double gesamtPresskraft;
private int pressvorgaenge = 0;
hannojg /
Created December 14, 2018 14:41
Verwaltung von Mitarbeitern und Studenten der Uni: UML zu Java, Loesung
public class Angestellter extends Person {
private double gehalt;
private String abteilung;
public Angestellter(String name, String vorname) {
super(name, vorname);
public double getGehalt() {
return gehalt;
hannojg /
Last active November 30, 2018 13:08
Vergütung im Krankenhaus, Muster Uni Lübeck 2018/19
* Klasse zur Modellierung eines Erwachsenen
public class Erwachsener extends Patient {
public Erwachsener(String name, int krankheitsklasse) {
public double getVerguetung() {
return super.getVerguetung();