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Created April 3, 2013 14:47
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Some sample code for the term logic in the haiku finder
So, basically, scanning a sentence becomes like this:
1. Split the sentence into words
2. For each word, create a cleaned version (basically strip off quotes and punctuation) and look up in the dictionary.
3. If not found, try a few fallbacks based on stemmming rules or such
4. Otherwise, add the word to a term_misses table.
These code is really ugly (sorry!), and you might notice I actually am talking about meter in it. This is because the background image for the haikus is generated from the meter. But I don't want to do the meter for new words (sorry, syllable is enough), so for those I just return - as the meter (otherwise it's a combination of 1 or 0)
HAIKU (11000 1010011 11110)
"That obviously
wasn't even a thought back
when this was written."
Then, I have a separate process for dumping the term_misses to a file, one to each line. I can then go through and add syllable counts for other terms and reload the same file to remove that term from term misses and add it to the terms dictionary.
def self.meter(word)
if word.blank?
return '', true
if word =~ /^\u2013$/
return '', false
word = word.strip
term_record = where(:term => word.upcase).first
unless term_record.nil?
return term_record.meter, term_record.syllable_count_varies?
# otherwise, second chance time!
case word
# when /^[\u2014\u00B6\u2026]$/
# #when /^[—¶…]$/
# 0
when /[\.?!]$/
return meter(word[0, word.length - 1])
when /^1?\d$/, /^\d0$/
return meter(NUMBERS_TO_NAMES[word])
when /^(\d)(\d)$/
m1, a1 = meter(NUMBERS_TO_NAMES["#{$1}0"])
m2, a2 = meter($2)
return "#{m1}#{m2}", a1||a2
# when /^(\d)(\d{2})$/
# m1, a1 = meter($1)
# m2, a2 = meter("HUNDRED")
# if $2 == '00'
# m3 = ''
# a3 = true
# else
# m3, a3 = meter($2)
# end
# return "#{m1}#{m2}#{m3}", a1||a2||a3
when /^200?(\d{1,2})$/ # 2001
m, a = meter($1)
return "#{110}#{m}", a
# when /^(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ # early years
# m1, awk1 = meter($1)
# m2, awk2 = meter($2)
# return "#{m1}#{m2}", awk1 || awk2
# m1 = meter($1)
# pct = meter("percent")
# return "#{m1[0]}"
# when /^(.+)\.(com|net|org)$/ #
# 1 + syllables($1) + syllables($2)
# when /^(([^.])\.)+[^.]\.?$/ # G.O.P.
# word.split(".").inject(0) {|sum, w| sum + syllables(w)}
# when /^([\$\u20AC\uFFE5\u00A5\u00A3])(.+)/
# #when /^([\$\u20AC¥¥£])(.+)/
# #when /^([\$€¥¥£])(.+)/
# syllables($1) + syllables($2) # 13 dollars
# when /^@/
# 1 + syllables(word[1,word.length]) # user name
# when /(.+)[',\?\)\]\}]$/
# syllables(word[0, word.length-1])
# when /'s$/ # possesive
# syllables(word[0,word.length-2])
#when /&/
# subwords = word.split(/&/)
# 1 + subwords.inject(0) {|sum, w| sum + syllables(w)}
when /[\-\/_]/
awkward = false
meter = word.split(/[\-\/_]/).map {|w| m,a = meter(w); awkward ||= a; m }.join('')
return meter, awkward
when /^(anti|un|non|pre|post|re|micro|super|hyper|mega|over|micro|cyber|ultra)(.+)/
w1, a1 = meter($1)
w2, a2 = meter($2)
return "#{w1}#{w2}", a1 || a2
when /ably|ibly$/
return meter("#{word[0, word.length-1]}e")
when /ily$/
m, a = meter("#{word[0, word.length-3]}y")
return "#{m}0", a
when /'s$/
return meter(word[0, word.length-2])
when /ly$/
m, a = meter(word[0, word.length-2])
return "#{m}0", a
when /(iest|iness)$/
m, a = meter("#{word[0, word.length - $1.length]}y")
return "#{m}01", a
when /(ness|less|like|ish|ing)$/
m, a = meter(word[0, word.length-$1.length])
return "#{m}0", a
when /ism$/
m, a = (word[0, word.length - 3])
return "#{m}00", a
when /ies$/
return meter("#{word[0, word.length - 3]}y")
when /[^s]s$/
return meter(word[0, word.length-1])
# else it's an error
def self.meter_from_sentence(sentence)
return [] if sentence.blank?
sentence = sentence.dup
sentence.gsub!(/^[—¶•*]+/m, '')
sentence.gsub!(/^"\s+/m, '')
words = sentence.split(/\s+/)
#words = sentence.split(/[\s\– ]/)
line = []
term_misses = []
words.each do |word|
clean_term = clean_word(word)
next if clean_term.blank?
meter, awkward = Term.meter(clean_term)
line << [word, meter, awkward]
rescue MissingTermsError => ex
line << [word, nil, true]
term_misses << clean_term
if term_misses.any?
term_misses.each do |miss|
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