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Created December 16, 2014 22:53
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cave-resolve - Display how to resolve one or more targets, and possibly
then perform that resolution.
cave resolve [ -x|--execute ] [ -z|--lazy or -c|--complete or
-e|--everything ] spec ...
cave resolve [ -x|--execute ] [ -z|--lazy or -c|--complete or
-e|--everything ] set
cave resolve [ -x|--execute ] !spec ...
Displays how to resolve one or more targets. If instructed, then
executes the relevant install and uninstall actions to perform that
Global Options
Global options, used by every subcommand.
-h , --help
display help message
Execution Options
Control execution.
-x , --execute (+x , --no-execute)
Execute the suggested actions
Convenience Options
Broad behaviour options. These options are simply a convenient way of
selecting common groups of other options; see individual option
descriptions for exact details.
-z , --lazy (+z , --no-lazy)
Do as little work as possible. Shorthand for '-Sb -sb -n'.
-c , --complete (+c , --no-complete)
Do all optional work. This option is often used when updating
'world'. Shorthand for '-ks -Rw -Sa -sa -B'.
-e , --everything (+e , --no-everything)
Do all optional work, and also always reinstall. Shorthand for '-kt
-Sa -sa -B'.
Resolution Options
Resolution options.
-U , --permit-uninstall
Permit uninstallation of packages matching the supplied
specification, e.g. to resolve blockers. May be specified multiple
times. Use '*/*' to allow all uninstalls, but note that the
resolver will sometimes come up with extremely bad solutions to
fixing blocks and may suggest stupid and dangerous uninstalls.
-d , --permit-downgrade
Permit downgrades matching the supplied specification. Use '*/*' to
allow all downgrades.
-o , --permit-old-version
Permit installs of versions matching the supplied specification
even if those versions are worse than the best visible version in
the slot. Use '*/*' to allow all worse versions to be installed.
-P , --purge
Purge packages matching the given specification, if they will no
longer be used after a resolution. Use '*/*' to accept all purges,
but note that by doing so you are putting a great deal of trust in
package authors to get dependencies right.
--no-override-masks (--no-no-override-masks)
If otherwise unable to make a decision, unless this option is
specified the resolver will try packages that are weakly masked
--no-override-flags (--no-no-override-flags)
If otherwise unable to make a decision, unless this option is
specified the resolver will try selecting packages using different
options to the ones specified in the user’s configuration.
Do not restart if the problematic package has the specified package
name. May be specified multiple times. Use '*/*' to avoid all
Select when to promote packages from binary repositories
never (n)
Never (default)
if-same (s)
If it has the same version and exactly matching use flags
Dependent Options
Dependent options. A package is dependent if it requires (or looks like
it might require) a package which is being removed. By default,
dependent packages are treated as errors. These options specify a
different behaviour.
-u , --uninstalls-may-break
Permit uninstalls that might break packages matching the specified
specification. May be specified multiple times. Use '*/*' to allow
all packages to be broken. Use 'system' to allow system packages to
be uninstalled.
-r , --remove-if-dependent
Remove dependent packages that might be broken by other changes if
those packages match the specified specification. May be specified
multiple times. Use '*/*' to remove all dependent packages that
might be broken, recursively.
-l , --less-restrictive-remove-blockers
Use less restrictive blockers for packages matching the supplied
specification if that package is to be removed by
--remove-if-dependent. May be specified multiple times. Normally
removing dependents is done by a pseudo-block in the form
'!cat/pkg:slot'. If matched by this option, the block will instead
only block the installed dependent package, so if reinstalling or
upgrading the package will make it no longer be dependent then this
will be done instead.
-D , --reinstall-dependents-of
Force any installed package that is dependent upon any installed
package matching the supplied spec to be reinstalled. May be
specified multiple times. May be combined with --not-usable to
obtain a particular ordering. Note that a target must still be
specified if this option is used, so the 'nothing' set may be
Reinstall Options
Control whether installed packages are kept.
-K , --keep-targets
Select whether to keep target packages
auto (a)
If the target is a set, if-same, otherwise never (default)
never (n)
if-transient (t)
Only if the installed package is transient (e.g. from 'cave
if-same-metadata (m)
If it is the same as the proposed replacement (that is, if it
has the same version, and no non-special use flags or choices
have had their values changed), and if significant metadata has
not been modified
if-same (s)
If it is the same as the proposed replacement (that is, if it
has the same version, and no non-special use flags or choices
have had their values changed)
if-same-version (v)
If it is the same version as the proposed replacement
if-possible (p)
If possible
-k , --keep
Select whether to keep installed packages that are not targets
never (n)
if-transient (t)
Only if the installed package is transient (e.g. from 'cave
import') (default if --everything)
if-same-metadata (m)
If it is the same as the proposed replacement (that is, if it
has the same version, and no non-special use flags or choices
have had their values changed), and if significant metadata has
not been modified
if-same (s)
If it is the same as the proposed replacement (that is, if it
has the same version, and no non-special use flags or choices
have had their values changed) (default if --complete)
if-same-version (v)
If it is the same version as the proposed replacement
if-possible (p)
If possible (default)
-R , --reinstall-scm
Select whether to reinstall SCM packages that would otherwise be
always (a)
daily (d)
If they were installed more than a day ago
weekly (w)
If they were installed more than a week ago (default if
never (n)
Never (default)
-w , --with
Never keep installed packages with the supplied package name. May
be specified multiple times.
-W , --without
Keep installed packages with the supplied package name if possible.
May be specified multiple times.
Slot Options
Control which slots are considered.
-S , --target-slots
Which slots to consider for targets
best-or-installed (x)
Consider the best slot, if it is not installed, or all
installed slots otherwise (default)
installed-or-best (i)
Consider all installed slots, or the best installable slot if
nothing is installed
all (a)
Consider all installed slots and the best installable slot
(default if --complete or --everything)
best (b)
Consider the best installable slot only (default if --lazy)
-s , --slots
Which slots to consider for packages that are not targets
best-or-installed (x)
Consider the best slot, if it is not installed, or all
installed slots otherwise (default)
installed-or-best (i)
Consider all installed slots, or the best installable slot if
nothing is installed
all (a)
Consider all installed slots and the best installable slot
(default if --complete or --everything)
best (b)
Consider the best installable slot only (default if --lazy)
Dependency Options
Control which dependencies are followed.
-B , --follow-installed-build-dependencies (+B ,
Follow build dependencies for installed packages (default if
--complete or --everything)
-n , --no-follow-installed-dependencies (+n ,
Ignore dependencies (except compiled-against dependencies, which
are always taken) for installed packages. (default if --lazy)
-0 , --no-dependencies-from
Ignore dependencies (not blockers) from packages matching the
supplied specification. May be specified multiple times. Use '*/*'
to ignore all dependencies. Use of this option can lead to horrible
-! , --no-blockers-from
Ignore blockers from packages matching the supplied specification.
May be specified multiple times. Use '*/*' to ignore all blockers.
Use of this option can lead to horrible breakages.
Suggestion Options
Control whether suggestions are taken. Suggestions that are already
installed are instead treated as hard dependencies.
How to treat suggestions and recommendations
Ignore suggestions
Display suggestions, but do not take them unless explicitly
told to do so (default)
Take all suggestions
How to treat recommendations
Ignore recommendations
Display recommendations, but do not take them unless explicitly
told to do so
Take all recommendations (default)
-t , --take
Take any suggestion matching the supplied package specification or
suggestion group name (e.g. --take 'app-vim/securemodelines' or
--take 'app-vim/*' or --take send-email)
-T , --take-from
Take all suggestions made by any package matching the supplied
package specification
-i , --ignore
Discard any suggestion matching the supplied package specification
or group name
-I , --ignore-from
Discard all suggestions made by any package matching the supplied
package specification
Package Selection Options
Control which packages are selected.
-F , --favour
If there is a choice (e.g. || ( ) dependencies), favour the
specified package names
If there is a choice (e.g. || ( ) dependencies), favour specs which
match all of the packages matching the supplied spec
-A , --avoid
If there is a choice (e.g. || ( ) dependencies), avoid the
specified package names
If there is a choice (e.g. || ( ) dependencies), avoid specs which
match any of the packages matching the supplied spec
-p , --preset
Preset a given constraint. For example, --preset =cat/pkg-2.1 will
tell the resolver to use that particular version. Note that this
may lead to errors, if the specified version does not satisfy other
constraints. Also note that specifying a preset will not force a
package to be considered if it would otherwise not be part of the
resolution set.
-H , --hide
When selecting origin ID candidates, pretend that any ID matching
the specified spec does not exist. For example, --hide */*::foo can
be used to avoid selecting any ID in the foo repository. May be
specified multiple times.
Package Ordering Options
Control the order in which packages are installed
-N , --not-usable
Consider installed packages matching the supplied specification as
being unusable when breaking dependency cycles. May be specified
multiple times. Note that this option affects only ordering; it
does not also force a reinstall of these packages.
-E , --early
When given a collection of otherwise equally desirable packages to
order, order packages matching the supplied spec first.
-L , --late
When given a collection of otherwise equally desirable packages to
order, order packages matching the supplied spec last.
Destination Options
Control to which destinations targets are installed. Dependencies will
always be installed to / as necessary.
-m , --make
Specify what to do with targets.
auto (a)
'install', or 'chroot' if the preferred root is not / (default)
install (i)
Install targets to /
binaries (b)
Create binary packages for targets
chroot (c)
Install targets to a chroot
-M , --make-dependencies
Specify what to do with dependencies of targets. Only useful when
'--make' is not set to 'install', since dependencies on / are
considered specially.
Select appropriate behaviour based upon --make. For 'install',
'all', and for 'binaries' and 'chroot', 'runtime'. (default)
runtime (r)
Only care about runtime dependencies
all (a)
Care about all dependencies
none (n)
Don’t care about dependencies at all
-b , --via-binary
When building a package matching the supplied spec, create a binary
package and use that for the install. May be specified multiple
times. If this option is not specified, a package will be built
multiple times for multiple destinations
-/ , --dependencies-to-slash
Specify what to do with dependencies for the / filesystem when not
working on /. By default, all dependencies are installed to /.
all (a)
Send all dependencies to / (default)
runtime (r)
Send only runtime dependencies to /
build (b)
Send only build dependencies to /
none (n)
Don’t send dependencies to / at all
--one-binary-per-slot (--no-one-binary-per-slot)
When building a binary package, remove other versions in the same
repository and slot (as would be done for non-binary packages).
When making a chroot, only consider destination repositories whose
root is this value.
Error-ignoring Options
Allow certain kinds of resolution errors to be ignored. Highly
dangerous; using these options will very likely result in your system
becoming impressively or subtly broken. Note that errors will still be
shown, but the resolution will be allowed to proceed to execution
--ignore-unable-decisions (--no-ignore-unable-decisions)
Ignore any resolvent for which we were unable to make a decision.
Specifying this will break your system.
--ignore-unorderable-jobs (--no-ignore-unorderable-jobs)
Ignore any job we were unable to order. Specifying this will break
your system.
Dump Options
Dump the resolver’s state to stdout after completion, or when an error
occurs. For debugging purposes; produces rather a lot of noise.
--dump (--no-dump)
Dump debug output
--dump-restarts (--no-dump-restarts)
Dump restarts
World Options
Options controlling how the 'world' set is modified
-1 , --preserve-world (+1 , --no-preserve-world)
Do not modify the 'world' set
Failure Options
Failure handling options.
-C , --continue-on-failure
Whether to continue after an error occurs
never (n)
Never (default)
if-satisfied (s)
If remaining packages' dependencies are satisfied
if-independent (i)
If remaining packages do not depend upon any failing package
always (a)
Always (dangerous)
--resume-file (--no-resume-file)
Write resume information to the specified file. If a build fails,
or if '--execute' is not specified, then 'cave resume' can resume
execution from this file.
Jobs Options
Options controlling jobs and parallelism.
-f , --fetch (+f , --no-fetch)
Skip any jobs that are not fetch jobs. Should be combined with
--continue-on-failure if any of the packages to be merged have
fetch dependencies.
-J , --fetch-jobs
The number of parallel fetch jobs to launch. If set to 0, fetches
will be carried out sequentially with other jobs. Values higher
than 1 are currently treated as being 1. Defaults to 1, or if
--fetch is specified, 0.
Phase Options
Options controlling which phases to execute. No sanity checking is
done, allowing you to shoot as many feet off as you desire. Phase names
do not have the src_, pkg_ or builtin_ prefix, so 'init', 'preinst',
'unpack', 'merge', 'strip' etc.
Skip the named phases
Abort when a named phase is encountered
Skip every phase until a named phase is encountered
Control to which package or packages these phase options apply
All packages (default)
Only the first package on the list
Everything except the first package on the list
Only the last package on the list
Everything except the last package on the list
Only packages that are targets
Only packages that are not targets
Display Options
Options relating to the resolution display.
Whether to display descriptions for package options
Don’t show any descriptions
Show for any new options
Show for new or changed options (default)
Show all options
Whether to display package descriptions
Don’t show any descriptions
Show for new packages (default)
Show for all packages
Options requesting the resolver explain a particular decision that it
-X , --explain
Explain why the resolver made a particular decision. The argument
is a package dependency specification, so --explain dev-libs/boost
or --explain qt:3 or even --explain '*/*' (although --dump is a
better way of getting highly noisy debug output).
Graph Jobs Options
Options relating to creating graphs for jobs. If --graph-jobs-basename
is specified, a Graphviz graph will be created for the jobs in the
Specify the basename (filename without extension) to be used when
creating job graphs. If unspecified, no jobs graph will be created.
Specifies the desired output format for the Graphviz graph. The
argument must be a valid value for the '-T' option for Graphviz.
Also determines the file extension of the generated graph. If
unspecified, only a raw graph file will be created, and it will not
be processed using Graphviz.
Graph Jobs Format Options
Options relating to the format of created graphs.
--graph-jobs-all-arrows (--no-graph-jobs-all-arrows)
Show all arrows. By default dependencies required only for
if-independent are not shown, since for non-trivial resolutions
Graphviz will otherwise require obscene amounts of memory.
--graph-jobs-full-names (--no-graph-jobs-full-names)
Show full names for graph jobs.
Program Options
Options controlling which programs are used to carry out various tasks.
Any replacement to the standard program must provide exactly the same
interface. In all cases, $CAVE can be used to get the path of the main
'cave' executable. Note that unless an option is explicitly specified,
an internal implementation of the default command might be used instead
of spawning a new process.
The program used to display the resolution. Defaults to '$CAVE
The program used to graph jobs. Defaults to '$CAVE graph-jobs'.
The program used to execute the resolution. Defaults to '$CAVE
The program used to perform actions. Defaults to '$CAVE perform'.
The program used to perform world updates. Defaults to '$CAVE
The program used to create Graphviz graphs. Defaults to 'dot'.
11/22/2014 CAVE-RESOLVE(1)
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