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Created August 14, 2016 21:09
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module Minimax where
import Data.Maybe
import Safe
type Move = (Int, Int)
type Field = (Int, Int, Player)
data Player = PC
| None
| Human
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data Playfield = Playfield {
getField :: [Field]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Winner = Player
initPlayfield :: Playfield
initPlayfield = Playfield
[(0, 0, None), (0, 1, None), (0, 2, None)
, (1, 0, None), (1, 1, None), (1, 2, None)
, (2, 0, None), (2, 1, None), (2, 2, None)]
move :: Player -- ^ the player to move
-> Move -- ^ where to move the player
-> Playfield -- ^ the old playfield
-> Maybe Playfield -- ^ new playfield if move is valid
move pl (a, b) pf = case getField pf `atMay` index of
Just (_, _, None) ->
Just $ Playfield (fmap (\(x', y', pl') -> if (x', y') == (a, b)
then (a, b, pl)
else (x', y', pl'))
(getField pf))
_ -> Nothing
index = a * 3 + 1 * b
getAllPossibleMoves :: Playfield -> [Move]
getAllPossibleMoves pf =
foldl (\x (a, b, p) -> x ++ [(a, b) | p == None])
[] (getField pf)
checkGameEnded :: Playfield -> Int
checkGameEnded pf
| horizontal Human ||
vertical Human ||
cross Human = negate 1
| horizontal PC ||
vertical PC ||
cross PC = 1
| null . getAllPossibleMoves $ pf = 0
| otherwise = negate 2
horizontal pl =
(not . null)
. filter (\x -> length x == 3)
. fmap (\i -> filter (\(a, _, p) -> a == i && p == pl)
(getField pf))
$ [0..2]
vertical pl =
(not . null)
. filter (\x -> length x == 3)
. fmap (\i -> filter (\(_, b, p) -> b == i && p == pl)
(getField pf))
$ [0..2]
cross pl =
(not . null)
. filter (\x -> length x == 3)
. fmap (filter (\(_, _, p) -> p == pl))
$ [[head (getField pf), getField pf !! 4, getField pf !! 8],
[getField pf !! 2, getField pf !! 4, getField pf !! 6]]
minimax :: Playfield -- ^ state
-> Move -- ^ action
minimax pf = go (val, action) (getAllPossibleMoves pf)
go (_, a) [] = a
go (v, a) (x:xs)
| v < mimi x = go (mimi x, x) xs
| otherwise = go (v, a) xs
mimi x = minValP (fromJust $ move PC x pf) (negate 1000) 1000
(val, action) = (negate 1000, (0, 0))
testfield :: Playfield
testfield = Playfield
[(0, 0, Human), (0, 1, None), (0, 2, PC)
, (1, 0, None), (1, 1, Human), (1, 2, None)
, (2, 0, PC), (2, 1, None), (2, 2, None)]
minValP :: Playfield -- ^ state
-> Int -- ^ alpha
-> Int -- ^ beta
-> Int -- ^ min value
minValP pf alpha' beta'
| checkGameEnded pf /= negate 2 = checkGameEnded pf
| otherwise = go alpha' beta' (getAllPossibleMoves pf)
go :: Int -> Int -> [Move] -> Int
go _ beta [] = beta
go alpha beta (x:xs)
| newbeta x <= alpha = alpha
| otherwise = go alpha (newbeta x) xs
newbeta :: Move -> Int
newbeta s = min beta
. maxValP (fromJust . move Human s $ pf) alpha
$ beta
maxValP :: Playfield -- ^ state
-> Int -- ^ alpha
-> Int -- ^ beta
-> Int -- ^ max value
maxValP pf alpha' beta'
| checkGameEnded pf /= negate 2 = checkGameEnded pf
| otherwise = go alpha' beta' (getAllPossibleMoves pf)
go :: Int -> Int -> [Move] -> Int
go alpha _ [] = alpha
go alpha beta (x:xs)
| newalpha x >= beta = beta
| otherwise = go (newalpha x) beta xs
newalpha :: Move -> Int
newalpha s = max alpha
. minValP (fromJust . move PC s $ pf) alpha
$ beta
minVal :: Playfield -- ^ state
-> Int -- ^ max value
minVal pf
| checkGameEnded pf /= negate 2 = checkGameEnded pf
| otherwise = foldl (\v x -> min v . maxVal . fromJust . move Human x $ pf)
(getAllPossibleMoves pf)
maxVal :: Playfield -- ^ state
-> Int -- ^ max value
maxVal pf
| checkGameEnded pf /= negate 2 = checkGameEnded pf
| otherwise = foldl (\v x -> max v . minVal . fromJust . move PC x $ pf)
(negate 1000)
(getAllPossibleMoves pf)
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