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Last active November 28, 2021 04:56
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Plutus.Contract
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import Language.PlutusTx.Prelude
import Ledger
import qualified Ledger.Ada as Ada
import qualified Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Schema
import Wallet.Emulator.Wallet
import Playground.Contract
data SplitData =
{ recipient1 :: PubKeyHash -- ^ First recipient of the funds
, recipient2 :: PubKeyHash -- ^ Second recipient of the funds
, amount :: Ada -- ^ How much Ada we want to lock
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''SplitData
PlutusTx.makeLift ''SplitData
validateSplit :: SplitData -> () -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
validateSplit SplitData{recipient1, recipient2, amount} _ ValidatorCtx{valCtxTxInfo} =
let half = Ada.divide amount 2 in
Ada.fromValue (valuePaidTo valCtxTxInfo recipient1) >= half &&
Ada.fromValue (valuePaidTo valCtxTxInfo recipient2) >= (amount - half)
data Split
instance Scripts.ScriptType Split where
type instance RedeemerType Split = ()
type instance DatumType Split = SplitData
splitInstance :: Scripts.ScriptInstance Split
splitInstance = Scripts.validator @Split
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validateSplit ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||]) where
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @SplitData @()
data LockArgs =
{ recipient1Wallet :: Wallet
, recipient2Wallet :: Wallet
, totalAda :: Ada
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
type SplitSchema =
.\/ Endpoint "lock" LockArgs
.\/ Endpoint "unlock" LockArgs
lock :: Contract SplitSchema T.Text LockArgs
lock = endpoint @"lock"
unlock :: Contract SplitSchema T.Text LockArgs
unlock = endpoint @"unlock"
mkSplitData :: LockArgs -> SplitData
mkSplitData LockArgs{recipient1Wallet, recipient2Wallet, totalAda} =
let convert :: Wallet -> PubKeyHash
convert = pubKeyHash . walletPubKey
{ recipient1 = convert recipient1Wallet
, recipient2 = convert recipient2Wallet
, amount = totalAda
lockFunds :: SplitData -> Contract SplitSchema T.Text ()
lockFunds s@SplitData{amount} = do
logInfo $ "Locking " <> show amount
let tx = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript s (Ada.toValue amount)
void $ submitTxConstraints splitInstance tx
unlockFunds :: SplitData -> Contract SplitSchema T.Text ()
unlockFunds SplitData{recipient1, recipient2, amount} = do
let contractAddress = (Ledger.scriptAddress (Scripts.validatorScript splitInstance))
utxos <- utxoAt contractAddress
let half = Ada.divide amount 2
tx =
collectFromScript utxos ()
<> Constraints.mustPayToPubKey recipient1 (Ada.toValue half)
<> Constraints.mustPayToPubKey recipient2 (Ada.toValue $ amount - half)
void $ submitTxConstraintsSpending splitInstance utxos tx
endpoints :: Contract SplitSchema T.Text LockArgs
endpoints = lock `select` unlock
mkSchemaDefinitions ''SplitSchema
$(mkKnownCurrencies [])
[0,[{"simulationWallets":[{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":1},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}},{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":2},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}}],"simulationName":"Simulation 1","simulationId":1,"simulationActions":[]}]]
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