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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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-- |This module provides 'findBugsInCommitMsg' to find
-- valid gentoo bug references in a commit message,
-- see <>.
module ParseBugs (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), (<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (
, choice
, decimal
, many'
, parseOnly
, space
, string
import Data.Either (rights)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
-- |Parser for the "Gentoo-Bug: " prefix.
bugPrefixP :: Parser Text
bugPrefixP =
(fmap (string . T.pack)
["Gentoo-Bug: "
, "Bug: "
-- |Parser for the various allowed bugzilla urls.
bugUrlP :: Parser Text
bugUrlP =
(fmap (string . T.pack)
, ""
, ""
, ""
-- |Parser for a bug number.
bugIntP :: Parser Integer
bugIntP = decimal
-- |Parser for a list of bug numbers, as in: "28383, 38383, 9595".
bugIntListP :: Parser [Integer]
bugIntListP =
<$> bugIntP
<*> many' (many' space *> (string . T.pack $ ",") *> many' space *> bugIntP)
-- |Parser for a valid short bug reference form, e.g.:
-- "Gentoo-Bug: 393030, 83893".
bugShortP :: Parser [Integer]
bugShortP = bugPrefixP *> bugIntListP
-- |Parser for a valid long bug reference form, e.g.:
-- "Gentoo-Bug:".
bugLongP :: Parser Integer
bugLongP = bugPrefixP *> bugUrlP *> bugIntP
-- |Parser for all valid short and long bug reference forms.
bugP :: Parser [Integer]
bugP =
bugShortP <|> ((: []) <$> bugLongP)
-- |Finds gentoo bug references in a commit message.
findBugsInCommitMsg :: Text -> [Integer]
findBugsInCommitMsg commitmsg =
. rights
$ fmap (parseOnly bugP) (T.lines commitmsg)
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findBugsInCommitMsg  (T.pack "app-misc/foo: fix compilation with bar\n\nsome random comments\nGentoo-Bug: 12389, 9812389, 9813289\nGentoo-Bug: 838232")

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